0:18 Anthony Lawrey

How is any villain not going to come across as “little league” since the Avengers have taken on the most formidable force in Thanos?

7:06 Uncanny X-Jen

Are there even still an Avengers right now?

12:15 Brett Heier

Could you see spiderman and the scarlet witch teaming up anytime soon? Both characters are around the same age, and they are both most likely going to appear in the next avengers movie as long as wanda survives ds2 and avengers 5 is the team up mentioned holland's contract. Plus, both actors have said many times that they would like to work together in a film.

15:28 Cara Sparman

Not sure if this has been asked already, but I remember you talking about how there was a potential issue with timing for Hailee Steinfeld with her current contract and the alleged Hawkeye contract - could this global timeout actually work to our advantage in terms of seeing her in Hawkeye?

21:01 Bryan L

Is it wrong to get more and more optimistic that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will actually debut in August as get closer we get to August without a changed date? I can’t imagine it’s “bigger fish to fry” mentality because brand new Marvel content to Disney+ is is a big fish for Disney

25:57 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean how would you feel if the X-Men are apart of their own universe and not in the greater MCU??

27:31 TJ Ponder

Hey, Sean!

My question is about Chadwick Boseman and the Black Panther character. If my memory serves me correctly, Chadwick signed a five picture deal with Marvel, which will be completed once Black Panther 2 hits theaters. So, safely assuming that Marvel has plans for T'Challa past his second solo movie, what do you think the chances are of Chadwick signing a new deal?

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like he's kinda over playing the character already.

Chadwick aside, what are some things you'd like to see going forward in regards to the BP franchise in general?

37:56 Steven

With both rounds of release date shifts, we’ve seen MCU movies shift one slot with the exception of Black Panther 2 and now the creation of the March 2022 date for Dr. Strange 2 so Black Panther 2 can again stay at May 2022. Seeing the importance they are placing on this movie only increases my excitement for it; what do you think of the significance of Black Panther’s release date holds, and does this, in your mind, make it more likely that Doom will be the villain?

43:27 Steven

What would you say to Sam Raimi reworking Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness into a Disney Plus series? It being scheduled right in between Thor Love and Thunder and Black Panther 2 has me wondering if their plans have evolved.

48:09 Gio

Do you think there is a potential that MS again casted early if indeed Florence Pugh’s Yelena dies in BW and doesn’t continue in the MCU? She had a great 2019 and I believe she was cast right as her amazing year was starting or a bit prior to it.

52:37 Robert

I’m sure you already thought this, but after Extraction, do you think Sam Hargrave has definitely earned a spot to direct his own MCU project? If so, which character can you see him doing a project for?

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