The Marvel News Desk Podcast is back and this week we are talking about the major bombshells that came out of Marvel Studios this week.  Avengers: Infinity War is coming our way a whole week earlier!  In addition to geeking out at the announcement, we also are spending a lot of time talking about those SIX […]

The post ‘Infinity War’ and Phase Four Release Date Bombshells-Marvel News Desk Podcast #59 appeared first on Marvel News Desk.

The Marvel News Desk Podcast is back and this week we are talking about the major bombshells that came out of Marvel Studios this week.  Avengers: Infinity War is coming our way a whole week earlier!  In addition to geeking out at the announcement, we also are spending a lot of time talking about those SIX new film dates we got this week.  What will fill them?  Are Marvel Studios reserving too few dates?  What will make the cut and what will get left out?  We get into it all.

Also, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is back!  So we jump into all of the major details of the team’s return to earth.  We hit all the major questions.  What will happen to YoYo?  Will we ever see Enoch again?  Why doesn’t Zeke understand money?  And what exactly IS Zima?  We tackle it all.

So lend us your earballs for another episode of the Marvel News Desk Podcast, your best place for all the latest Marvel film and TV news, reviews, and speculation!

(Warning, we do go into full spoilers for everything that has been released in the world of Marvel thus far.  So if there is something you are behind on, go catch up!  Also, you can use the time stamps listed below to navigate around topics.)

0:00-Shot of Zima

1:54-Avengers: Infinity War Release Moved Up!
10:45-Infinity War Toys
14:51-Punisher Season 2 Casting
16:12-Mark Hamil Want in on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
19:26-Legion Previews
20:16-New Mutants Adding a Character
23:33-Silver Surfer in Development

27:48-Cloak & Dagger Trailer
29:39-Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Returns

43:39-Finding Films to Fill the New Phase Four Release Dates

1:00:08-The MCU MVP Property

(The Marvel News Desk Podcast releases every Monday morning and keeps you up to date with the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe news, speculation, and reviews!  A backlog of episodes is available on SoundCloud or in the Podcasts link above.  In order to support the show, send us a buck at and get access to our special MCU Film Ranking Pod and first shot at new video content.  You can subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcasting app or listen here or on Soundcloud.  Please subscribe to our YouTube channel ( and like our page at  Our Twitter @marvelnewsdesk, where you can also follow us, is also a great place to interact with our show.   We got our logo from @timvcox and music from @theskullschool, check them out and see their great work!)

The post ‘Infinity War’ and Phase Four Release Date Bombshells-Marvel News Desk Podcast #59 appeared first on Marvel News Desk.

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