Ibrahim Moustafa (High Crimes, Jaeger, James Bond: Solstice, Count) didn't really win a gold medal at the 1928 Olympics, but it's a fun bit that we're not going to drop anytime soon. Keep up with all the great stuff he has going on at ibrahimmoustafa.com. Follow his Instagram action figure customization adventures and his very good political takes on Twitter, which he is on so we don't have to be. 

Joe Keatinge is the writer of Shutter, Glory, Ringside, Stellar, Marvel Knights: Hulk, and Morbius: The Living Vampire and many other great things. He was also the Executive Editor of Image Comics' Eisner Award-winning anthology Popgun. Check out his website at joekeatinge.com for a beautifully curated collection of vintage goodness, and harass him for not posting more stuff on Instagram.

Dr. Strange was written and directed by Philip DeGuere for Universal Television. It was distributed by NBCUniversal Television Distribution and aired on CBS (whaaa?) on September 6, 1978 as a pilot for a series that never materialized. We found it on the dark recesses of the internet, and you can too.

"Marvel by the Month" theme by Robb Milne, sung by Barb Allen. All incidental music by Paul Chihara. Visit us on internet at marvelbythemonth.com and follow us on Instagram at @marvelbythemonth.

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