If you've wondered what Programmatic Advertising is and wanted and in-depth understanding of the technologies and capabilities, this will be the best explanation you'll ever find. We interviewed Pete Kluge, Product Marketing at Adobe in charge of Programmatic & Display Advertising. He walked us through every aspect of Programmatic Advertising, the subsystems, as well as insights on the state of the industry, challenges, and opportunities. For a full write-up with links and descriptions of common definitions, check out our post on the Marketing Technology Blog, What is Programmatic Advertising?

If you've wondered what Programmatic Advertising is and wanted and in-depth understanding of the technologies and capabilities, this will be the best explanation you'll ever find. We interviewed Pete Kluge, Product Marketing at Adobe in charge of Programmatic & Display Advertising. He walked us through every aspect of Programmatic Advertising, the subsystems, as well as insights on the state of the industry, challenges, and opportunities. For a full write-up with links and descriptions of common definitions, check out our post on the Marketing Technology Blog, What is Programmatic Advertising?

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