#121 Fair Moans Pittsburgh

How about an episode that is JUST in time for the commercially popular Valentines Day! Woot! I myself am not the greatest fan of Feb 14th, but I do love a day that reminds you to love with all you got and to appreciate those around you. I also get really excited when some of my topics fall right into place perfectly timed. This subject is one of them. Plus I am super into the Netflix show Sex Education.

I heard about Fair Moans on Facebook from an event they were hosting called Dirty Talk 101, I was instantly intrigued. I researched them further to find out what they were, and why I hadn't't heard of them sooner.

For anyone that knows me, I loveeeee talking openly about sex. I feel (especially in the United States) that with a majority of the population it is a taboo subject. We can talk about violence, guns, and more, but sex? Don't go there! FOR SHAME!

I have always been an advocate for sexual education, and truly curious in nature when it came to my own sexuality. At the young age of 9 I was reading 500 page zebra romance novels hidden away under my older sister's bed, or sneaking into my brother's room to investigate some mysteriously taped VHS of R or NC-17 rated movie scenes. (Thanks guys!!) When I was old enough I finally got to visit the long standing sex toy shop on McKnight Road, Adult Mart, then came Real Sex on HBO, and finally THE INTERNET.

There was more of course, but it was always an area that I couldn't quite discuss openly with a lot of people. Visiting the Adult Mart was done in secrecy, buying a book from the romance novel section of Barnes and Nobles was shameful somehow. I hated the feeling that I was doing something wrong, and I have always strived as an adult to find different groups that highlight sexual education in my town.

Fair  Moans is one of these groups, and the collective is made up of members-Meredith Maloney, Grizzemily Cross, Jocelyn Kirkwood. Nicole and Merideth joined me on the show to chat about their events, their mission, and possibly opening up a sex toy shop that feels inclusive, and folks can feel accepted when they walk through the door. It was truly a pleasure talking with them, and I hope more events come in the future, along with a growing awareness of one's sexuality and what that truly means.