God is the center of divine love in marriage; likewise, he should be at the center of every business.

Marriage was not created by God so that each of you could have a separate world with its own rules. The purpose of marriage is to merge two people into one flesh and allow them to live as one. In addition, he developed a business so that both the husband and wife are committed to the business' success - in accordance with the culture of the kingdom of God.

Getting off course might be the result of not aligning your marriage with God's direction. You don't have to worry, we've got you covered! In this episode of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast, we'll guide you through figuring out your marriage's purpose and how to reorient your values both in marriage and business.

Who is this episode for?

This episode is dedicated to those kingdom marriedpreneurs who are navigating unbiblical points of view that are common in the world of business.

So, here’s exactly what we dive into on episode Season 3 Episode 25 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast:

03:30 - Who is this episode for?

07:43 - The importance of discerning in the world of business — A look at the difference between culture of this world and the kingdom of God culture.

15:13 -  The Enjoying This Journey Together Segment.

By the time you finish listening to this episode, you will be able to have the confidence and the clarity on how to better maneuver in the marketplace by knowing the culture of the kingdom of God.


This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s a quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the episode to get all of them:

Discuss with your spouse - How can the culture of the kingdom of God can help your marriage and business get more clarity, generate more income, and leave a lasting impact?


Now, head over to the Marriage + Entrepreneurship Facebook group to join the convo! bit.ly/MLFB

Recommended Links From This Episode:

Wanna learn more about implementing high-level systems that streamline your business so you can focus on what matters most? If so, take a listen the breakdown of phase 1 of The Marriedpreneur Operating Systems here

If you enjoyed this episode, you’ll also enjoy Doing Business God’s Way. Take a listen HERE

Are you seeking a way to build out your business systems in a way that is honorable to God as you steward your resources wisely? Want a simple checklist to help you to implement marriedpreneur systems? If so, download our Marriedpreneur Operating Systems here.

Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you!

Here’s to living purposefully, powerfully, and profitably in sync,