This past week we had the privilege of having a ‘double-date’ with Josh and Nicole Walters! The level of realness and sheer truth shared was unbelievable!

Perhaps you’ve heard of Nicole Walters, but I can guarantee you that this BTS chat was all things marriage, marketplace and ministry in a brand new way! You two will be encouraged, strengthened and made wiser by this no-hold-bars convo.


What you’ll learn:

📝How they run multi-million dollar companies as indie and couple-preneurs at the same time.

📝 What roles look like at home and how it impacts the business

📝How they handle Nicole being the ‘face’ of the company

📝How Biblical teachings play a part in how they stay in ‘their lanes’

These are just a few areas to get ready for, but this interview is a JEWEL! Get your pen and paper ‘cause the Walters will help you get your  entire life!

Be sure to screenshot this episode and tag us on IG @MarriedpreneurLife


Want  more insight from this influencer couple and others? For free? Register to attend the virtual Marriedpreneur Summit! It’s completely full of wisdom and practical strategies from marriedpreneur couples specializing in the unique areas for married couples in business. And it’s free. Grab your seats here:

Here’s to living purposefully, powerfully and profitably in sync,

OL + Sway