Purpose is a big word these days.

People are constantly seeking it out and measuring if it’s being fulfilled.

The big hurdle, though, for Marriedpreneurs is often clarifying the JOINT purpose for your marriage and everything that is birthed through it. It’s different from your individual purpose.

Purposefully in sync is the first step in our syncing system because without it, there’s only pseudo ‘power,’ and the profit phase could never replace the purpose. There’s an order to the sync-up!

On today’s episode we are taking a slightly different angle on ‘purpose’ in hopes that it will offer direction and clarity as you two continue to build your legacy together.


In this episode we’re discussing:

📝God doesn’t give a married person a single person’s purpose

📝Individual purpose vs. joint purpose  (WHAT and WHY) micro assignments

📝How do we best serve one another as we serve others (our market)

📝How Clarity determines your growth

HIGHLIGHT Takeaways/ Enjoying The Journey Application

🎯Write out your unique gifts and dreams individually

🎯Write out what role those gifts play in the joint dream

🎯Determine 3 words/ phrases that embody your joint purpose: Use it as a guide

Marriedpreneur LIVE! Is happening next month! If you’re a marriedpreneur seeking systems to launch, grow and scale your business to the next six figures together this year, come and create your Family Empire Success Strategy. It’s literally the same systems we’ve used to build our multiple businesses without the overwhelm. It’s literally life-changing! Learn more here


We hope you find the content helpful and practical enough to apply right away! We’d love to hear your  takeaways! Be sure to stay connected and share your AHA’s also over on IG @marriedpreneurlife

Here’s to living purposefully, powerfully and profitably in sync,

OL + Sway