Previous Episode: 1- Welcome to the Podcast!
Next Episode: 3 - Fight Right

These are the main talking points. To get the content in its entirety please listen below!

Hey y'all and welcome to Marriage Talks! I'm Elizabeth Ann and I'm Michael and in this episode, we are going to talking about dating your spouse.

Why is it important? When you continually date your spouse you are continually pursuing them. This is an important part of marriage. The pursuit does not stop once you get married. Also, planning and executing dates is not just the man's responsibility, ladies you can do it too!

It is very easy to fall into a routine and dating is one way to shake things up and keep life interesting. If life begins to feel stale so can the marriage.

Marriage isn't easy so when we make dating a priority it keeps our focus on the marriage.

Dating your spouse takes intentionality. The intention keeps your focus on your marriage.

There are so many things that compete for our attention, in this day and age, and we should be competing with those things for our spouse's attention.

When planning dates, both people will, at one point or another, make a sacrifice. The husband's ideal date may not be the wife's ideal date so when planning a date night it's important to plan things that the other person will love. Take turns in choosing what happens during your date night.

"We don't have any money" is not an excuse for not making "dating your spouse" a priority. We have a date every Wednesday night at home. We set aside that specific time to do something together as a couple. Sometimes it's playing a game, watching a movie, having a long conversation, or watching YouTube videos. Just doing something together as a couple is so important.


Within the next 7 days have a date night with your spouse and be intentional about that time.


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