Are you experiencing a "dry spell" in your sex life with your spouse? We've got some practical tips and resources to help you get back on track, and stay on track.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Intimately Us App

Romantic Blessings Adult Intimacy Online Store -  Use Code MPUZ15 for 15% off at checkout.

Do you feel like roommates instead of soulmates?...your communication is lacking?'ve lost the spark when it comes to intimacy?...or you're on a different page from your spouse when it comes to finances? Schedule a Discovery Call with Juli & Thomas to learn how to solve the complex marriage puzzle to go from being overwhelmed to being secure in your marriage.

Facebook: @marriagepuzzle
Instagram: @marriagepuzzle

Music Credit:
Beachtown Bop
Written By - Dean William Palya, Jr.
Artist Name: PALA