This week, we’re joined by marriage experts and co-authors Les + Leslie Parrott! They are the brains (and hearts!) behind the Better Love marriage assessment, and this week we’ve enlisted their help with how to approach conflict in a healthy way. These two have massively shifted our perspective when it comes to fighting fair and you’ll love this episode if you want an excuse to send your partner to their room.

Meanwhile, are you looking to grow a relationship that’s rooted in Great Love? Join us in Long Beach for the Grounded Marriage Summit in Feb 2020! Head to our site for more event info and click right here to support the show. ♥︎


Follow Les + Leslie on instagram for marriage advice on the go!

The Better Love marriage assessment is meant to help you love more deeply, every day.

Books mentioned in this episode: The Good Fight, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, Healthy Me Healthy You (coming out in 2020)

Learn more about The Parrotts and their upcoming events at!