This week, The Peppers are trying to decide on colors AND quantities of their impending suitcase purchase(s). Jessie learns that Gerard is QUITE generous with his gift-giving, but certainly much stingier with his exit row on an airplane. Tune in for a lively recap of our latest listener-vacay to Mexico and we’ll send bonus points to anyone who can find us the bubbly water (and silk pillowcase) that we sadly left behind.

We had SO much fun in the live FB hangout last week, so we’re doing another post-game recap on Wednesday, June 19th at 6pm PT! Be sure to join the gang for all our juicy stories that didn’t make it on the air.

Meanwhile, thanks to Third Love + for making this episode possible. ♥︎ Click right here to learn more about our podcast partners and head to our site for more info about how to support the show!


Suitcase drama abounds. Scuffs! Torn corners! Sticky wheels, OH MY!

There’s a bit of confusion about coupon expiration dates. What the statute of limitations when it comes to unclaimed gifts?

The Peppers can’t seem to agree on this one: Are suitcases meant to be pristine or patina-ed?

Jessie is tempted to match her new Away suitcase to her silk Pepper dress, but thankfully it appears as though Gerard has backed her off of that ledge.

Currently looking for an attorney who is well-versed in special occasion coupons.

If you’re looking for related conversations, you might enjoy our Summer Travel Series from 2017.

Valentine’s Day has had it’s fair share of mishaps: gifts, dinner parties

Since when does the gift-giver decide how the giftee uses the gift?

Gerard’s sunscreen habits rear their ugly head, yet again.

A recap of the Great Love Getaway, including highlights + mishaps!

The Peppers fess up about how to get away with a beach club birthday.

Jessie’s favorite cocktail is set to take the world by storm but La Jessie Especial will always have roots in Puerto Vallarta.

If anyone knows where to get Penafiel in the US, please let us know and we’ll love you forever!

The Peppers have a history of smuggling things in from other countries, and Jessie narrowly avoids getting flagged on our latest Mexico trip. Her bags got searched multiple times in May, yet no one seems to care that her bag was full of suspicious items.

Gerard encounters a nut-job on our recent Southwest flight. His pacifism finally has a reason to come into play, but it certainly doesn’t stop him from sticking up for our flight attendants.

Trigger Questions:

Have you ever accidentally regifted something to your spouse for a special occasion?

How many suitcases do you think one avid traveler needs?

What is the weirdest (or most dangerous) souvenir that you’ve ever brought home from a trip?

Don’t forget to follow along with our adventures on instagram and if you’re having as much fun as we are, please share this show with your favorite married friends!