The Peppers decide to go rogue by getting serious and breaking some rules. Gerard claims that his full plate has left no room for quality time, while Jessie admits that she’s been craving connection amidst a dry spell. This episode is a very honest look at how to (barely) survive a difficult season of marriage.

Thanks to PrepDish, Minted + Follain or making this episode possible! Click right here to learn more about our sponsors and head to our site for more info about how to support the show.


Jump way back to Episode 1 to hear how our nearly-broken marriage inspired us to start this show in the first place.

Having support from the original Great Love Gangsters has been one of the things that has ultimately kept us going. We would love to connect you with your own crew of couples, so sign up right here to get involved!

We’ve talked about busy work schedules before and you can listen back to Episode 56 for some context.

Gerard hasn’t always been a workaholic, but he now understands the danger of stepping foot on the slippery slope.

Shared projects are important to us, but sometimes the timing tends to backfire if both partners aren’t on the same page. Back in Episode 37, we talk about creating and serving and encouraging others together, but protecting quality time is always our first priority.

We’ve reached the homestretch when it comes to busy schedules, and holding on a little longer is the only hope we have!

Our past experiences with seeing professional counselors have not gone as well as you might think… Feel free to listen to the story of The Narcoleptic Therapist right here.

Throughout this episode, we discovered a handful of phrases that help when said to your partner... “I miss you.” / “We can do this.” / “I want to be better.” (Feel free to steal your favorite or use all three.)

Jessie sneaks up on Gerard all the time and you can follow along with the shenanigans over on IG stories.

Jessie’s Tips For Following Through On Projects:

Test for success before you invest.

Know when a project should be shelved for later.

Give yourself grace when something fails.

Having an outside voice provides perspective.

How to talk to difficult people about politics:
(AKA Our Re-do from Episode 75)

Do your research about both sides of the issue.

Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Learn how to present a compelling argument.


What is one way that you and your partner could connect with each other through playfulness this week?

How many hours did you and your spend working and/or parenting this week? How does that compare with the time you’ve spent focusing on your spouse?

Do you and your partner have another couple who you can ask for prayer or advice or encouragement when things get tough?