The number of Americans identifying as LGBTQ from Gen X to Gen Z has increased from 4.2% to 20.8% and the implication from the Left is that this is due to cultural acceptance not found in previous generations. I have not seen any data provided by those who make this assertion however, instead they offer anecdotal stories filled with emotional accounts ranging from discriminatory practices to physical violence. To be clear I condemn violence in all its forms save self-defense so I stand with anyone who is a victim of violence no matter their ideology, gender, sexual preference or age. That being said, am I really expected not to believe my eyes when I can clearly see the socially engineered infiltration hell bent on normalizing perversion? Am I expected to ignore the blatant sexual content deliberately implanted within media designed for prepubescent children? Do you really believe that I, at 47 years of age, have been inexplicably afflicted with a phobia that renders me terrified of any individual that chooses to engage in romantic same sex relationships? Really?! That’s your conclusion? Here’s the truth; I believe in the liberty of the sovereign adult US citizen, therefore it is not by place nor my right to dictate how one chooses to exercise their liberty.  This does not mean that I am compelled to accept, no, it does mean that I will respect you. I only ask for two things in return, reciprocate that respect and leave children be.