What we have and what we have always had is a war on truth. "Why", you ask? Because truth is the largest barrier to those who wish to take the place of truth. Those who wish to live by their own personal truth. I can think of no better credo for the modern day narcissist than "MY PERSONAL TRUTH", can you? Your "personal" truth, by definition, is subjective in nature and therefore not truth at all. What it is is personal experience. The irony is that personal experience only has contributing value when it is shared through respectful conversation, but that respectful open dialogue endangers the facade constructed by those pushing the lie. Conversation, then, becomes the ally of truth and the enemy of lies. This is why so much effort is put into not only civil division, but the purposeful perversion of what a conversation actually is. Objective truth is reality so a war on truth is a war on reality itself. In all of human history no good has ever come of this. Our refusal to learn from the mistakes of our collective past will continue to relegate all of our brothers and sisters, myself included, to what essentially amounts to treading water wearing 50 pound ankle weights. 




