During this hour with Marnie and guests, Sherry Poundstone & Tammy Whitehurst you'll discover:

The 5 keys to increased visibility and bookings off stage:

Be professional
Be everywhere
Have a great website
Be published
Post videos and do FB lives

The #1 way to gain instant credibility (be well referenced)
The biggest mistake speakers make (not responding quickly)
How to work with bureaus, directories and agents


The 6 keys to increased visibility and bookings on stage:

How to set the stage for a great presentation
The secret to using stage space for success
The power of great props, PowerPoints, music & video
Super strategies for using outlines and notes
How to serve your sisters as a speaker
The key to finishing strong and leaving a lasting legacy

Co-Owners of the Christian Communicators Conference, Tammy Whitehurst and Sherry Poundstone host a 5-day training conference to jump start speakers into their calling as communicators. Learn more at www.ChristianCommunicators.com