During this hour with Marnie Swedberg and guest, Leisa Reid, you'll discover:
The #1 secret to getting booked and staying booked as a speaker.The #3 biggest obstacles aspiring speakers face, and how to overcome each.2 most common mistakes new speakers make and what to do instead.A speaking industry myth that might be holding you back.A few strategies for using speaking as a way to attract new clients.The most important mental shift you can make today to get more invites.
Leisa Reid is the founder of Get Speaking Gigs Now. She coaches speakers how to get booked and attract clients through speaking. She has personally delivered over 500 speaking engagements and you can learn more about her and her resources at www.GetSpeakingGigsNow.com. This video is part of the Content Marketing Strategies series for Featured Christian Women Speakers at www.WomenSpeakers.com, and part of their private Boost Event. If you are a Christian Female Speaker, join us at www.WomenSpeakers.com/join.