Welcome to MondayMoves, our weekly episode where I drop in to the Marni on the Move podcast channel, solo, to talk about all kinds of things related to my fave topics: exercise, endurance sports, fitness, entrepreneurship, career, health and wellness. I offer tips and advice, ideas and insight, inspiration, and motivation.

Today, I want to talk about the value of being social, community, meeting new people, networking and doing it in an environment around a shared passion for adventure, endurance sports or movement, and not missing out on these opportunities or taking them for granted.

Last week, I had the opportunity to get out of the city and head up to the Catskills for a quick ski trip with my partner as part of her very cool women’s networking group, Chief. We stayed at an awesome boutique hotel called the Eastwind Hotel and skied at Windam Mountain. Organized by one of the Chief members, more than twenty women came out to ski, socialize, and meet up for dinner and drinks.

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