Discover the importance of consistency in organic advertising and marketing
Learn how to know if you’ve got that bright shiny object symptom and how you can stop it from taking over your business
Find out how you can avoid being a zombie coach and keep your business busy and alive


Want to get your FREE roadmap for success? Click here:


Do you want to know how you can organically gain more online momentum, more opportunities, and more clients without the paid ads and stress?

An effective marketing strategy isn’t all about investing tons of cash into your ads. The right marketing strategy can come in for free– as simple and easy as that, you just need one more secret right along with you!

Marc Mawhinney helps coaches get more clients (without paid advertising). He achieves this with coaching programs, his podcast “Natural Born Coaches”, his Facebook Group “The Coaching Jungle” and his exclusive print newsletter “Secret Coach Club”.

Find out what is the secret roadmap for success through the power of organic marketing with the winning and amazing tips that Marc has to share.

Check out these episode highlights:

01:35 - Marc’s ideal client: It's really coaches that want to get more clients. And there are really five quick criteria. I look for ones who are action-takers, ones that want to make a big impact out there.
02:04 - The problem he helps solve: It's really coaches who want to get more clients, but organically, not necessarily with paid ads. If they don't want to dump a bunch of money into Facebook ads, or whatever.
02:41 - The symptoms of the problem: Well, what I'm seeing is that they aren't obviously getting the clients that they want, or at least consistently, they might get a client here or there. And then there's a drop for a while and there's ups and downs and everything like that.
03:58 - Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Marc: So like you said, coaches are addicted to personal development, which makes them great to work with because they're just soaking in as much as they can-- programs videos, or everything they can get their hands on.
05:15 - Marc’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to get your FREE roadmap for success? Click here:
06:37 - Q: What's my opinion on the whole Prince Harry book saga with the book spare? A: My advice would be to spend less time worrying about the Royals and worrying more about your business and how you're going to get it rolling.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“If you’re trying to get from point A to point Z, you need to know how you're getting there. You can't just guess and set off to that destination without a map.” -Marc MawhinneyClick To Tweet

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to, yet another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I'm Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Marc Mawhinney. Marc, good day, mate, from Down Under. Welcome, and where are you hanging out?

Marc Mawhinney 00:23
I am on the east coast of Canada, New Brunswick.

Tom Poland 00:26
East coast-- North, South, West, East. How's the weather right now? It's January 2023. What's happening out there?

Marc Mawhinney 00:33
It's very snowy. We had a snow day yesterday. But, overall, it's been a good winter for January in Canada.

Tom Poland 00:40
All right, good to hear you haven't frozen! Although, your video has that'll come back. Folks, Marc and I have known each other for many years. He helps coaches get more clients without paid advertising. He achieves this with coaching programs,