Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:

Discover the importance of bringing core values into your sales cultureLearn why sincerity and authenticity are your superpower in sales amidst AI contentFind out how can you increase your sales through the bottom-up approach


 Want to learn how to boost your sales through the power videos? Click here: https://www.danjourdanvideo.com/


Do you want to switch up your sales game and effectively increase your revenue for your company?

In a world where AI is slowly rising, most content can already be written by AI or be computer-made. Despite these trends and new innovations, authenticity and sincerity will always be the superpowers of humans that AI can never replace. Blending your core values into your work culture and keeping authenticity in sales is the key to increasing your revenue.

Dan Jourdan works with companies that are having problems getting new customers.

Get your pen and paper ready with what Dan has to share on how you can get off that sales plateau and increase your profit through the power of authenticity, sincerity, and kindness.

Check out these episode highlights:

01:24 - Dan’s ideal client: Service companies with at least three salespeople. And by service company, I mean, companies that do work in people's houses-- roofers, H-back, plumbers. People like that are really awesome businesses.

02:27 - The problem he helps solve: Generally lackluster sales performance from people. It's a pariah that people have an attitude of what's- I say, I love the sales business. I love making friends with strangers.

03:12 - The symptoms of the problem: All those things could be happening. But there's a general feeling of "blah". There's high turnover. There's a very low kind of buy-in to the company and the culture. 

04:49 - Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Dan: There are two answers to it. One is they do too much. Meaning they start top-down and say, "We're going to reinvent an entire process here and do all the red Bobs in the sales ops and get the whole offers."

05:56 - Dan’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): So the one tip when cold calling and meeting somebody new, is never to say, "Hi, how are you doing today?" because they know it's a cold call, and they'll put up their defenses. Instead, you use the seven magic words, which are, "I wonder if you could help me."

07:32 - Dan’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn how to boost your sales through the power videos? Click here: https://www.danjourdanvideo.com/

08:08 - Q: What about AI? A: That's the challenge that all salespeople are having to kill. Their life is going to be changed by this whole thing. It's actually such a plus for you. 

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“While I think that cold calling is probably the worst way to get a customer, it's probably the best way to learn how to sell.” -Dan Jourdan