Discover how you can use podcasting as long-form content that promises you more leads at a lesser time
Learn the importance of publishing original content online in positioning yourself as a thought leader
Understand why you shouldn’t rely on trends as a solution to your lead-generation problem


Want to learn how you can make more profits out of podcasting? Click here:


Have you been experiencing burnout from trying different ways to generate stable and promising leads?

Hopping on to trends isn’t always the best solution in making yourself known in the online realm. It’s short-term and can get stressful since you always need to post content. It’s better to invest your time, effort, and money into long-term stability, such as publishing a book or even podcasting!

Courtney Elmer is the Founder of The EffortLESS Life and helps online experts increase traffic and sales while enhancing their reputation as respected thought leaders in their niche.

Take a break and listen to Courtney’s amazing insights on how you can leverage your leads by creating a lead generation machine through creating a groundbreaking podcast. She also shares her top tips on how you can introduce your niche to the online community without wasting your time and efforts in short-term trends.

Check out these episode highlights:

01:32 - Courtney’s ideal client: We work primarily with six and seven-figure coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors, who want to elevate their thought leadership and become the go-to expert in their niche.
02:10 - The problem she helps solve: There are many, but one of them is the feeling of having a wealth of info to share, lots of knowledge, and lots of insight that could help people, but struggling to package that into short-form content that can really make a difference in a 250-word, Instagram caption or a 15-second video.
03:29 - The symptoms of the problem: One of the things that I hear from people all the time is, "I am so burnt out from having to create and post three or four times a week", consistently come up with new content ideas that clearly drive sales because as soon as you post that content gets buried in the news feed within a 24-hour cycle or less.
04:39 - Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Courtney: Right now they're likely looking for quick solutions to generate leads, to grow their following, but they haven't yet learned how to create long-term stability and leverage in their marketing.
06:19 - Courtney’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I would say the bottom line, you need to develop a long-form content strategy. For us, we do that via a podcast.
07:47 - Courtney’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn how you can make more profits out of podcasting? Click here:
08:15 - Q: What is my podcast about? A: My podcast is called AntiFragile Entrepreneurship. And on the show, we explore how to navigate the ups and downs of growing a business as an entrepreneur.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“You need to develop a long-form content strategy. This would be a book, a blog, growing an email list where you publish longer-form content on a regular basis, or a podcast.” -Courtney ElmerClick To Tweet

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I'm Tom Poland beaming out to you as always from the very sunny Sunshine Coast in Australia joined today by Courtney Elmer. And, Courtney, you're in the deep south, somewhere. Is that right?

Courtney Elmer 00:23
I am! I am based in New Orleans.

Tom Poland 00:25
New Orleans!