This week’s episode is an interview with the very lovely Sarajane Case who is an expert in all things enneagram. We talk all about what the enneagram is and why it’s good to know which type you are, as well as the different enneagram types and identifying yourself.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTThe Enneagram is a personality typing tool that is self-guided and it is motivations based so we can understand why we operate the way we do.Types of Enneagram: Type 1 – The Perfectionist/Performer, Type 2 – The Helper, Type 3 – The Achiever, Type 4 – The Individualist/Romantic, Type 5 – The Investigator, Type 6 – The Royalist, Type 7 – The Enthusiast, Type 8 – The Challenger and Type 9 – The Peace Maker.The Enneagram diagram is a circle with 9 numbers all the way around, then there are wings either side of your chosen type which you lean towards one more than the other.We need to get to the root of what we need and understand what it is that we are craving.Enneagrams give us the information of what patterns we tend to repeat over and over again.By identifying your enneagram type, it helps to get to the root of what is holding you back and get to our growth pattern faster.It is important to understand that not everyone thinks the same as you and motivated by the same things you are.You don’t have to be your Enneagram identity all the time.You have to learn to create space between your thoughts and your reactions.The Enneagram is a map that gives us information, we can add the tools we need to work with it.You need to enjoy the journey and the process, rather than completely focusing on the accomplishment.There are many factors in the Enneagram, so every person is going to show up differently to another.There are 3 subtypes to every Enneagram number: One to One, Self-Preservation and Social. They are what you think you need to do to survive.Most people when they read their type feel embarrassed or as though they have done something wrong.We need to have compassion with ourselves and what we have learnt through life.We have to remember the best of you sometimes gets held back, and that’s okay.Everyone in our life is getting the overflow of how we talk to ourselves, so if we allow ourselves to rest, we can allow others to rest.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…The enneagram is a great way to identify what motivates us and why we react certain ways to certain things, it is a tool we can use to understand the root of what we need. But, it is important to remember that we are not defined by our number and we must be compassionate with ourselves and others.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSAn Introduction to Sarajane 08:00What is an Enneagram? 10:30The Different Types of Enneagram 12:40The Benefits of Identifying your Enneagram Type 15:05The Meaning behind Enneagram 3 18:51How to Use Your Enneagram 27:20Enneagram Connections 32:00Enneagram Subtypes 33:20You Are Not Your Number 39:15Where Does Your Enneagram Come From? 41:03Sarajane’s Book 48:00Managing a Large Instagram Account 49:35
LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAYS EPISODEEnneagram QuestionnaireSarajane Links – InstagramInstagramBook

This week’s episode is an interview with the very lovely Sarajane Case who is an expert in all things enneagram. We talk all about what the enneagram is and why it’s good to know which type you are, as well as the different enneagram types and identifying yourself.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTThe Enneagram is a personality typing tool that is self-guided and it is motivations based so we can understand why we operate the way we do.Types of Enneagram: Type 1 – The Perfectionist/Performer, Type 2 – The Helper, Type 3 – The Achiever, Type 4 – The Individualist/Romantic, Type 5 – The Investigator, Type 6 – The Royalist, Type 7 – The Enthusiast, Type 8 – The Challenger and Type 9 – The Peace Maker.The Enneagram diagram is a circle with 9 numbers all the way around, then there are wings either side of your chosen type which you lean towards one more than the other.We need to get to the root of what we need and understand what it is that we are craving.Enneagrams give us the information of what patterns we tend to repeat over and over again.By identifying your enneagram type, it helps to get to the root of what is holding you back and get to our growth pattern faster.It is important to understand that not everyone thinks the same as you and motivated by the same things you are.You don’t have to be your Enneagram identity all the time.You have to learn to create space between your thoughts and your reactions.The Enneagram is a map that gives us information, we can add the tools we need to work with it.You need to enjoy the journey and the process, rather than completely focusing on the accomplishment.There are many factors in the Enneagram, so every person is going to show up differently to another.There are 3 subtypes to every Enneagram number: One to One, Self-Preservation and Social. They are what you think you need to do to survive.Most people when they read their type feel embarrassed or as though they have done something wrong.We need to have compassion with ourselves and what we have learnt through life.We have to remember the best of you sometimes gets held back, and that’s okay.Everyone in our life is getting the overflow of how we talk to ourselves, so if we allow ourselves to rest, we can allow others to rest.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…The enneagram is a great way to identify what motivates us and why we react certain ways to certain things, it is a tool we can use to understand the root of what we need. But, it is important to remember that we are not defined by our number and we must be compassionate with ourselves and others.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSAn Introduction to Sarajane 08:00What is an Enneagram? 10:30The Different Types of Enneagram 12:40The Benefits of Identifying your Enneagram Type 15:05The Meaning behind Enneagram 3 18:51How to Use Your Enneagram 27:20Enneagram Connections 32:00Enneagram Subtypes 33:20You Are Not Your Number 39:15Where Does Your Enneagram Come From? 41:03Sarajane’s Book 48:00Managing a Large Instagram Account 49:35
LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAYS EPISODEEnneagram QuestionnaireSarajane Links – InstagramInstagramBook
Transcript below


Hello, and a really warm welcome to this week’s episode of the podcast. How are you doing? So, okay. In total honesty, I have had a bit of a week. It was strange. Cause yesterday I was talking to someone and they said that they were listening to an episode a couple of weeks back and said, you, you sounded like things weren’t good. Is everything okay? And I don’t actually remember. Saying it on the podcast, but obviously I must have, or alluded to something, but unfortunately last week as I record this, my mum passed away and she passed away of cancer. She had a very short and a very unfair fight and it’s, or away from us, way quicker than we were expecting.


And quite honestly, as like a 41-year-old. I, I don’t think I ever expected to have to organize funerals, work things out. I do bank stuff for my parents and, and it’s been a real tricky week. And the reason I say this actually is for a couple of reasons, first off that, uh, one today’s episode is very axled. I’ll get to that in a second.


But the other thing is as a business owner, when something like that happens, it’s really tough. It’s really good. Right? Because in one way, you’re your own business and you’re the boss. You decide what time you take off. You decide whether you need a few days, you know, you’re not having to try and get compassionate leave or whatever it is. But then in the same breath, it’s really hard because of the fact that you are your own boss. And if you don’t work the business, doesn’t often work. Now I am. And I always am so very grateful for my team, but at times like this, I am crazy grateful for them because they really did kind of pull together, get stuff done and were brilliant and, and picked up things that aren’t normally there is.


And that’s the things that actually the business did. Carry on and take it over. But obviously I always have big plans of things that I need to be doing and things that can only be done by me. Like a podcast episode. I can’t, you know, put that out to one of the team members, I’ve got to do it. So I, it was just really interesting and I felt like I need to do something more structured or official, or I don’t know, about how do we manage when things like this happen? How do we cope? How do we get back to it? How do we sort our brain out? Because honestly, to begin with when mum first got ill, I think I went through a thing of, you know, well, what’s the point? And, and almost like my brain was just not in the right place to work.


So even if I had sat at my desk, even if I had tried to work in a really hard or did the eight hours or whatever. Nothing was happening. Cause my brain wasn’t having it. And then obviously I started to sort of pull myself together and the fact of right, come on, we need to get on with this. And she passed away and which, like I said, was an absolute shock to us all.


So then we have the time I’m spending with my pair of my dad and my brother trying to help them out and sort them out and do various things then. So yeah, it’s really. Like I said, challenging as a business owner, but you know, what was amazing was yesterday was my first proper day back doing calls and doing a coaching call with the Academy, doing some 90-day calls and it was ace.

And I loved it because honestly, yeah, what I do makes me very, very happy. So although I was absolutely exhausted at the end of the day, it really was a nice break. And that sounds awful, but honestly it was. So, so I am literally recording this right up to the wire and I am relying on my wonderful team that they’re going to turn all around and get it out for Monday because obviously I’ve been a bit distracted with everything else that’s going on. But I am absolutely still here and still doing stuff.


I’m just a little bit quieter, but it just makes me think even more. So, you know, that that life’s for living and going out there and doing. You know, your, your dreams and your hopes and, and just going, for it. It’s gotta be the right thing. The other reason this episode is particularly apt for what’s just happened is.

On this episode, I’m interviewing the very lovely Sarah Jane and Sarah Jane is an expert in all things Enneagram. And if you’ve not heard of it, don’t panic. I’m going to put a link to a free Enneagram sort of questionnaire thing. But obviously my brain isn’t quite kicked back into get it, but you can do. But basically it’s kind of a personal development type, finding out who you are or confirming who you are, or maybe why you do things the way you do. And I am a big fan of this stuff because I see very much personal development is not trying to attain a level. I can’t get to, or not trying to be a person that isn’t me, but I see it as really understanding me and then shaping the bits of me that I would rather shape or understanding the bits of me as to why I do what I do. And one thing that we talk about in this episode, which is great. And like I said, is very prevalent right now is because I’m an Enneagram three. Enneagram three jump into action. So crisis happens and we don’t go, we might hide for a millisecond and then we’re like, right, what needs to be done?


And that has been so evident over the last week. So the stuff we’ve done in the last this week has been unbelievable and it seems very fast, but, you know, organizing the funeral and doing all the stuff. And today I have a call with the celebrant and I’m the one who’s going to be telling you what she needs to say.

And you know, and I’ve taken a really strong role in my family in terms of right. What do I need to do? And, and just, you know, going with it. And I think that’s a lot of time because I’m an Enneagram three because I take action because my default, if you like is to, to make things happen and to take action and to do things.


So it was really interesting that this is the episode that was due out this week after what’s happened. So I think you’re going to really enjoy this episode. We talk about what Enneagram is to, like I said, if you don’t know what it is, no worries. We talk about why it’s good to know. And then Sarah takes us through Sarah Jane takes us through the certain different Enneagram types.

And really the idea is, although there is a quiz you can take, she mentions in the episode that you should almost identify yourself, but like I said, it’s really, really good. I find it really useful. I will link up to that in the show notes. So if you go to then you can do your own Enneagram test and see what you are. Okay. I will leave you to it. Enjoy this interview with Sarahjane.


Okay. I am very excited today to welcome to the podcast the very lovely Sarahjane Case. Welcome Sarahjane.


Sarajane Case: Hello. So excited. I’m here. Thanks for having me.


Teresa: Very excited you’re here. Thank you so much for coming on. So I’ve mentioned in the intro that basically you and I happen to be in the same mixer group with a lovely friend, Mary Hyatt.


So, and it was so fortuitous because I’d already been following you on Instagram and I was getting more and more into what Enneagram is and all that sort of thing. So it was just like, as there’s so many things that the universe just went you to need to like get in the same world. So that was amazing.

But what I want to start by doing, cause there’s so much, I want to ask you, but just want you to explain to my audience who you are and how you got to do what you do now, which is pretty special.


Sarajane Case: Yeah. So I, we primarily teach the Enneagram now. I come from the background of teaching creative entrepreneurs, how to prevent and recover from burnout.


And I found the Enneagram when I was doing that work as a coach. And it helped me to kind of fast track, about 10 years of discovery work. You know, people. Usually we take all of this time, figuring out what we struggle with, what our problems are, what our repeated patterns are. In the Enneagram kind of is like, Hey, here are your repeated patterns.


Here are your struggles. And so we could really get down to the root of their work much, much faster. So. That’s how I first fell in love with it. And then eventually I got to the point where I was like, I want to just talk Enneagram. I want to skip straight to the point. And so that’s where we are now. I started by, it started with working with my coaching clients and then building out the Instagram account. I started in the end of 2018. And, um, yeah. And it grew from there.


Teresa: So we should say that your Instagram accounts, how many people follow you on Instagram?


Sarajane Case: I think we’re at about 545,000 now, somewhere around there.


Teresa: Unlike was that ever your intention? Was it always like, like, you know, did you sit there thinking, yeah, this is where I want to go with this or was it just a case of like, I’m just going to post this? Cause I like posting this stuff.


Sarajane Case: Yeah, it was really about a friend of mine being like, you’re driving me nuts, and this is all you want to talk about. Can you just find an outlet already? And I was like, I guess I’ll create an Instagram account. And, um, so I just started posting and it went from zero to a hundred thousand in three days. Like I had no expectations. Anyone would follow it.


Teresa: Okay right. So I just need to put a caveat there for my listeners. If you’re sat there listening. Oh, brilliant. I’m going to start an Instagram tomorrow. And in three days, time, I’m going to a hundred thousand. That is insane. That must have been the biggest need for that. That’s a great that quick.


Sarajane Case: Yeah, I think it was like the right place. Right time. I created something that I was hoping for, that I felt like was missing and I had been craving. And I think that I just kind of hit it, dropped it in the bucket, right when everyone happened to be thirsty for it. And now there’s so many Enneagram accounts out there. It’s insane. But when I first created mine, it was really hard to find one.


Teresa: Wow. And I do want to come back and ask you about some Instagram stuff in a bit, but reason I’ve got you on is to talk about Enneagrams. So if someone is saying this and it’s like, what the hell is Enneagram that you’ve just mentioned 20 times, explain to my audience what Enneagram is.


Sarajane Case: Yeah. So it’s similar to something let’s say like Myers-Briggs, StrengthFinders, DISC, you know, one of these personality typing tools. The major difference here though, is that it’s. You self-type. So it’s not like you can take a test, but I recommend that you just read the types, you see which one you resonate with.


It’s so it’s self-guided. You’re not diagnosed. And then the second piece of that is it motivations based. So strengths by unders DISC, all of these things are your behavior. So it talks about what you do, but Enneagrams all about why you’re doing it. And so you’re able to really get to the core of why we operate the way we do.


Teresa: So that’s interesting actually, because I did take a test and I paid for my test. Um, it was one that Mary sent me and was like, this is a particularly good one since then I find there’s a free ones. Um, and I actually having what you just said. If I had read all the things, I probably could have come to the conclusion of what I was without actually taking the test. But I guess, I guess if you’re not as aware of yourself, cause I would think I’m fairly aware of. Who I am the type of character I am, but if you’re not then taking the test might just take that decision off the table for you.


Sarajane Case: Yeah. Well, a lot of people take the test and it’s asking you questions that you might answer from the perspective of how you think you’re supposed to be.


Teresa: Yeah.


Sarajane Case: So when I first took the test, I got asked questions, like, is it important for you to help people? Do you think it’s important to love? And I was like, I was like, sure, but really those aren’t my motivators. That’s just. A bonus to who I think good people are or do. Um, so when, but when I read my type, I felt exposed.


I felt uncomfortable. I felt like someone had like written out my life and put it on the internet for other people to read. And that’s kind of how it usually feels when you find yourself.


Teresa: Okay. So can you, and I can, I’m guessing you can do this off the top of your head, but can you run through the different types of Enneagram?


Sarajane Case: Yeah. So I’ll give you the titles and kind of the basics worldview. So type one is the perfectionist or the reformer. They’re really focused on being a good person, not being evil or corrupt. You have type two, the helper who’s focused on being loved and liked. Type three, the achiever who’s focused on achieving and kind of achieving the next best thing. And then we have type four, the individualist or the romantic they’re focused on finding and expressing their identity. We have type five, the investigators who’s focused on being competent and capable. Type six, the loyalist who is focused on safety and security and belonging. Type seven, the enthusiast who’s focused on freedom and happiness. Type eight, the challenger who’s focused on not being controlled. Type nine, the peacemaker who’s focused on not losing connections and maintaining their own peace of mind.


Teresa: Okay. So obviously if you’re listening to this and you might already have gone, Oh yeah, that’s me. So. Um, the other thing that we’ve got with the Enneagram is which I didn’t quite understand. So I need you to help me understand this is the fact that you have wings, that you have like a tight and then you have a wing type. So explain how that works.


Sarajane Case: Yeah. So the Enneagram diagram is a circle, so it’s got nine numbers moving all the way around on either side of your dominant type is two other types, right? There’s one. So for three or, there’s two and four. Yeah. And so you pull from both of those numbers to kind of flavor your personality.


However, you’re going to lean usually into one more than the other. So I’ll say for myself, I’m a seven. So I focus on freedom and happiness, but I also have an eight wing that’s pretty heavy. And so I can be really averse to being controlled. I can be really bold and direct and it can balance out that seven lightness with a little bit of grounded kind of challenger energy.


Teresa: Yeah. So I’m, we’re gonna talk about my Enneagram and this is going to be really interesting to when you talk about it as to how this shows up in my world. But what’s the, what’s the benefit to, I mean, how you, how you came about doing it kind of slightly hinted to that, to what the benefit was, but what’s the benefit if someone’s sitting here going well, what’s the point of me knowing what I am, or what’s the point of me going to look at this?

What’s the benefit in us knowing what our Enneagram is?


Sarajane Case: So I think it’s twofold. The first one being that anything that we’re trying to change in our life, any habit, or, you know, expression of ourselves, it’s not serving us. We need to get to the root of the problem, but usually we’re treating symptoms, right?


Like, Oh, I just need to change my behavior. I just need to drink more water. I need to run more. I need to, you know, make a...