Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with the brilliant Rob and Kennedy who are the creators of Response Suite and complete email marketing gurus! We talk all about email marketing, giving value to your list, training your audience, and how to send DAILY emails to your list.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTThe best way to become good at something is to do it more often!If all we ever do with email is promote to people, there is no good reason for them to open your emails (unless they are in that moment of want to buy).There needs to be value in emails to give people reason to open.You should enjoy and value sending emails, and your list will enjoy and value receiving them.If your emails are sporadic, it feels random.Show up more often and be in as many places as possible.Email marketing doesn’t replace social media but you can repurpose your content via email too.Aim for every email to have at least two pieces of value and one offer in it.Tell a story, give them a lesson/moral from the story then make an offer.Telling your audience about your life will build rapport and engagement.An email subscriber doesn’t know if they are in a campaign or your broadcast emails.People just want you to show up when you say you’re going to.The minute you start to email more regularly, you will have more engagement.When you hit send on your email marketing platform, all the other email systems know what your open rate and engagement rate is. Then they have the ability to move you down in priority.The people who are not opening your emails are critically damaging your ability to deliver emails to those who do want to receive.If people on your list are not engaging, they are not getting the value from your emails and you are not getting any sales from them, so they need to be removed from your list.Click tracking in your emails is very important as this is accurate.We have to train people to interact with our emails.There should be a CTA (call to action) in every email where there is a positive reward for them clicking it – this will in turn make them click more!Ask for some kind of interaction in each email.Getting a reply from one of your email subscribers is a really good way of showing the email providers you are valuable.The problem with open/closed carts is that when it is closed, people don’t have anything to buy so you can’t turn your subscribers to sales.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…Tell your subscribers a story, then a lesson, then make an offer.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN’T MISSA brand new follow along course coming soon! 01:38An introduction to Rob and Kennedy 16:55Turning a bad situation into a positive 21:30The old fashioned way of email marketing 27:16The new way of email marketing 30:16How to send daily emails to your list 33:49Onboarding emails for your list 44:01Weekly emails to daily emails 46:33Dealing with spam complaints 49:19Cleaning your email list 51:52The phycology behind communicating with your list 56:32Email marketing for open/close carts 1:03:45

My NEW email list building course

Check out Rob & Kennedy!

Join my academy waitlist

Transcript below


Good morning and welcome to this week's Monday episode of the podcast. How are you doing? I'm good. I just thought

Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with the brilliant Rob and Kennedy who are the creators of Response Suite and complete email marketing gurus! We talk all about email marketing, giving value to your list, training your audience, and how to send DAILY emails to your list.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTThe best way to become good at something is to do it more often!If all we ever do with email is promote to people, there is no good reason for them to open your emails (unless they are in that moment of want to buy).There needs to be value in emails to give people reason to open.You should enjoy and value sending emails, and your list will enjoy and value receiving them.If your emails are sporadic, it feels random.Show up more often and be in as many places as possible.Email marketing doesn’t replace social media but you can repurpose your content via email too.Aim for every email to have at least two pieces of value and one offer in it.Tell a story, give them a lesson/moral from the story then make an offer.Telling your audience about your life will build rapport and engagement.An email subscriber doesn’t know if they are in a campaign or your broadcast emails.People just want you to show up when you say you’re going to.The minute you start to email more regularly, you will have more engagement.When you hit send on your email marketing platform, all the other email systems know what your open rate and engagement rate is. Then they have the ability to move you down in priority.The people who are not opening your emails are critically damaging your ability to deliver emails to those who do want to receive.If people on your list are not engaging, they are not getting the value from your emails and you are not getting any sales from them, so they need to be removed from your list.Click tracking in your emails is very important as this is accurate.We have to train people to interact with our emails.There should be a CTA (call to action) in every email where there is a positive reward for them clicking it – this will in turn make them click more!Ask for some kind of interaction in each email.Getting a reply from one of your email subscribers is a really good way of showing the email providers you are valuable.The problem with open/closed carts is that when it is closed, people don’t have anything to buy so you can’t turn your subscribers to sales.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…Tell your subscribers a story, then a lesson, then make an offer.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN’T MISSA brand new follow along course coming soon! 01:38An introduction to Rob and Kennedy 16:55Turning a bad situation into a positive 21:30The old fashioned way of email marketing 27:16The new way of email marketing 30:16How to send daily emails to your list 33:49Onboarding emails for your list 44:01Weekly emails to daily emails 46:33Dealing with spam complaints 49:19Cleaning your email list 51:52The phycology behind communicating with your list 56:32Email marketing for open/close carts 1:03:45

My NEW email list building course

Check out Rob & Kennedy!

Join my academy waitlist

Transcript below


Good morning and welcome to this week's Monday episode of the podcast. How are you doing? I'm good. I just thought then, am I good? Am I okay? Yeah. Now I have all good. I'm a little bit worn out.


I think as I started talking, then I thought, well, my voice sounds a bit tired. Um, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for Christmas as in, I'm not sure I'm ready for all the stuff I've got to do for Christmas, but I'm definitely ready for the break. And, and I think because I haven't had any time off this year, really, other than three days, literally a week ago, it I'm, I'm done, I think in the nicest sense of the word.


And I'm really looking forward to taking a bit of time off and chilling out and not doing much, which will be lovely. So before I get started with today's episode, which is amazing, by the way, it's an interview such good stuff. I want to talk about what is happening in January and what I want you to come and join me for. Now a few weeks ago, I've talked about the fact of how would you feel if we did a follow me a long recipe, a recipe I'm not cooking.


Follow me along course. And, and helped you build your email list. And I had lots of you come back and go, "es, I would love that. That would be great." So I'm doing it. Now I have to say as sad as it says, I am really excited about this because I don't know about you, but I'm tired of joining things, paying for stuff and them not being what I thought or buying a course and then being like inundated with this bonus and that bonus and the other bonus, and actually all amongst nothing, or you don't do the work, you download the free lead magnet.


You watch that free webinar. You may be spend money on that course, but yet for some reason, building your email list is still on your to-do list or you've started it organically, but no, you could do it so much better if you just had the process and did the work. But for lots of reasons, you don't, that might be because you are terrified of the tack.


You are sat there thinking, "Right, I can think of a good lead magnet. I can think of something that I customers would like to opt into my email list with, but actually when it comes to setting up that funnel and the automation and the oh, that just fills me with dread. And don't talk about tags. I don't know what you're talking about."


You might know what a lead magnet is, but you can't seem to work at one for your business or you get stuck on actually putting the thing together. How'd you make it look good. What should it look like? What should you include in it? And then there might be things like. You don't know what to put in your emails when you onboard them.


This process is not a, a two minute thing. You know, I wrote on the, on the page where you opt in and, and sign up for it that basically, you know, it can feel like a massive task and you know what? I'm not going to sit here and pretend it's not, it is a good amount of work that you have to put in, but it is totally, totally worth the work. This is how I've built my entire list of all the amazing people that are on it, including you. If you're listening to this and you're on my list through lead magnets, through giving you something that is helping you in your business or giving you something that as my ideal customer, you would want, and therefore, because of that, you've opted into my list and your, your now my email list.


So it is work. I'm not going to lie about that. However, it's not rocket science, it's just steps and it is absolutely worth every single penny and minutes you spend on it. Oh, I've done it again. I never silence my computer. They're go just shushed up. And in fact, that was a reminder that there's a podcast episode coming in tomorrow.


My very app. Okay. So let me explain what this course is about, because I really want you to start next year with a real positive way in building your email list. So I have put together the build my list course, I'm really excited about it. I put it together, not realizing how much was going to go into it and how much help I was going to give you in terms of the actual having bits done for you.


But I'm so glad this stuff I have put in. And luckily for you guys, I set a price before I priced it and then thought, Oh my goodness, this is, this is big. You know, this is a lot of value. Um, but I've kept the price low for this first one because I said a lower price. So this is a Build My List is a 10 day live, follow me along course. I can take you from no list or a teeny list to creating your first lead magnet, setting up your email funnel and getting people on your list within 10 days, starting January the 11th. So Monday, January the 11th is the first one to one-to-one. It's not one-to-one. I meant to say live the first live call with me.


So basically, how, this is going to work. Each day we're going to have a zoom call where we are on camera. You don't have to be on camera, but it's great to see your faces. I'm going to teach you that day's lesson. And during that zoom call, we're going to do the work. So when I say teach the lesson, I'm not going to sit there on the zoom call and go, here's an hour's lesson and they go off and spend another hour doing it.


No, we're gonna go through each step as we do. And we're going to do the work on the call. Then that will normally be like 40 minutes to an hour tops. Then I'm going to stay on for another hour to answer your questions. So let's say your first task is to come up with the lead magnet idea. Obviously, I don't just go, "Hey, come up with a lead magnet idea."


I give you lots more, but let's say that's your first task. And I talked you through how to do it. And then you get stuck. Well, once I've talked to you, how to do it, I'm then sat there waiting for you guys to ask me questions and help you with your, your things. So if you're not quite sure if you've got an idea and don't think it's going to work, then that's your opportunity to basically say, "Teresa, this is what I think I'm going to do. Is this okay?" And I will help you with that. So that's the first thing we get one day off, by the way, in those 10 days. I think it's the Saturday I've, I've said as a catch-up day. So you technically get 9 live calls with me. If you can't make a call no problem. All of these calls are recorded. They're them put into the course, which you then get lifetime access to.


So as much as I want you to follow along and do the work in the 10 days and hold you accountable, I do understand that life gets in the way and therefore, if you do fall behind, if you miss a call, not a problem, you get all of this stuff. All good to go afterwards. So the live workshops, as I've explained, on-camera zoom answer questions.


Tell you what to do. Training materials now oh my goodness. Again, this isn't training materials for the sake of training materials. This is I give you Canva templates. So on one of the sessions where I say right, we now need to create the actual lead magnet. I'll show you here's a template or more than one.


This is how you edit it to make it look like your branding, your coloring, your whatever. Here's the text that you want to put in there, like the intro text and the finish off text. Then I give you swipe files of all the emails you need to send of what he needs to include on a landing page. I'm going to.


Also, this is one of the best bits about this course. Often these courses don't talk tech because there's too many options out there, but I've decided to, I know a lot of these systems, I've used a lot of these systems, so I've picked my best three and I am going to walk you step by step. I'm going to record videos of right.


You log in. Oh, this is how you set up an account. You log in, you go to this, you click this template, you edit here, you do this, and I'm going to do it in the order that you need to do it to make your life easy. So. That's going to be amazing too. I'm really excited by that. And I've picked one of the systems I picked is a completely free one.


So if you are thinking, I don't want to have to sign up something like Kajabi, which I totally get, because it's a big thing, although it's amazing. Absolute fine. There is a free system on there. If you're already using a system, not a problem. If you not to do great, if you don't, the chances are, it might be one of the ones I've picked because I've picked the most popular as well as the best as, and also I use these systems all the time. So if you do get stuck, I'm fairly confident that when you come on a zoom call and you share your screen with me, I'll be able to tell you where to go and what to do. So I am confident that I'm going to be able to help you with that dreaded tech. Then there's going to be a private Facebook group.


So during the calls or in between the calls and during that 10 days and a few extra days, I'm not just going to kick you out the group once we're done. I'm going to be in there as well, answering your questions, supporting each other. You can share your lead magnets and there you can share your ideas.


You can share your landing pages, lots and lots of activity in that. And I've got some amazing people coming in to help me, but I'm going to be in there as well. So on the page where if you go to all one word. You'll also see that I take you through the 10 days. And each of them is like a drop down menu and it'll say, what do we cover?


So, yeah. Day one who would I want on my list, day two coming up the perfect lead magnet. And then also on each of these days, it says what it includes. So on day two, you get lead magnet template guide. You get a swipe copy for your lead magnet, day three, you create a lead magnet, which means you get Canva lead magnet templates.


You get an instructional video on how to edit your Canva templates. You get a lead magnet title formula, which is really good by the way, day four, you create your social assets. I give you yet more templates that you just drag and drop your pictures into, you know, day five is the funnel and the copy creation.


I give you the swipe files of the onboarding emails. Day six is your catch-up. Day seven is your tech. Day eight is your tech again and testing. Day nine how to get people to sign up. Day 10 launch. And then we drink champagne and we celebrate. But you within the first month of the year have already achieved something massive.


And obviously it wouldn't be a online course if there wasn't bonuses. So bonus one is a lesson. What now or now what actually. So on day 12, I'm going to go live again on a zoom call, and I'm going to tell you how to start emailing that list that you're now building. Your other bonus is 20 email ideas and subject lines to help you get going.


And your third bonus is 10 lead magnet ideas that convert. So now, you know the process and of course, you've got all those videos of how to do the process. You've got all this stuff you need, then you can just duplicate it and do another one. Okay. So the best bit about this is this 10 day follow me along.


I am live in there for the entire 10 days. We're going to do this. You're going to achieve this is it's only $290. I can't even tell you how much of a steal this is. I have put so much into this because I, I decided I've realized that my value or my, my values for my business is that I get you to do stuff that I get you to achieve things.


And I'm tired of people, amazing business owners, buying courses, and then not doing the work or buying a course and hoping that it'll just fix and it doesn't. And also not getting the support they need. So buying into something, thinking they've got that support and they don't get it. So I'm not, I'm going to be there to support you.


And I am crazy excited. This stuff is as easy as breathing to me. I love it. I love doing that. The list building stuff, the lead magnet stuff. So this is not difficult to me. And I have been told lots and lots of times that I'm great fun to work with. I'm very motivating. So I know we're going to achieve this.


It's going to be amazing. So $290 is an absolute steal. Get in there. Go secure your place. If you're an Academy member, please do check out the Facebook page. Our Academy group, because you get a discount. So you've got about a month at the time of recording this to, uh, to come and join me and make sure you secure your place, but do it now, do it before Christmas.


And then, you know, you've got your first thing. It's a kickoff your year with it's going to be immense. I'm not even kidding you. So there's my sales pitch. Honestly, it's not really a sales pitch because it's such good value. And if you want an email list, then, then I swear, this is going to absolutely do what you need it to do.


So I'm really excited and very confident about this. I've put a lot of work into it and it's going to be brilliant. So what's so perfect about me telling you about this that's happening in January is today. I have got an interview with the amazing Rob and Kennedy. Now, if you are in the social media space or you follow other people similar to me, you might know Rob and Kennedy.


If you are an avid listener to the podcast, you might remember that they have been on the podcast before. Actually, as I mentioned at the beginning of the interview, they are technically only the third people to come on to the podcast twice. So I had the amazing Mary Hyatt. She's been on twice. BizPaul has technically been on twice because once I interviewed him and then he interviewed Paul and I for the hundredth episode, if you've not listened to that, by the way, on my hundredth episode, I bought my husband on and we had a lovely conversation with my friend BizPaul who interviewed us.


That was good fun. And then, uh, and then there's Rob and Kennedy. So, the reason I brought them back on is because when I first bought them on that, they talked about surveys and their, their platform response suite, but actually what they've done and you'll hear their stories. It's really, it's great. And I didn't realize actually, half the details until they said, is they've really niche down into email marketing.


And I very honestly say on the interview that actually I thought maybe that was too niche, but they've, they've really done well and they give some great advice, some stuff that you're going to go "Hang on a minute Teresa, I've only just got together with the idea that I'm going to join you for 10 days to build my list and then suddenly Rob and Kennedy are gonna tell me I've got to email them every day?" Like it's going to make you feel a little bit out of your comfort zone. But I just want you to listen with interest that's all. I have, I did, obviously when I interviewed them and I'm trying out some new things. If you're on my email list, you might see that you might see me drop into your inbox.


More often, but yeah. So I think you're gonna love it. There's so much good stuff that I'm not going to go on anymore. I've talked a lot. Do go check out the course to build your list, because obviously this episode's great. If you've got a list, if you haven't then come and join me for that course. And if then you join me or when you join me, you're going to then know what to do when you listen to this episode.


Okay. I'm going to leave you to it. I'm going to stop rambling. Enjoy this episode. It's a good...