In this episode of the podcast, I have the amazing Jane Travis who used to be a councillor and now helps other counsellors with their marketing. Jane is a very good friend who has really supported me through some really difficult times and I knew she would be the perfect person to bring on and talk about this topic. Today we talk all about mental health and my own struggles I have experienced and hidden up until now.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTI have suffered with anxiety for around 14 years now.When you are a perfectionist, anxiety can be triggered when something happens that is out of your control.Many people may experience mental health problems and you would never know from looking at them or talking to them.If everyone keeps their struggles to themselves, this can lead to isolation and feeling embarrassed/ashamed of this.We have to find a way to keep going but we also have to be able to say “I need some time off” – you can give yourself permission to stop if you need to.Anxiety is very common – it affects us all in different ways.Sometimes when we get angry, it’s an accumulation of everything else that has gone on.Anxiety and anger are really closely related – the feelings we have are similar.Instead of judging yourself when you react to something, turn it on its head and question why you may have reacted like that.If you take medication, attach it to something you do every single day without fail and you won’t miss a day.Self-care is something we can do every day that can really help.Don’t judge yourself and be so hard on yourself.Personal development can be really key in how you feel in yourself.You learn right up until the day you die. There are always so many new things to learn.Mindfulness is doing activities that take you out of your normal headspace – takes your brain from thinking about everything that’s going on.We all show our highlights – very little of us show the bad days.Just because people show up in a certain way, doesn’t mean we have it all sussed.If you haven’t suffered with some sort of mental health, it’s hard to understand why someone can’t just do that thing.People only judge because they can’t understand how difficult it can be.There are always going to be people who have a critical view of things, what is important is that you look after yourself and get the help you need so you can get on with your life.You don’t have to struggle with anxiety for the rest of your life – you can get help.Counselling is looking at the reasons you are anxious in the first place – once you have worked that out, you can move forward in a different way.“This is a process, I will come out of it”.Counselling is the best self-care EVER.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…You have serious moments and then you will have laughter!HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN’T MISSAn Introduction to Jane – 02:28Opening up about mental health – 04:53Taking time off work due to mental health – 12:03Anxiety – 17:25Medication – 27:40Self-care – 31:44Mindfulness – 35:37We are all in this together – 38:57Judgement – 45:13Getting help – 46:58

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In this episode of the podcast, I have the amazing Jane Travis who used to be a councillor and now helps other counsellors with their marketing. Jane is a very good friend who has really supported me through some really difficult times and I knew she would be the perfect person to bring on and talk about this topic. Today we talk all about mental health and my own struggles I have experienced and hidden up until now.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTI have suffered with anxiety for around 14 years now.When you are a perfectionist, anxiety can be triggered when something happens that is out of your control.Many people may experience mental health problems and you would never know from looking at them or talking to them.If everyone keeps their struggles to themselves, this can lead to isolation and feeling embarrassed/ashamed of this.We have to find a way to keep going but we also have to be able to say “I need some time off” – you can give yourself permission to stop if you need to.Anxiety is very common – it affects us all in different ways.Sometimes when we get angry, it’s an accumulation of everything else that has gone on.Anxiety and anger are really closely related – the feelings we have are similar.Instead of judging yourself when you react to something, turn it on its head and question why you may have reacted like that.If you take medication, attach it to something you do every single day without fail and you won’t miss a day.Self-care is something we can do every day that can really help.Don’t judge yourself and be so hard on yourself.Personal development can be really key in how you feel in yourself.You learn right up until the day you die. There are always so many new things to learn.Mindfulness is doing activities that take you out of your normal headspace – takes your brain from thinking about everything that’s going on.We all show our highlights – very little of us show the bad days.Just because people show up in a certain way, doesn’t mean we have it all sussed.If you haven’t suffered with some sort of mental health, it’s hard to understand why someone can’t just do that thing.People only judge because they can’t understand how difficult it can be.There are always going to be people who have a critical view of things, what is important is that you look after yourself and get the help you need so you can get on with your life.You don’t have to struggle with anxiety for the rest of your life – you can get help.Counselling is looking at the reasons you are anxious in the first place – once you have worked that out, you can move forward in a different way.“This is a process, I will come out of it”.Counselling is the best self-care EVER.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…You have serious moments and then you will have laughter!HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN’T MISSAn Introduction to Jane – 02:28Opening up about mental health – 04:53Taking time off work due to mental health – 12:03Anxiety – 17:25Medication – 27:40Self-care – 31:44Mindfulness – 35:37We are all in this together – 38:57Judgement – 45:13Getting help – 46:58

 Jane’s Membership Group

Say hi to Jane on Instagram

Jane’s podcast

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