Today’s episode is a very special one because it is officially my 200th podcast episode! I have my lovely husband Paul joining me for an ‘ask us anything’ style episode with questions from my amazing community.




Diane from Shine Business asked what camera I use and about my home studio set up. I use a Panasonic G7/G85 for my camera, I have two LED lights and a tripod that connects to my desk that keeps everything at the same height. I have an AudioTechnic Mic for my podcast and a road mic for interviews and speaking. The camera lens I use is 20mm Lens Panasonic f1.7.Diane also asked what eye makeup I use – I use Naked palettes from Urban Decay and also use some from Younique.Wendy Hill from Hill Start Nutrition asked what is on our travel bucket list – On Paul’s is Yellowstone National Park and mine is Japan. Wendy also asked if any of my family actually know what I do – the answer is, not really!Laura from cruise coaching asked how long it took for me to get consistent clients and income – After the first year or so, I took on a VA to help with consistency which then helped my whole business to be more consistent.Nic from In Craft Corner asked who we would have a conversation with dead or alive who would it be – I said Breneé Brown and Paul said Richard Branson.Nic also asked if I have any tips for someone who wants to become a public speaker – this has a lot to do with your confidence but know your subject inside and out. Be completely yourself! Start small and just start doing it.Jo from The Foodies asked if we had one day’s notice to do a dinner party for lots of important guests, what would we make? – I would make my famous Beef Wellington and Paul would make Sausage, Chips and Beans!Karuna from Soul Enterprise asked what questions to ask a marketer you might want to hire – If they have worked in your industry that could be a good thing but they don’t have to have. I would ask what experience they have and what they do, have a look at their own social media and see what it’s like! How are they educating themselves and keeping up with the latest trends?Kate from Workflow with Kate asked what is the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard someone say? – People who think they know everything and are arrogant – there is always something to learn and learn from!Kate asked Paul what the most useless thing he has ever bought is – some 20cm wide curtains!Kate asked what our best pieces of advice are – Paul said don’t get stressed too much about everything, try and be positive and not keeping thinking about the negatives that could happen. I said what if this Is exactly where you are meant to be right now? There is a reason for everything.Caroline from Hunkington House Kitchen asked about my daily routine and how I plan it with distractions – It is all about your season of life, be realistic and understand your limitations. Try to get up 15 mins before you know your children will be up to have some time for you. Plan what you are going to do every day whilst looking at your diary and don’t beat yourself up!Caroline also asked how I feel giving advice and helping other business owners – It is the best thing ever knowing I can support people with their business and...

Today’s episode is a very special one because it is officially my 200th podcast episode! I have my lovely husband Paul joining me for an ‘ask us anything’ style episode with questions from my amazing community.




Diane from Shine Business asked what camera I use and about my home studio set up. I use a Panasonic G7/G85 for my camera, I have two LED lights and a tripod that connects to my desk that keeps everything at the same height. I have an AudioTechnic Mic for my podcast and a road mic for interviews and speaking. The camera lens I use is 20mm Lens Panasonic f1.7.Diane also asked what eye makeup I use – I use Naked palettes from Urban Decay and also use some from Younique.Wendy Hill from Hill Start Nutrition asked what is on our travel bucket list – On Paul’s is Yellowstone National Park and mine is Japan. Wendy also asked if any of my family actually know what I do – the answer is, not really!Laura from cruise coaching asked how long it took for me to get consistent clients and income – After the first year or so, I took on a VA to help with consistency which then helped my whole business to be more consistent.Nic from In Craft Corner asked who we would have a conversation with dead or alive who would it be – I said Breneé Brown and Paul said Richard Branson.Nic also asked if I have any tips for someone who wants to become a public speaker – this has a lot to do with your confidence but know your subject inside and out. Be completely yourself! Start small and just start doing it.Jo from The Foodies asked if we had one day’s notice to do a dinner party for lots of important guests, what would we make? – I would make my famous Beef Wellington and Paul would make Sausage, Chips and Beans!Karuna from Soul Enterprise asked what questions to ask a marketer you might want to hire – If they have worked in your industry that could be a good thing but they don’t have to have. I would ask what experience they have and what they do, have a look at their own social media and see what it’s like! How are they educating themselves and keeping up with the latest trends?Kate from Workflow with Kate asked what is the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard someone say? – People who think they know everything and are arrogant – there is always something to learn and learn from!Kate asked Paul what the most useless thing he has ever bought is – some 20cm wide curtains!Kate asked what our best pieces of advice are – Paul said don’t get stressed too much about everything, try and be positive and not keeping thinking about the negatives that could happen. I said what if this Is exactly where you are meant to be right now? There is a reason for everything.Caroline from Hunkington House Kitchen asked about my daily routine and how I plan it with distractions – It is all about your season of life, be realistic and understand your limitations. Try to get up 15 mins before you know your children will be up to have some time for you. Plan what you are going to do every day whilst looking at your diary and don’t beat yourself up!Caroline also asked how I feel giving advice and helping other business owners – It is the best thing ever knowing I can support people with their business and give them ideas to generate sales and improve their business/life. For me, that’s why I do this stuff! I love it so much.Leigh from Soul Resuscitation asked what my dream gig is and who I would most like to interview – The dream place for me to speak used to be Social Media Marketing World which didn’t happen but now it would be to do a TED talk. I would most like to interview Breneé Brown.Simone from Simone Sumers asked if there was a pivotal point in my life that everything changed - It all changed when I was working as a nursery nurse and started babysitting – they were all pretty successful and had the most beautiful houses. It really opened my eyes and made me want more.Paula from Outstand Development asked when I have laughed the hardest in my life – I do laugh a lot but a time that stands out is when I used to have a graphic designer called Matt and we would send each other street talk voice notes.Steph from Stephanie Jane Home Alignments asked what I would say to someone who wants to go against the grain – We have been bought up in a society where we go to school, then college, then university, then get a job and there needs to be other ways. You have to be realistic that you can achieve anything! If you are willing to put the work in, you can totally do anything.Carol from Caiger Art asked if I think there is a time limit to making a business successful – no not at all! It all depends what ‘success’ means for you.Carol also asked do we like the same music? We both like pop and dance music. Paul doesn’t like the old stuff as much!Louise from Louise Sims Web Services asked if I were hosting a dinner party, who would I invite – It would have to be Stephen Fry and Chris Hemsworth!Kim from Kim Carr Coaching asked if I were in charge of Glastonbury festival, who would the top 3 pyramid stage artists be? – Gorgon City, P!NK and Take That.Gail from Gail Sibley Artist asked the first step to take to hire someone – you always think you’re not ready and it is scary! I found a VA near me who I was recommended, we sat down and had a bit of an informal interview. To start with, she did 10 hours a month and it was AMAZING! She freed up so much of my time that I could grow my business and then hire more people.Gail also asked how I stay motivated – If you need a break, have a break! But I do love what I do so most of the time I am really passionate and motivated.Gail asked if we both have the same hobbies – we LOVE the garden and being out there/doing it. Paul loves to ski, walk and mountains, I don’t. Our joint hobby is probably drinking gin, we are very good at it!Biz Paul asked if I were world president, what would my first act be? It would be to install prosecco fountains in high streets and have it come through the mains. Then a 4 day work week as a standard!Jennifer Gilmour from Latte and Live asked if me and Paul fall out, does it affect my business? We don’t fall out often but if we do it doesn’t affect the business because I just come away to my office and continue!Shannon from Actually Social asked where the weirdest place I have a scar is – I have one on the top of my nose from picking a chicken pox spot and I have one on my leg where I was riding a bike that was too big for me and I fell off. Paul has one on his finger from when he was a maintenance guy at a stately home when he was 18/29, he was cutting some branches off a tree with a bow saw!Shannon also asked what the most exciting non-work related trip we have taken is – My very first trip to Vegas when we got married!Shannon also asked how we met – I hated online dating but I went back on and we started talking. When we met in real life, Paul looked so much better than his profile!




Don’t take things too seriously!




An Introduction to the episode 01:54Ask us anything! 02:30




Adrian Salisbury Course


Transcript Below

Hello, and a really warm welcome to episode 200. Can you actually believe I'd done 200 episodes? Crazy. I sent out an email actually the other week saying I've been doing it for over a year and a half.


And I obviously got my math’s entirely wrong because 200 episodes is more like three years, I think. Anyway, today is a very different episode. First off, as you heard from the intro, I have a guest with me today.


Hi, this is so funny. So, this is my lovely husband Paul. Say Hi to everyone Paul.


Paul: Hi.


Teresa: And Paul has been on the podcast before this isn't your debut attending, is it?


Paul: No, it's not. No.


Teresa: We did episode a hundred and we were interviewed by the lovely BizPaul weren't we?


Paul: And that was nice.


Teresa: It was, it was good, fun, and people really enjoyed it.


So when it came to doing episode 200, I wanted to do things a bit differently. But I also wanted to do something a bit fun, which is why the lovely Paul is with me today. But it feels a bit odd. Last time we were being interviewed in a podcast studio by BizPaul. Today, we are crammed in my office, which isn't small, but it feels small to have this in here.


It's really warm. We are both sweating. Because we can't have the fan on. Because it makes too much noise and Paul and I just talking to ourselves, which is.


Paul: Is nice.


Teresa: It's nice. Bit odd.


Very odd, but nice. Okay. So we've got a loaded questions and also interspersed, you will have, uh, questions from my online events. So basically during the online event SOAR that is members only.


I ask people to ask me and I think and this really isn't a ask me anything they we've got some really good business questions. And we've got some really funny, personal, different questions. And basically what's going to happen through this whole podcast episode is we're going to intersperse those in our conversation.


When I say we, we're not gonna do it, Phil's gonna do it. So he will decide where there's a good pause and he will check in a question that was recorded during my event. So this should be fun. Are you ready, Mr. Paul?


Paul: Yes, I think so.


Teresa: So we're going to start off with the serious question. And then we'll, we'll mix up.


Let's see what will fit. Okay. So the first question is from Diane in Shine Business, which she runs with her friend, her friend, her partner, Claire, and they offer training and support to Hair and Beauty professionals. And then, um, in marketing, pricing contracts, HR, et cetera, they also have a membership called Shine Bright.


Okay. So her question was, uh, you mentioned recently that you went mainly from face to face talking events to online and that you had to adapt and invest in camera tech, where the right, you know, this, I hate reading. I hate reading. So this episode is going to be a bit like weird anyway. Uh, we're the exact same here.


So we're the exact same thing here. Told you, can't read. We're just trying to figure out through the tech. It would be really helpful to know what camera you use and anything else that you recommend for your home studio setup. Okay. So that's the first question. She's got a second part question. So the camera Paul is.


A is it Panasonic Windex?


Paul: Panasonic Windex.


Teresa: And we're going to find out and link to the exact one in the show notes. We also have these two lights that are like that. I used to have ring lights. Didn't I, and then big photography lights, but these are like LED or they LED? Two LED lights. And also we've just bought this new thing, I would say technical. What have we done for the desk?


Paul: It's like one pole instead of like, um, having tripod with your camera on it's just one pole that's, um, connected to the table itself. Cause your table rises and lowers down. So yeah, it keeps everything at that height. So when the table goes up, the camera goes up and the mic goes up as well.


Teresa: Yeah. So I have two mics. I have this one that I record, which is audio technic. This is on is for the podcast. And then I have a road mic, which is connected to the camera, which I use for interviews. And when I'm on screen, um, the other thing that's nice is this camera and I'll put the link to the lens in the show notes.


Is that this lens blurs the background and that's really nice, isn't it? Cause it just makes it look so much sharper and better. Yeah. Gives you that that's a field, which is really what it gets so hope that helps. But I will link up to them in the show notes. Also, I must give Adrian Salisbury shoutout at this point because it was his course that I did and he tells you all the tech and how to put it together.


So I will also link to him in the show notes as well. So the other questions I had was, uh, she also really loves my makeup look and in particular my eye makeup. So this is a cheeky question. What I makeup do you use? No problem if you'd rather not answer. I'm more than happy. I'm an open, but you know that.


So I use a few different things. I use naked pallets from Urban Decay, and I also use some from Unique. Um, I'll try and link to them in the show notes. I started using it, forgotten to put my thing on silent. Let me just do not disturb. See, just so you know we're not any more professional on the 200 episodes as we want them.


So, yeah, I use Unique, I use, uh, Urban Decay for, eye make-up just one tip on the only makeup thing. I have really dark eye makeup. So it's the first thing I do. So once I've like put the cream on my face and whatever, before I do any foundation, I put my eye makeup because I can guarantee, like I looked like, I don't know what I looked like.


Like I've been punched in the face or something because it, the darkness is all around my eyes. And then I use a white to get rid of the excess and then I put my foundation on. So hope that helps also I use eyeliner, above and below my eye and I use Urban Decay. I'm looking at Paul, like he knows what it's called a Waterline eyeliner.


That's the one I use. It's really good. Cause I wear contact lenses and we have this trip. We were in


Paul: Vegas.


Teresa: Yeah. We started off in Vegas and then we're heading to Laguna for a photo shoot and there was something wrong with my eyes and my contact lenses and I couldn't wear them and it didn't know what it was.


Um, So basically I had to have my photo shoot with my glasses, which wasn't very happy. And then, and then I took them off some photos, and then we went and paid a really expensive trip to the opticians in Laguna and basically there was nothing wrong. It was my eyeliner and it took days to fix. It was awful.


But anyway, so I now use that particular one, which is good for contact lenses. Okay. Hopefully that helped. So next question. Let's go with the lovely Wendy Hill from HillStart Nutrition. Who's a member. So she's put you both love to travel. What's on your bucket list. There you go. Paul, what's yours.


Paul: Uh, I think for me it, um, Yellowstone National Park.


Teresa: You like mountains and scenery. Don't you?


Paul: Yeah. And the nature and all that kind of stuff. So, yeah. So that would be my, my go-to, which it's quite of crazy. Cause we're not that far when we go over to our friends in LA and we've just never had the chance to go over have we?


Teresa: No.


Paul: Right. Would that be good?


Teresa: Yeah. I think mine I'd actually really love to go to like Japan or something like that. Like we've never been in that part of the world have we?


Paul: No.


Teresa: We tend to go to the States a lot. So yeah, they're probably, but pretty much anywhere right now. I'd happily go anywhere just to be able to get on a plane and travel again. And when does this is on the Workfront, Teresa, do any of your family actually know what you do? Like what do you think? I don't think they. No, not really. I think, I dunno.


Paul: I've got some idea, obviously here you are doing your podcast all the time and yeah, course and stuff.


Teresa: But yeah, I don't think they really,


Paul: If, if you, if you ask the question, I don't


Teresa: What do I actually do? Yeah. I think my dad once said, "I can't believe people pay you to speak. I had to listen to you talk like the whole time you were younger and I can't believe people actually pay to do that now, which is really nice." Thanks, Dad. Um, so Paul, what's your biggest marketing tip? Now I need to explain this because Paul thinks he's really funny, don't you Paul? Um, and he often like likes to share his marketing tips, uh, because he thinks by osmosis, just living with me, he's now a marketing genius.


So what tips have you got for us, Paul? The listeners are keen to hear your words of inspiration.


Paul: Obviously. Where did he put leaflets question mark and that's, uh, uh, you know, a no brainer really at this day and age, you know, things as things come back like trends and all that kind of stuff. But do you feel that, um, leaflets could come back and it would be.


Um, I don't know, positive action for your company tracing.


Teresa: So the other one that Paul always talks about is he says I need merch.


Paul: Yeah.


Teresa: Right.


Paul: Especially like on a day today, I'm here, sat in here sweating.


Teresa: He...

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