This week’s Small Business Superstars is Abbie Burns from Darley Dance Productions.


A little bit about Abbie’s amazing business…


Darley Dance Productions specialises in providing dancers and singers for corporate events and entertainment, as well as elite sports.


What one marketing thing made a difference to their business? 


Crowdfunding! After Abbie’s entire business was effected by the pandemic, Abbie decided to use crowdfunding to keep afloat. Abbie offered a link to their Christmas Show they do every year when people donated to their crowdfunding. This meant they could get the money for the tickets in advance, to be able to fund the show, and if they didn’t meet their target, they could give refunds to everyone who had donated.


What difference did it make to them and their business? 


Lots and lots of people got involved and they had some really high profile donation such as Matt Willis from Busted and the chairman of Burton Albion. People were buying the rewards and were so excited about it! They hit target and even better, they hit it earlier than they had planned! They managed to turn the show around in two weeks and it was a huge success. Instead of losing their business in 2020, they went out on a high.


Where you can find Abbie



Instagram: @Darleydance

Facebook: @Darleydance


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