In today’s episode of the podcast I talk about setting goals for your business, the law of action and some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to goal setting.




Look at what you have achieved this year – review how the year has gone.What can you learn from the past year? Anything you would do differently?Ask yourself why – do you need to be still doing everything you have been doing?Set goals for the year ahead at the end of each year.Every goal we set, we need to set a plan of action – otherwise it won’t happen!“Every action we take is like a vote for the type of person we wish to become”“Focus on building a system or developing process rather than trying to achieve a goal”“Your current habits are perfectly designed to deliver your current results”We are setting a goal but we don’t track the success of the goal, we track the actions that we take.Setting goals allows you to know where you are heading and to identify when you get there!


THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…If you do nothing different, nothing will change.




Reviewing the past year 02:10Goal setting for 2022 07:47The law of action 10:30




2022 Planning, Goal Setting & Mastermind Live Workshop!



Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you? So at the time this episode goes out, we're like pretty much nearing the end of November, which man is scary. Like doesn't time just go so fast.

But I am one of those people that loves a new year, loves a fresh start, loves to review everything, always was. I really loved a new school year. I just love the stationary. Like start a new notebooks. Let you know when you're trying to your best handwriting and you think there's nobody that's going to be really neat.

And then you start writing a few pages in and it's an absolute disgrace. Anyway, a little insight it's very old there. So yeah, I, I do really like a new year. I'm really like kind of fresh start on things. So this time of year is a really good one for me because I start reviewing everything and thinking about what do I want to achieve next year?

And that's what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about goal setting and some of the varying school of thoughts, some of the kind of do's and don'ts or how I find it. And my experience. Some of the things that people get wrong when they goal set and why things perhaps don't come to fruition the way that they'd like it to.

So basically, like I said, this time of year, this is when I start looking at what have I achieved this year. And sometimes that can be pretty triggering. Like you might sit there and think when I review the beginning of the year, I'm just going to beat myself around the head for all the things that I didn't do last year.

When I think about what have I achieved in 2020? Like I'm just going to basically be angry at myself or frustrated with myself. And that's not the reason we review never, ever is. So the reason you review and look back is because often you can't think of what you've done in a whole 12 months. And we forget our achievements so very flipping quickly, like we do something and then we move on to the next thing. And two weeks later we've forgotten that we achieved it. So sometimes purposely sitting there and looking back is really, really important. So that's definitely something I do first. That is like the first thing I do.

Obviously, like I said, I see what I can learn from it.

In today’s episode of the podcast I talk about setting goals for your business, the law of action and some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to goal setting.




Look at what you have achieved this year – review how the year has gone.What can you learn from the past year? Anything you would do differently?Ask yourself why – do you need to be still doing everything you have been doing?Set goals for the year ahead at the end of each year.Every goal we set, we need to set a plan of action – otherwise it won’t happen!“Every action we take is like a vote for the type of person we wish to become”“Focus on building a system or developing process rather than trying to achieve a goal”“Your current habits are perfectly designed to deliver your current results”We are setting a goal but we don’t track the success of the goal, we track the actions that we take.Setting goals allows you to know where you are heading and to identify when you get there!


THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…If you do nothing different, nothing will change.




Reviewing the past year 02:10Goal setting for 2022 07:47The law of action 10:30




2022 Planning, Goal Setting & Mastermind Live Workshop!



Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you? So at the time this episode goes out, we're like pretty much nearing the end of November, which man is scary. Like doesn't time just go so fast.

But I am one of those people that loves a new year, loves a fresh start, loves to review everything, always was. I really loved a new school year. I just love the stationary. Like start a new notebooks. Let you know when you're trying to your best handwriting and you think there's nobody that's going to be really neat.

And then you start writing a few pages in and it's an absolute disgrace. Anyway, a little insight it's very old there. So yeah, I, I do really like a new year. I'm really like kind of fresh start on things. So this time of year is a really good one for me because I start reviewing everything and thinking about what do I want to achieve next year?

And that's what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about goal setting and some of the varying school of thoughts, some of the kind of do's and don'ts or how I find it. And my experience. Some of the things that people get wrong when they goal set and why things perhaps don't come to fruition the way that they'd like it to.

So basically, like I said, this time of year, this is when I start looking at what have I achieved this year. And sometimes that can be pretty triggering. Like you might sit there and think when I review the beginning of the year, I'm just going to beat myself around the head for all the things that I didn't do last year.

When I think about what have I achieved in 2020? Like I'm just going to basically be angry at myself or frustrated with myself. And that's not the reason we review never, ever is. So the reason you review and look back is because often you can't think of what you've done in a whole 12 months. And we forget our achievements so very flipping quickly, like we do something and then we move on to the next thing. And two weeks later we've forgotten that we achieved it. So sometimes purposely sitting there and looking back is really, really important. So that's definitely something I do first. That is like the first thing I do.

Obviously, like I said, I see what I can learn from it. I don't beat myself up about it. And I try and find the achievements in my year, whether I feel that there are any or not. The other thing I do is, and I did this exercise with the academy literally days ago, where we looked at how to become the CEO in your business and how you could.

And I'm always a bit funny saying stuff like that. Cause it always sounds a little bit like the kind of marketing speak I don't like, but it is about the fact of like, I talked to us a while back. It's like, when you say I'm not going to buy nice clothes until I lose weight. So what, you're happy to look an absolute state until then.

And what do you think is going to change when you lose weight? You think it's going to make you feel better and you think you'll look better and therefore you'll want to wear nice clothes and therefore you'll do it then. But why not make that change now? And it's the same with your business. So I asked my members, what would they do if they were, if they saw themselves as the CEO of the business that they dream of, what would they be doing?

And for me, and some of the others have the same example, it would be like, really need to get control of the finances. Like, I would know exactly what was coming in, going out how it works, like, cause I'm just, that's the one bet I buried my head. And it's like, so do you think if suddenly my business blew up tomorrow and was 2, 3, 10 times the size it is today that miraculously I will wake up and suddenly be able to know how to do all of the finance stuff?

No, of course I won't. So I need to do that now. I need to learn that now in readiness for that. So it's, like I said, it's like putting things off until the day that the thing happens, but the truth is. It won't change it. I still be rubbish at finance stuff. Even whether I earn 10 times what we are now.

So I need to start making those changes now. So like I said, that's, that's kinda my thoughts when it comes to kind of looking at the year, deciding how, when, and not beating myself up about it. So then let's talk about kind of goal setting and looking at next year. Now, the reason I bought this episode a couple of reasons, so first off I am doing a one-off goal setting, planning and mastermind workshop. It's a four-hour workshop with me. It's live it's on zoom. I will be walking you through the workshop. This is something that I do in my academy and with my students. And I am giving everyone the opportunity to come and join me to do this. And the reason I'm doing it is because when I goal set, I have people I go to to help me do that.

So I was very lucky a couple of years back that I was able to spend some time in Nashville in December. I'm going to Nashville again this December. And I did my goal setting while I was in Nashville with Mary and Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt, some other amazing entrepreneurs. And it's super helpful. Because not only did I absolutely carve out that space to goal set and to think about the year and think about what I want and how that might look and make a plan. But I did it in the presence of other people who were doing the same thing, and it's amazing that, and one of the things I'm going to do is I'm going to the workshop is very much designed for us all to have a conversation.

So I will get people to volunteer to say what they think and what, you know, sort of things that they're planning for their next year and how they might do it. That's super helpful because of the fact that you then go, 'Oh yeah, that's a great idea. No, I shouldn't said that.' or 'I think that, oh, oh, I didn't think about doing it that way.'

So that's super helpful. So that's like I said, I always do it. I don't go set myself on my own. I always go to someone somewhere and we do it together as an activity. And that's why I'm putting on for you. So if you want to come and join me for this very special workshop, and I love you too, and it's great fun, honestly, this is stuff that I love.

It's going to be brilliant and you are going to thank me. When you come off the four hour session working solely on your business and you've made a plan and you feel calm and ease and structured and ready to take on next year, rather than flying into it by the seat of your pants. And then towards the end of next year, you're thinking, oh, well, I'll do it the next year.

No, no, do it, do it this year. Ready for next. Okay. So go to So 2 0, 2, 2 planning. If you go there, then you're going to go up to sign up for this amazing one off workshop. I'm very excited. I love this stuff. Okay. Anyway, so like I said, this is one of the reasons we're talking about this today to let you know about that, but also as to why it's so important that we, we do it properly.

Let's get back to the point of goal setting. So you've reviewed the year. You've looked at what happened, and this is a great time to like sit and review everything and ask yourself why, why am I doing that? So one of the questions I'm asking myself at this point is why am I on every social media platform?

Years ago I taught just social media, even though my background and experiences in full marketing. So I felt like I had to be on every single platform. Well, actually that's not the case anymore. I don't have to. So why am I like, could I not be on some platforms? So it's a really good center view of things. Also. I am looking at a rebrand right now.

We are going through it, which no doubt will come in kind of January time. And again, what's that rebrand going to say about me? Why do I want to do it? So, like I said, great point to kind of question everything. Yet you did that this year, but do you want to do that next year? Is that still important to you?

So once you've done all that, you start looking at the year going forward, and this is where you set goals. Now I am, I am huge fan of setting goals. There are some people that say it doesn't work. There were some people that say, so there's one school of thought that it's basically F the how for now. So you just set it and then it will come, which would be lovely. There's obviously the money manifesting, which, you know, I, I like a bit of manifesting. I don't mind it at all, but I think the key bit for me, the really important bit for me is the fact of, yes, I want you to dream big. I want you to sit and put some goals down that make you feel a little bit nervous because you are sat there thinking, holy moly, like, could I actually do this?

But the next key bit, which is what most people don't structure time to do. And really the key bit of the whole thing is what's the plan that I'm going to put in place to help me get that goal. See, when we go sit in the academy, we do two things. We, you set a goal and then you set an action attached to that goal.

So let's say I set a goal of, I want to get a million downloads on the podcast. Easy, done, just said it. I've just set a goal million downloads on the podcast. Brilliant. Now, if I do nothing different, how do I think I'm going to get a million downloads? And also I can't physically control that. Like. Unless it's a habit goal, which is I'm going to meditate everyday, which reminds me, I haven't done it this morning.

I went straight into my day and I, after I finished recording this, I'm going to crack on and do that meditation. That's a habit goal. That's fine. I have full control over that goal. A big goal. Like I want a million podcast downloads. I can't physically control that. Like I can't, you know, make people that I love my podcast.

I wish I could. But anyway, so. That will need some action. I will need to make a plan. So the key thing here is isn't just setting the goal. It's setting the action and when we get to, so let's say it's my goal for the whole year. So when I get to the end of the year, instead of beating myself up, if I haven't hit a million downloads, because that's the other thing, like, you don't want to set that big goal because you think, well, I feel like a failure when I don't get it.

And that's not the case at all. The reason we set the action goal or the action attached to the goal is because if you can say, okay, to get those million downloads, I am going to do this, or I am going to increase this, or I'm going to make sure on every single episode I say to you, if you enjoy this, which I hope you do, please tell two friends, please share it on your social media.

I would really, really appreciate it. And I'm, I am actually saying, please, thank you. But like, you know, If that's part of my action and I get to the end of the year and I haven't gotten million downloads. However, my downloads have increased because I hit that action every time. Or I did that action then yay me. High-five! Amazing. And also because we review things every quarter in the academy, also, as you're going through. If let's say I make that decision, that that's the thing I'm going to do to try and increase our podcast. And then I get to the end of quarter one and I go it doesn't seem to be increasing very much like that.

Just isn't working, then I can review it and change the action. The goal doesn't change, but my action changes, but at least I've done something so I can at least go I tried that thing. It didn't work therefore I'm going to try something different. So against every single goal we set, we need to make a plan of action.

We also need to be realistic about how would we get to that goal? Now, like I said, I am a wee bit into the manifesting thing. So some times I just chuck out the intention and go, I'd really like that. Thanks very much. And I don't worry about it too much, but sometimes getting intentional with your goals and kind of planning it out how it would work or how it would look.

So for instance, right, let's say you've got a financial goal. You want to hit a 100K this year. I want you to look at your current offering and products and services and work out actually, how many would I need to sell to hit that? Like how reasonable is that, do I have the breadth of product? Do I have the customer base?

But just thinking about actually, if I want to make that much money, this is the thing, this is how many of these I've got to sell. It just sent like sets in your head. Now the risk is you're going to go, oh, well that's just impossible. And that's obviously not what we'll do. That's where we make the plan.

That's where we set the action intention rather than just the goal intention. Obviously, like I said, I, I am, uh, I do like a bit of law of attraction and, you know the universe, like just places things in front of you, just the right time. Well, at the beginning of this week, I started listening. I was given a recommendation for a podcast, a Brené Brown podcast.

And it was with James Clear who wrote Atomic Habits. Now I'm sure I started Atomic Habits and I don't think I finished it. So I'm going to go back to it. But honestly, some of the stuff he said was like, mic drop moment after mic drop moment. So he was saying, right? So I'm going to just read out some things I wrote down about it.

He said, every action we take is like a vote for the type of person we wished to become. So for instance, like, let's say you have a goal to lose weight. It's a really easy one to talk about goal setting and thinks to losing weight because it's quite a good example. So every action that I might take, so an action might be okay instead of having my, you know, I dunno, three coffees in a day, which are those nice Nespresso ones with a lot of milk, I'm going to have just two.

And it's like, so every action you take is a vote. It's like your head, your brain, your body is saying, oh yeah, we're stepping towards that. So it's all about those little actions that we're taking. He also talks about and this is what I loved. And actually this is so inline with what I talk about with goal-setting focus on building a system or developing a process rather than trying to achieve a goal.

I heard that. And it was like, oh, that is music to my ears. And so well said, so rather than sitting there going my goal is this, my goal is this, my goal to this, you need to focus on building a system or developing a process. And this is what we do when we goal set. This is what I am teaching you in that workshop.

Like I said, I'm all for the big dreams, I'm all for the big stuff, but, and this last one kind of fits in perfectly his last thing he said that I wrote down, I haven't finished, listened to the podcast actually I need to get back to it. Your current habits are perfectly designed to deliver your current results.

I just want to like, let that sink in. I'm going to say it again. Your current habits are perfectly designed to deliver your current results. It's so true. It's the whole thing of, you know, do what you've always done and get what you've always got. Like how do we think they're setting a goal at the beginning of the year to do something and changing nothing is going to help us achieve that goal.

And don't get me wrong. Like I said, I love the law of attraction stuff. I love manifesting and you know, I am a believer in it, but I'm also a believer in the law of action that you can't just set an intention out there and say, I really want this my business without at least taking some steps to start getting to that point.

So I'm just looking at my notes that I wrote down. Yeah. So basically I think I've covered all my points, but I wanted to talk about this for, like I said, a couple of reasons, one to introduce the workshop that I'm doing, which is a one-off thing. It's really good. And I think you'll love it, but also to introduce the fact of goal setting isn't just about setting the big goals.

It's not just about throwing it out there, going, 'Yep, that's what I want this year.' And not doing anything else. You need to set a plan. Also breaking it down into that marketing activity. And again, this is something we'll cover. Okay. So if you want to earn X amount of money, you want to earn a 100 thousand and in order to do that, you've got to sell X amount of things. Well, how often are you going to launch those things? When are you going to do those sales? How does that look within your marketing? So, like I said, so many things to think about, but we do it in a structure and we do it well working through it.

And then what we do is, you know, you would take that information every quarter and you would look at it and go, is this moving the needle? And if it's not, do I need to tweak at what I'm trying. And then at the end of the year, whether you've hit your goal or not. And this is the other thing, like when we set a goal of a hundred thousand, so if you come in at 98 thousand and you're going to be gutted, are you? Know, of course you're not going to be gutted and people don't want to set goals because they get nervous about the fact of actually it might not come true or it might not happen and then I'll feel like a failure.

And that's why we do it the way we do it. We're not. We are setting a goal, but we're not tracking our success on that goal. We're tracking our success on the action we take. Okay. That was like a real quick and slightly. It wasn't ranted. Is it a ranted? It wasn't ranted.

I just think it was like come on now we need to do this. Like I said, I am a huge fan of goal setting. It has done a huge amount for me in my business. If you haven't got that goal or that plan, how do know that basically you're going in the right direction. And how do you know if you've hit it? So there are a million reasons, and I didn't want to go over all the reasons you need to set goals in this session, but in this podcast episode, I wanted to make sure that you understand that when I talk about goal setting,...