Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Dr Nadia Brown who is a sales strategist, consultant, trainer and the founder of The Doyenne Agency. Dr Nadia works with business owners, companies and corporations to multi revenue and awaken the consistent closer in your sales team. In this episode we talk all about how to get over the fear of selling and how to close those sales!




Think of selling as coming from a place of service – make sure what you are selling is right for that person (e.g. right product, time, price etc).Give people time and space to think about it.A lot of buyers are sceptical and may have been burned before – be understanding towards this.Walk them through the process at their pace, not yours.Qualify your leads – give your leads an application to fill out prior to your call.Ask what they want to accomplish and what their goals are.They need to understand what a difference you are going to make to them.Meet their objectives first, before you tell them everything you can offer.Objection handling can be on a call or on a sales page – this is when you talk about overcoming objections but this can be a little bit negative/overwhelming.Instead - Clarifying questions – people will always have questions and we can address them.It’s ok for people to say no if you are not the right fit for them – we have to help our customers to be comfortable with this.Have a level of confidence that shows you are detached from the outcome and gives them the space they need.We can’t control when people buy or if they buy – our job is to show up to guide them to that decision and nurture the relationship.It may take years to close a sale!If it’s a good fit, they will come back when they are ready.Make sure your copy tells the story and add videos so people can really get a feel for you.Email – add videos of you to allow people to get that connection with you.If you don’t sell – ask questions to your audience to understand. Review who your audience is and if the product is right for them.If you don’t have a large enough audience to sell a low ticket item – you will have cash flow problems.




You are coming from a place of service – your product/service has to be a good fit for your customer.




An introduction to Nadia 07:32Tips for selling 15:47Objection handing 27:30Closing the sale 29:50Selling low ticket items 36:14Understanding why you didn’t sell 39:10Value ladders 42:15




Bomb Bomb


Check Nadia out:





Transcript below


Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you doing? We're in April which means we're getting closer to spring. I can't wait better one day in the UK. I think it was like. Last weekend where it was so lovely and it was so nice to be sat in the garden.


And if you find me on Instagram, there was a little sneak peek that may be garden and watches coming back. If you don't follow them on Instagram, you're thinking, what on earth is this woman talking about? So basically last summer I had my garden landscaped and changed and everything. And I followed it along on...

Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Dr Nadia Brown who is a sales strategist, consultant, trainer and the founder of The Doyenne Agency. Dr Nadia works with business owners, companies and corporations to multi revenue and awaken the consistent closer in your sales team. In this episode we talk all about how to get over the fear of selling and how to close those sales!




Think of selling as coming from a place of service – make sure what you are selling is right for that person (e.g. right product, time, price etc).Give people time and space to think about it.A lot of buyers are sceptical and may have been burned before – be understanding towards this.Walk them through the process at their pace, not yours.Qualify your leads – give your leads an application to fill out prior to your call.Ask what they want to accomplish and what their goals are.They need to understand what a difference you are going to make to them.Meet their objectives first, before you tell them everything you can offer.Objection handling can be on a call or on a sales page – this is when you talk about overcoming objections but this can be a little bit negative/overwhelming.Instead - Clarifying questions – people will always have questions and we can address them.It’s ok for people to say no if you are not the right fit for them – we have to help our customers to be comfortable with this.Have a level of confidence that shows you are detached from the outcome and gives them the space they need.We can’t control when people buy or if they buy – our job is to show up to guide them to that decision and nurture the relationship.It may take years to close a sale!If it’s a good fit, they will come back when they are ready.Make sure your copy tells the story and add videos so people can really get a feel for you.Email – add videos of you to allow people to get that connection with you.If you don’t sell – ask questions to your audience to understand. Review who your audience is and if the product is right for them.If you don’t have a large enough audience to sell a low ticket item – you will have cash flow problems.




You are coming from a place of service – your product/service has to be a good fit for your customer.




An introduction to Nadia 07:32Tips for selling 15:47Objection handing 27:30Closing the sale 29:50Selling low ticket items 36:14Understanding why you didn’t sell 39:10Value ladders 42:15




Bomb Bomb


Check Nadia out:





Transcript below


Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you doing? We're in April which means we're getting closer to spring. I can't wait better one day in the UK. I think it was like. Last weekend where it was so lovely and it was so nice to be sat in the garden.


And if you find me on Instagram, there was a little sneak peek that may be garden and watches coming back. If you don't follow them on Instagram, you're thinking, what on earth is this woman talking about? So basically last summer I had my garden landscaped and changed and everything. And I followed it along on Instagram.


And I have to say, I never got such a reaction. Like this is what's really funny about things like social media is we spend hours creating this perfect content. And then I literally go onto Instagram stories and go, "Hey, I'm doing my garden. Want to see?" And people were like, they loved it. So we, um, ever a tweaker.


I am changing some things this summer and I've decided that a couple of the areas we designed it and worked very well and we're going to change them up and that sort of thing. Anyway, um, I haven't come on to history of gardening. Although I am getting into it, I have to say like, I've even planted some seeds.


My dad's planting some tomato plants for me and we're going to give them a go. And I'm denotes of Herb's. Cause I cook a lot with herbs and I spend a fortune, you know, if I can grow them great. So I'm obviously getting really old. Uh, that's my concern now I love gardening and indoor plants and things like that.


But anyway, let's get on with today's episode. So today we are talking about selling. And this is so perfect for this week because this, I don't know whether you've noticed, you may not have noticed, but basically I've changed up how I'm doing my social media. And I will tell you about this because I've got a whole series of things I want to talk about in terms of actual social media and what you do at what phase, because sometimes I think you look at someone who's a different level to you and thinks well or a different timeframe, or has more stuff or whatever. And you think "They do it like this? I should do it like this." It's like me looking at Gary V thinking "I should be on every platform every day."


Love all the content. Well, apparently he has a team of like 40 people that helps him. So when I have a team of 40 people that helped me with my content, then yeah, fair enough. I can send up on all these platforms. But right now I can't. So I'm not at his level. However, I am at a different level to where I was and we've changed of how we're doing. But you'll see.


Sorry. I'm like, Rambling on, but you'll see that basically now we have a focus to our content for the week. So I work with one of my amazing team. We work out what the focus is going to be, or I work at the focus is going to be, I then write some sort of big content that I do for the emails. And then from that, she's able to polite some bits of content and help me create some of the social media.


So that's really good. And, uh, finding that so useful, cause I'm kind of taking you on a journey. So, you know, at the beginning of the week I might talk about what something is and why you need it. And then towards the end of the week, I'll give you hints and tips. I might tell you a story. I might tell you something that really irritates me about it or something that like is amazing about it.


So this week I'm talking about fear and getting over fear. And this is really interesting that this podcast is lined up with that week, because I think that one thing that people think when they think of selling is they're scared to sell and I get it. I totally and utterly get it. It can be a super hard conversation to have.


So I was so grateful today to be able to bring you Dr. Nardia Brown, who is an expert in all things selling. Now I have to say we had such a laugh. She was a scream. We had a really good fun and a really lovely chat. You know? Cause it is interesting, you know? Obviously when I started the podcast, I pretty much knew everybody I was bringing on, or if I didn't know them personally, I'd followed their stuff and seen their stuff.


And therefore I would know what type of person they're like. And now 180 whatever episodes in, I am lucky in the sense that I get lots of requests, which is lovely for people to come on my podcast. As, you know, lots of them, I say no to, because they're not the right fit. So when I do have someone on the, I haven't had a personal interaction with, I obviously do my homework, but it's always interesting to know, you know, well, let's see how this goes and what they like and, and how we get on, but she was just brilliant.


Loved it a bit, such a great conversation. So, let me tell you a bit about Dr. Nardia Brown. She's a sales strategist, a consultant, a trainer, and the founder of The Doyenne. I think I said that wrong agency, a sales agent that works with business owners, companies, and corporations to multi revenue and awakened the consistent, closer within your sales team.


Gosh, could I have said that any worse than I did. I, you know, I hate reading and talking because I'm not very good at it. So basically she helps people learn how to close and how to sell. And she brings over 15 years experience in leadership and powerful conversations and achieving goals and the respect for people to develop a comprehensive sales process, to increase closing rates and satisfied client retention.


So what I loved about Dr. Nadia, is that like, it wasn't that horrible. I'm going to share and bleach sales conversation. It wasn't that kind of like, you know, make him cry, pin him down, ask them if they got their credit card. Absolutely. None of the source. It was so like, a "How I would like to do selling." "How I like to kind of approach that process in terms of have a conversation. Is it a right fit?" Let's be honest about it. If it's not then absolutely no problem at all. So it was a really good conversation. I really hope you can get lots from it. We do talk about high ticket items, but we do also talk about general selling as well. So I think there's some great stuff you're gonna be able to pick up in this.


I hope you enjoy today's episode.


Okay. It is with my great pleasure that I get to introduce to you the very lovely Dr. Nadia Brown. Nadia welcome to the podcast. How are you doing?


Dr. Nadia: I'm great. Thank you so much for having me.


Teresa: My pleasure. Now my listeners know, we always talk about the web because like we're British, we're obsessed and you're over in Phoenix, Arizona, which is just amazing.


And couldn't be probably more different weather-wise from where I am right now. So you are enjoying the sun and I have to say, and I'll see you guys don't see this, but you've got such lovely, bright colors, but it's like, you are bringing the sunshine today. So thanks for bringing a bit of sunshine. We always start off with explaining to my audience who you are and how you got to do the thing that you do today.


So if you are cool, we will start with that.


Dr. Nadia: Absolutely. So. It's funny because I talk about, you know, people are like, "How did you get into sales? How did you start training?" And I'm like, "Because I absolutely sucked it."


And I'm like, if anyone can learn it, so can you. And, um, when I first started my business, I was really focused on helping women step into their leadership. You know, I have a book Shattering Your Inner Glass Ceiling with all, you know, women's empowerment, but when it came to the sales part, Oh my gosh, it was just one of those.


I'd rather cut off my wrist. Do you know, to have to talk about or invite people to work with me. And so, because of that, I made a commitment to myself that I would figure it out. And when I did it opened the doors to other opportunities that I didn't see coming. And I have some really good friends who were like, "We need to hear your voice about this in the marketplace, and you really should talk about it more and do more of this."


So yeah, that's how I got started.


Teresa: That's that's really cool actually, that you identified, you were very good at it. And also I love the fact that your friends, like your voice needs to be heard, because I think like, When I think sales, like an image of someone comes into my head, like, you know, a male in his forties, fifties in a suit, looking a little bit like, yeah, like this isn't very nice.


And I, and I also think, and I apologize to my male listeners. Like as women, like there is something about selling. Did you think, or I just made up did you think?


Dr. Nadia: Oh, absolutely not. It's very. In it, you know, when women don't buy like men, like we don't purchase in the same process. And then we also, therefore don't sell like men. But a lot of times we're women, when we talk about sales and I'll ask that question, like, we. But just like you said, when you think about sales, what comes to image comes to mind? And I have a PowerPoint with that guy, you just, suit. And he's like, yeah. And he was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't.


I don't even relate. Right. He's not the right gender. I would never be caught dead in that sin. Right. How do I been embodied that that is me. How do I show up authentically as me and sell in a way that feels comfortable yet is also effective.


Teresa: Yeah. So did you say, uh, when did you write your book?


Dr. Nadia:  Out in 2013.


Teresa: So did you already started on this sales journey then, or was that prior to the sales journey?


Dr. Nadia: That was prior to the sales journey. That was probably while I was still in my, "If I build it, they won't   come." So very naive.


Teresa: Oh, do you know what that's so funny. I am you, I use that phrase a lot because of the fact that unfortunately there are lots of small business owners out there and business owners in general that think like, "If I just find my space on the internet and I put a website up and then I make up a Facebook page, I don't need to do anything else."


And they. Whoever they are, are going to come in droves knocking at my door going "Teresa, can I, can I buy your stuff? I don't know what you're saying, but can I buy it?"


Dr. Nadia: "I don't know who you are, but I still want to buy it." Right?


Teresa: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So, how, how did you go about that journey of learning for about the sales and becoming comfortable with it? Was there someone that you went to that was like your go-to mentor or how did that come about?


Dr. Nadia: Funny story. So I did hire a couple of different mentors, which is several different trainings. And one of the challenges was How do I sell, like me? How do I be an effective salesperson and yet not be the sleazy sales girl, right.


That was like, I don't want to be hurt. And I had a mentor who actually hired me to join their team. I did not know Teresa that I was going to be doing sales. I did not know everyone to understand that I went in thinking I was going to be doing one thing. And I knew that I would get like some sales training and coaching, but I never thought like I would be in that role.


Right. I was like, "Okay, I can watch videos and do some things.", but never will I be the sales person? Teresa I became the sales person, like number one sales person. And, and I'm just going through this process. I'm learning, um, you know, having conversations, I'm doing my thing. And one day, one of the owners of that company called me and he says, "Nadia, Do you realize that within a past 72 hours you sold like a hundred thousand dollars or some really ridiculous number."


Right. And I was like, "I did?" I was totally wasn't even tracked at it. And I was like "What?"


Teresa: Are you sure? Is that another Nadia again? So people could be confused.


Dr. Nadia: People called me because I don't think that is accurate. Right. And so in that conversation and some subsequent conversations, you know, they were like, "You're the only person that has come within our team and has been able to sell at this level that wasn't like an owner."


Right. And so it caused me to really pause because he also pointed out, like my style was also very different from their style. And so then I put my researcher head on. Cause I'm like, "Whoa, let's take a look at this." Right. And so like, you're right. One, I'm selling, I'm selling at a high level, what is making it different?


And I was like, All I'm doing though, is having conversations. Like my husband would come by my office some days. And then when I would come out and say, "Oh my gosh babe, I just closed the deal." And he was like, "You did, like, I thought you were in there talking to one of your friends." I guess it kind of felt that way.


And so that was, that was the start. And, you know, within that team, they had been, I started doing trainings for the other sales team members and some of their clients. And that was kind of the catalyst that really put me out there because like, you know what, I can do this and I can do it my way and still do it.


Teresa: And so again, I think when people think sales, like they think of that guy and then they think of like all the horrible tactics and also I've seen sales training in the past or some sales training where it's like, As they feel desperately trying to convince someone to do something they don't want to do.


Like it's a bit like those awful tactics of like, I don't know if you have it home in the States, but you know, when a double glazing person or a bathroom person comes to your house and basically won't leave until you sign the paperwork and they keep reducing the price, they keep reducing the price.


Like that's, I think that's why I, and lots of other people think I don't want to do that. Cause I don't want to look like that. Is that, is that your experience?


Dr. Nadia: Oh, my goodness. Yes. And a lot of people I've had people ask, like, how do I convince people to work with me? I'm like wrong attitude, or how do I overcome objections?


I'm like, "Oh my goodness. Don't get me started. Oh my I hate that term." Right. And, you know, because it puts you in an adversarial relationship with the people you say you want to work with and you go into that conversation feeling like I have to twist their arm, or I have to overpower them and come out the Victor.


And it's like, no, no, no, no, no. We need to go in with a collaborative atmosphere and or attitude. We need to go in also thinking about "Is this someone I even want to work with?" Right. You, you know, like sometimes in this conversation you talk to someone and you can feel it and we sometimes ignore it, but you can feel it. And it's like, no, no, no, this isn't a great fit for whatever reason.


Maybe it's not now. Maybe it's just not a good fit. And so, you know, helping people to understand that, no, you don't have to go into that conversation that way. Um, because that's going to impact how you show up or how people feel in that conversation as well.


Teresa: So I've got some questions asked around that, but I'm interested.


How would you show up in the conversation then? What sort of things like, so when you were selling, was that a cold sell? Was that a warm sell? What was the sell that was going on in that...