Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Jeremy Enns who is CEO and story teller in chief of Counterweight creative – a podcast production and marketing agency, helping health and wellness experts leverage podcasting to become the go to authorities in their space. We talk all about how to be a guest on someone else’s podcast and podcast sponsorship opportunities!


KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Want to win an iPad? All you have to do is go and leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts or where you listen to this podcast. Screenshot your review and post it on your social media tagging me!Podcast guesting is a great way to grow your own audience and get in front of people who are highly aligned with your messaging.You don’t need to have a podcast of your own to guest on someone else’s.When pitching to guests on a podcast, focus on what you can offer that audience and their interests.Before pitching, listen to the podcast and make sure the host has the same vibe as you, they cover the same content and there is an opportunity to share what you are an expert in.Get clear on who you can offer some sort of value to.Before you start pitching, brainstorm 3-5 topics you could talk about for 60 minutes. Make sure you can speak confidently on these topics and answer any questions. Then start researching podcasts you could talk about these topics on.There are over 1 million podcasts out there right now! Limit the scope of your outreach so it doesn’t get overwhelming.Who am I speaking to and what do I want to become known for?Podcast hosts get a lot of pitches, that means you need to find a way to stand out – lead with as much personality as possible.Most podcast hosts want to interact and engage with someone they are going to have fun with!It is hard to track sales/conversions from your podcast – anecdotal data is good. Ask your audience how they found you or survey your audience.A good level of podcast downloads is around 1,000-1,500 per episode.One way to make money through podcasting is sponsorships.There is no right podcast size – it depends on your niche, your personality, and what you talk about.It takes time to grow a podcast – 9-18 months before the snowball really starts to roll – keep going!Podcasting is not just talking to someone or having a conversation, it needs to be engaging and interesting for your audience. It takes time to figure out what your audience wants to listen to and get comfortable.Generally, you should look at sponsorship for your podcast – the sponsor that makes the most sense is for your own business to sponsor your podcast to promote your own stuff!Podcast ads should be fun and have personality – be enthusiastic!If you do bring on a podcast sponsor, make sure it is a brand/company you are enthusiastic about, would genuinely promote, and will benefit your audience.Podcast sponsorships – the narrower your niche, the more you can get.Try to think about add-ons you could offer to podcast sponsors such as newsletter features and social media features – package it all up to be more appealing to them.Think about your podcast as your trust-building system - you still need your exposure system (social media, paid ads, guest podcasting).When you have a podcast, you have to be consistent and keep on showing up.




There is no right podcast size – it depends on your niche, your personality, and what you talk about.




An introduction to Jeremy 10:55Pitching to be on someone else’s podcast 13:40Making an income from podcasting?...

Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Jeremy Enns who is CEO and story teller in chief of Counterweight creative – a podcast production and marketing agency, helping health and wellness experts leverage podcasting to become the go to authorities in their space. We talk all about how to be a guest on someone else’s podcast and podcast sponsorship opportunities!


KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Want to win an iPad? All you have to do is go and leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts or where you listen to this podcast. Screenshot your review and post it on your social media tagging me!Podcast guesting is a great way to grow your own audience and get in front of people who are highly aligned with your messaging.You don’t need to have a podcast of your own to guest on someone else’s.When pitching to guests on a podcast, focus on what you can offer that audience and their interests.Before pitching, listen to the podcast and make sure the host has the same vibe as you, they cover the same content and there is an opportunity to share what you are an expert in.Get clear on who you can offer some sort of value to.Before you start pitching, brainstorm 3-5 topics you could talk about for 60 minutes. Make sure you can speak confidently on these topics and answer any questions. Then start researching podcasts you could talk about these topics on.There are over 1 million podcasts out there right now! Limit the scope of your outreach so it doesn’t get overwhelming.Who am I speaking to and what do I want to become known for?Podcast hosts get a lot of pitches, that means you need to find a way to stand out – lead with as much personality as possible.Most podcast hosts want to interact and engage with someone they are going to have fun with!It is hard to track sales/conversions from your podcast – anecdotal data is good. Ask your audience how they found you or survey your audience.A good level of podcast downloads is around 1,000-1,500 per episode.One way to make money through podcasting is sponsorships.There is no right podcast size – it depends on your niche, your personality, and what you talk about.It takes time to grow a podcast – 9-18 months before the snowball really starts to roll – keep going!Podcasting is not just talking to someone or having a conversation, it needs to be engaging and interesting for your audience. It takes time to figure out what your audience wants to listen to and get comfortable.Generally, you should look at sponsorship for your podcast – the sponsor that makes the most sense is for your own business to sponsor your podcast to promote your own stuff!Podcast ads should be fun and have personality – be enthusiastic!If you do bring on a podcast sponsor, make sure it is a brand/company you are enthusiastic about, would genuinely promote, and will benefit your audience.Podcast sponsorships – the narrower your niche, the more you can get.Try to think about add-ons you could offer to podcast sponsors such as newsletter features and social media features – package it all up to be more appealing to them.Think about your podcast as your trust-building system - you still need your exposure system (social media, paid ads, guest podcasting).When you have a podcast, you have to be consistent and keep on showing up.




There is no right podcast size – it depends on your niche, your personality, and what you talk about.




An introduction to Jeremy 10:55Pitching to be on someone else’s podcast 13:40Making an income from podcasting? 25:30Podcast size/success 31:19Should you look at podcast sponsorship? 35:05Client launch success story 51:10




Jeremy’s FREE 5 day workshop!

How to get in front of other people’s audiences podcast

5 Steps to get started with podcasting podcast


Want the full transcript-click here!