Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Jane Walters, where we chat about all things finance and money.

Jane is a former financial planner turned financial and money mindset coach. She helps women transform their financial lives by teaching them the practical tools to manage their finances as well as supporting them to uncover and change their relationship with money.

She brings nearly 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry, in both Australia and the UK, and extensive training as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner and Meta-Coach.

She believes very strongly that when women have more money the world will be a better place for everyone.

We talked about what money mindset is, the relationships people have with money and how to overcome deeply ingrained beliefs that are keeping you from the life (and wealth) of your dreams.



How mindset and manifesting works together with practical action.
How our relationship to money affects our ability to earn, spend and save money and how it can help us create the amazing life we want.
Why we need to be efficient with how we spend our money, but also be able to see where the opportunities are.
Why investing in yourself as a business owner is necessary to grow your business.
Why debt isn’t always negative, and the need to differentiate between ‘good debt’ and ‘bad debt’.
How to know when and when not to invest in something for your business.
How and why money issues show up differently in men and women.

It’s important to be efficient about how we spend our money, but if we want to grow, we also need to see where the opportunities that are worth investing in for our business and for ourselves are.

How to be strategic in spending your money, but not missing opportunities because of being too scared of risk.
Why you need to reframe fear around money management to empower you to make better decisions.
Why we need to be kinder to ourselves about the things we don’t know about money.


Jane Walters Instagram and Website

Dream Business Club Membership

Rachel Rodgers Podcast

Profit First Book

You are a badass at making money by Jen Sincero

Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny


Hello, and a super warm welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you? So we have an interview this week with the lovely Jane Walters. Jane is a financial coach and talks all things money. But what I really love about this...

Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Jane Walters, where we chat about all things finance and money.

Jane is a former financial planner turned financial and money mindset coach. She helps women transform their financial lives by teaching them the practical tools to manage their finances as well as supporting them to uncover and change their relationship with money.

She brings nearly 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry, in both Australia and the UK, and extensive training as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner and Meta-Coach.

She believes very strongly that when women have more money the world will be a better place for everyone.

We talked about what money mindset is, the relationships people have with money and how to overcome deeply ingrained beliefs that are keeping you from the life (and wealth) of your dreams.



How mindset and manifesting works together with practical action.
How our relationship to money affects our ability to earn, spend and save money and how it can help us create the amazing life we want.
Why we need to be efficient with how we spend our money, but also be able to see where the opportunities are.
Why investing in yourself as a business owner is necessary to grow your business.
Why debt isn’t always negative, and the need to differentiate between ‘good debt’ and ‘bad debt’.
How to know when and when not to invest in something for your business.
How and why money issues show up differently in men and women.

It’s important to be efficient about how we spend our money, but if we want to grow, we also need to see where the opportunities that are worth investing in for our business and for ourselves are.

How to be strategic in spending your money, but not missing opportunities because of being too scared of risk.
Why you need to reframe fear around money management to empower you to make better decisions.
Why we need to be kinder to ourselves about the things we don’t know about money.


Jane Walters Instagram and Website

Dream Business Club Membership

Rachel Rodgers Podcast

Profit First Book

You are a badass at making money by Jen Sincero

Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny


Hello, and a super warm welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you? So we have an interview this week with the lovely Jane Walters. Jane is a financial coach and talks all things money. But what I really love about this conversation and Jane's take on it is Jane comes from an almost financial background, a very practical money background. But as interweave, this money background with now, things like the money mindset. And we talk about things and I joke about the film, the secret. I dunno if you've seen it or read the book and, you know, I love a bit manifesting, you know, I'm totally into all that, but in that film, It shows this thing of this guy, literally waking up and wishing for a Lamborghini or something.

And then the next day it's there on his drive. Like yeah, no, I don't think that's true. So. What I really love about it is that she talks about the kind of good money mindset, things that we can do in terms of the slightly woo side, but also teams up with a bit of practical stuff, which again, for me is, is a really good way to look at this.

So if you're not feeling the money mindset from a, from a woo side, then you're gonna have something to listen to. And if you do feel it, then you're gonna have some practical stuff as well. So she is a really, really good expert on this, and I'm excited for you to get listening to her. But before I play the interview, I wanna remind you that if you do like the mindset side of stuff, which I do, and honestly attribute most of my success to doing mindset work.

This is something that we regularly look at in the club and it's open to all levels of members. So we do mindset exercises on things like values. Like how do you work at your values? So you know that you're in align with them and everything just feels nice and much easier. We do things about reframing a mistakes that maybe remain in the past.

We look at things like imposter syndrome. We look at meditation, we look at all these amazing things and there are all these different trainings that I've already done in the club. So when you join straightaway, you can dive in and do as many of them sessions as you want. So if you are interested, please go and check out the club at .

Okay. Time to listen to the amazing interview with Jane. Here she is. Okay. It's my great pleasure today to welcome to the podcast Jane Walters, Jane, how are you doing?

Jane: I'm great. Thanks for having me.

Teresa: Thank you for being on. And we, we have found a time that works, cause as you can hear by Jane's accent, she's not in the UK. So tell us where you are Jane.

Jane: Well, there are lots of Aussies in the UK. Let's be honest, but I am from Sydney, Australia, and yes, it's evening for me, but yes.

Teresa: And it's fairly early morning for me. I've managed to get up, put my face on, do the school run. I haven't fed the dog. I just remember that I need to feed the dog.

Okay. it's, I'm used to doing this quite late. Yeah. Well, this is the thing you, you have to juggle a lot when you, you know, doing all this stuff, being a parent, it's, uh, not an easy task. But anyway, Jane, we always start the same way by you introducing what you do and how you got to do what you do. So if you were happy, that would be wonderful.

Jane: Yeah, for sure. So my name is Jane Walters. I I'm a financial coach and I'm also a money mindset coach. So I help women to create wealth, um, by dealing with, um, a lot of the mental or emotional kind of blockers that keep them stuck. So, um, I used to be a financial planner. I've been in the financial services industry, my whole career, and.

I, I ended up getting a bit frustrated with the industry for a couple of reasons. Um, one is very male dominated, and I think that tends to turn a lot of women away. And I think that got me quite frustrated because there were a lot of people who would come in and even couples who would come to see me, but often it would be the man who was directing it.

It's a husband who was, you know, taking control of things. And I really wanted more women to get more interested and involved and understand that isn't just a man's world. Um, and also I think that part of what financial planning ignores is the fact that we are an emotional, we are emotional beings. And so our behavior around money is related to how we think about money and how we feel about money and what we think about ourselves as well.

So that's like the relationship to money side. Um, and so for me coming from, you know, a point of, of loving the personal development world, but also seeing this big need on the, you know, financial side and especially around women is bringing those two things together, which is how I ended up here.

Teresa: Mm. So the, this is really interesting that you came from that finance world and then married it because sometimes do you find that.

For me anyway, speaking to you, that gives me some more credibility of you. Like that makes me think because sometimes when we think of like the mindset on the money side. I have like a bit of a love-hate relationship with it. Like, so have you seen, uh, now I've not read the book, but I've seen a bit of the film, the secret, and it's like.

And it's basically like, you know, just, just wish for a Lamborghini. It's gonna turn up on your drive. Like, and it's like, yeah, yeah, no, that's not, that's not gonna happen. And it's kind of the same with the money mindset thing. Like there are points of money mindset that feels like, just go and do that thing.

The money will come. And it's like, almost like there's an irresponsible level of money mindset. So how do you. How did you kind of match and marry the two coming from a very responsible, practical way, and then on the money mindset side?

Jane: Yeah. Um, so for me the mindset stuff, I mean, I personally, I like a little bit of woo.

You know, I think that it's important to bring in, like, just to understand that there are things limitations in science and in the real world that, you know, we can't explain and that's totally fine. But I also think, I think that things like your mindset and, you know, manifesting things doesn't have to be as you know, crazy and woo, woo.

And out there as what we think it is. Like the idea of the secret and just saying, oh, I, I wanna, I just want to think positive and this thing will happen. It's actually, if we break that down and look at what law of attraction is, it's let's understand that a lot of our, a lot of how we, um, behave is driven by how we feel and our, how we feel is driven by our thoughts.

And we have the ability to, you know, get underneath those thoughts and understand them and to change them and to think things on purpose that are gonna support. The kind of, um, I guess the kind of, um, thoughts and feelings that are gonna create action. So it has to be action. And that's where I like to marry the two in that we have to have the practical action, but we also really have to address the mindset stuff.

Because they work together. And a lot of, I find a lot of my work is in balancing and I tend to see that in the world quite a lot in balancing the masculine and feminine and balancing the practical and emotional it's like balancing the two and yeah. Also leaving a bit of room for that magic or the, you know, we were kind of energy as well.

Teresa: And you you're so right when you talk about, you know, how we feel is determined by our thoughts and that we can think things on purpose, like I'm, you know, and my listeners know this, that, you know, I have therapy and honestly, I just spoke to my friend about it and I was like, isn't it the best thing in the world?

Like, totally. I feel like if I could only give one piece of advice ever, it would be have therapy like it's so good. And, this week when I was talking to her, it was about the fact of how much I am changing my thoughts and how my thoughts are kicking into play quicker. So rather than like, you know, I'm a normal, nothing person.

So, you know, rather than thinking, I'll have this one glass of wine and then that driving into 20 before I even have one. I, my, my brain is going, hang on a minute. Like, did, did you really want that? Or would you really do this? Or like, you know, when you, we all get a lot of shame and that's, it's a horrible thing to deal with.

And so again, like when you do something, instead of me going straight into shame, God, you're ridiculous. Can't believe you did that. I then go, I'm not gonna beat myself up about that. Like, so generally that thing in itself, whether it's related to money or wine or love, whatever it is, is so flippin powerful to be able to go.

I just want to choose to think slightly different and because I think slightly different I'm gonna act different or I will get a different outcome. I think that's, that's crazy powerful. Isn't it?

Jane: It is. It's really powerful. I often say to my clients' sake, your level of awareness happens, um, quicker over time.

So initially if. I've been working with, um, you know, a couple of clients recently around sort of spending kind of problems and issues. And so even when you notice you've spent on something you didn't want to spend on, noticing it after the fact is still something to celebrate, because the more you notice it after the fact, then what happens is your awareness increases.

So that then you notice it in the moment. And then you notice that before it actually happens and that's the whole progression, it's actually having that awareness at different points in your journey, but also then acknowledging that you have the awareness is a really positive and really, um, you know, important thing to celebrate as well.

Teresa: Yeah. Yeah. And you, the awareness is everything, isn't it? Cause I often think like, How did I go through life without not without thinking or knowing these things. And there are so many people out there doing it, but it is huge. So let's, let's go back to the money mindset thing then, because the word money mindset, like didn't exist in my world.

Like, I didn't know what it was. Didn't know how, you know, it worked or whatever it was until I started doing some work on myself until I got my business. And then I realized. What a dreadful money mindset I had and where it had come from and what I'd inherited. But so just sum up like the, the kind of term money mindset and what you mean by that.

Jane: Yeah, sure. So I kind, I like to differentiate it a little bit, so I like to think of money mindset as all the thoughts and beliefs that you have around money. Um, but then I also go a little bit deeper when it comes to your relationship to money because your relationship to money is also those thoughts and feelings that you have around money, but it's also about how you relate to money and your thoughts about yourself as well.

Because I do find that some of the more, you know, we can think, oh, money is the root all evil. For example, that's a, a money mindset that we might have a belief that we have, you know, inherited. It may not actually be a belief that we want or that we own, but it's some that, something that we've taken on board. Whereas then having, you know, shame around the way that you spend your money is something that is goes a little bit beyond mindset and more into what your relationship to money is.

And so they are they're the same, but they're, they're also different. They're connected. Um, the, the mindset piece is. No, I wouldn't say surface level, because I think often there's, they're very, um, deeply ingrained beliefs, but then the relationship to money is something that is a bit more complex and a little bit deeper.

Teresa: Yeah. And, and I think it's funny cause it's only when you start looking at this that you realize how complex it is. And how it fits in with so much other stuff. So I always have this conversation with my husband because I think he. Not that he'd want me to share too much on here, but I think he has some money, thoughts and feelings that he might need to look at.

Like, so, you know, well, yeah, everyone does. Yeah. So you know how, like, I came from a very poor family. We didn't have a lot when I was growing up and therefore, like if we went shopping and I'm gonna use the example of toilet rolls. Okay. If we went shopping, we'd buy four toilet rolls because.

It was more about keeping the cost of that shop down. Right. So we weren't one of those families that would have like a big shop or go and get the stuff for the month cause we couldn't afford it. So it was like living almost day to day buy four toilet rolls. And now obviously my husband and I are, you know, we do okay.

And we could buy a whole big bunch of toilet rolls. Right. So I say to my husband about this and I'm like, you know, so what we should do cause we have a lovely lady that comes and cooks for us. And, but we still need to get the cleaning stuff or we sometimes get the clean stuff. And Paul likes to get it from this certain shop.

Cause it's cheaper cause he's very frugal. And I said to him, that's fine, but why don't go every week to buy the stuff? Why don't we go at the beginning of the month, buy everything we're gonna need for the month? And that cause what I'm trying to do is save his time. And he's like, okay. So then we go to the shop, I go with him and I'm like, so we'll get three of these.

Oh no, we don't, we don't need three. I just get one. I'm like, how, how much do we go through? Oh, well, yeah. Uh, just a lot of money. Isn't it. I was like, but we'd be spending it anyway. Like, it's not like, it's not like we're buying three when we only need one, we will need three. We're just buying it in bulk, saving us the time.

And he really didn't like it. He really couldn't get his head around it. When I said to him, This reminds me of being poor. This reminds me of there's not enough. So we've got to hold back what we spend. Whereas it's not saving you any money by not like it's, it's saving you money by not having to go to the shop every week. But like he just, this in his head just couldn't compute.

Jane: And, and the interesting thing with that is that they are, and this is where, like the neuro kind of biology comes in, where it's, you have really deeply ingrained neuro pathways in your brain. That's telling you, this is how we, this is how we act in this situation.

This is a pattern that plays out. One, you get a trigger to that. And your natural thought pattern is we need to save. We need to not buy. We need to be very careful with our money. And so a lot of that work in retraining your brain is understanding that...