This week’s episode is a practical episode, with lots of incredible tips from Amy Woods, an expert in repurposing content. In her business, Content 10x, Amy takes a core piece of content and ensures she maximises it to its full potential. Whether your core piece of content is an article, a video or a podcast, Amy shares her top tips for creating various other pieces of content alongside it, without taking up too much of your time. If you’re looking to put more content out into the world, this is definitely the episode for you.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTRepurposing content is split into two different sides – promoting your core content and then taking the message of your core content and communicating it in various different ways.You should be promoting your content in various different ways. Whether that’s a teaser image, a launch post, a reminder post or various different posts throughout the launch period. Sharing your own content is never a bad thing, especially if you’re getting a conversation started.Having longevity in your repurposing strategy is valuable. This means thinking about SEO and search queries for Google, YouTube and other popular platforms.The lifespan of Tweet is 18 minutes, so don’t worry about scheduling lots of your own content. Not everyone is going to see it.You need to look at the existing resources and the skills that you have, thinking about what steps you can add to your content creation processes that would allow you to repurpose content easily.If you don’t think you have the time to repurpose content, you may want to consider outsourcing it to someone else.Blog posts are one-dimensional, which often makes it hard to repurpose. When it comes to your copy, however, this is something that can be shared in various different places. From sharing it on LinkedIn to using it on Instagram Stories, it’s an easy jump. If it helps, create some graphics using Canva.If you’re looking to make a video or podcast out of a blog post you have written, you can use the post as a way to structure any further content you make.Lumen5 is a great way to repurpose your blog post into a video. The software will pull out the main points of your blog post, making a video for you.Live video is a great starting point when it comes to content as it’s an experience for your followers, helping you to build a community. It gives people access to you and it’s authentic content.If you have published a live video, you can extract the audio and potentially use it as a podcast episode.Write key discussion points from your videos and turn them into a blog. The same applies to podcast episodes when you’re creating show notes.When creating a podcast, you may also want to consider having a transcript.If you’re talking about visual content in a podcast, it helps to have visual content that goes alongside it. This could be a content upgrade and lead generation tool.Repurposing content doesn’t necessarily have to be breaking down content, but it could be building it up too. For example, you could turn 10 blog posts into an eBook.When it comes to repurposing content that people have paid for, you need to be as transparent as you possibly can. Whilst you can’t give everything away, there are ways in which you can share some of the information you’re using in paid content. In a sense, you want to create a sense of FOMO.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…Although you may feel like you don’t have time, you need to think about whether or not your schedule is too tight. You should have time to repurpose, so make sure you’re making time for creating new short-form content that is based on the long-form content you’re already producing.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSIntroducing Amy –...

This week’s episode is a practical episode, with lots of incredible tips from Amy Woods, an expert in repurposing content. In her business, Content 10x, Amy takes a core piece of content and ensures she maximises it to its full potential. Whether your core piece of content is an article, a video or a podcast, Amy shares her top tips for creating various other pieces of content alongside it, without taking up too much of your time. If you’re looking to put more content out into the world, this is definitely the episode for you.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTRepurposing content is split into two different sides – promoting your core content and then taking the message of your core content and communicating it in various different ways.You should be promoting your content in various different ways. Whether that’s a teaser image, a launch post, a reminder post or various different posts throughout the launch period. Sharing your own content is never a bad thing, especially if you’re getting a conversation started.Having longevity in your repurposing strategy is valuable. This means thinking about SEO and search queries for Google, YouTube and other popular platforms.The lifespan of Tweet is 18 minutes, so don’t worry about scheduling lots of your own content. Not everyone is going to see it.You need to look at the existing resources and the skills that you have, thinking about what steps you can add to your content creation processes that would allow you to repurpose content easily.If you don’t think you have the time to repurpose content, you may want to consider outsourcing it to someone else.Blog posts are one-dimensional, which often makes it hard to repurpose. When it comes to your copy, however, this is something that can be shared in various different places. From sharing it on LinkedIn to using it on Instagram Stories, it’s an easy jump. If it helps, create some graphics using Canva.If you’re looking to make a video or podcast out of a blog post you have written, you can use the post as a way to structure any further content you make.Lumen5 is a great way to repurpose your blog post into a video. The software will pull out the main points of your blog post, making a video for you.Live video is a great starting point when it comes to content as it’s an experience for your followers, helping you to build a community. It gives people access to you and it’s authentic content.If you have published a live video, you can extract the audio and potentially use it as a podcast episode.Write key discussion points from your videos and turn them into a blog. The same applies to podcast episodes when you’re creating show notes.When creating a podcast, you may also want to consider having a transcript.If you’re talking about visual content in a podcast, it helps to have visual content that goes alongside it. This could be a content upgrade and lead generation tool.Repurposing content doesn’t necessarily have to be breaking down content, but it could be building it up too. For example, you could turn 10 blog posts into an eBook.When it comes to repurposing content that people have paid for, you need to be as transparent as you possibly can. Whilst you can’t give everything away, there are ways in which you can share some of the information you’re using in paid content. In a sense, you want to create a sense of FOMO.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…Although you may feel like you don’t have time, you need to think about whether or not your schedule is too tight. You should have time to repurpose, so make sure you’re making time for creating new short-form content that is based on the long-form content you’re already producing.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSIntroducing Amy – 03:59How Often Should I Be Posting My Core Content? - 07:01Having Time to Repurpose Content – 15:30How to Repurpose Your Blog Content – 21:36How to Repurpose Your Video and Podcast Content – 30:51How to Repurpose Content from your Membership, Speaking Opportunities and Courses – 43:56
Transcript below


Hello, good morning, and a very warm welcome to today's episode. How are you on this wonderful day? I hope it's wonderful. I don't know about you, but the beginning of the year has felt a little bit tough, a little bit hard-going. I was talking to someone yesterday and talking about the weather, as you do because we're British, and saying that in the UK, it's just grey. I don't mind it being cold. I actually quite like it being a bit frosty, because at least then there's a blue sky, but just it's been really grey. So yeah, I think that's had a really big impact on my mood and how I felt. Anyway, I'm thinking more positively today and ignoring those grey skies and being much more upbeat. Which I am generally upbeat, I have to say. But occasionally, it just feels a bit much these dark nights, and dark mornings, and rubbish weather. So roll on some sunshine.

And this year, I'm not going to Social Media Marketing World, which I have been to for the past four years and I've been in San Diego in March, which I have to say is always lovely. Because one, it's my birthday at the end of March, so that's always nice to have a trip close to it. But also, so I have actually spent quite a few of my birthdays in the states. But also, having a bit of sun in March is heaven. And I remember ... Oh, I don't want to think about it, actually. I remember sitting by the bay, looking at the boat, drinking a cocktail and, oh gosh, if only, if only. Anyway, I'm focusing on growing the academy, which is why I'm not doing as much travelling. Although saying that, I have got a few things planned in for later in the year, so that should be fun.

Anyway, anyway. On with today's episode. So this one's a really good one. I think you're going to love it, because when I look at my podcast stats, which I do far too often, by the way. The stuff that is really practical content stuff tends to go down brilliantly and actually they tend to have some of my highest episodes. And this one is exactly the same. So this one is an interview with the very lovely, Amy Woods, from Content 10x, and she is an expert in repurposing content. So what she does in her business and for her clients is she will take their content and create loads of different content out of it. Whereas we had the lovely, Natalie, talking about how to make the most of your content in the sense of once you've created it, where to put it, what sort of things to say about it.

This is if you've got some core content, like a video or a podcast, how can you then turn that into loads of other bits of content so that you're really maximising your effort of that one core bit of content? But like I said, Amy's an expert on this. She actually has a podcast talking about this. I was a guest on it a little while back. I'll link up to all this in the show notes. And I don't know how she talks about it all the time, because to have a podcast where you just talk about content repurposing, it's amazing. She's got loads of ideas. So well done to her on that front, because like I said, I don't know that I could do a podcast on that every single week. I would run out of ideas fairly quickly. But anyway, she's fab. I think you're going to really enjoy today's episode. So I am not going to waste anymore of your time and I'm going to let you jump straight in.


Introducing Amy


So I am really excited today to welcome my guest, the very lovely, Amy Woods. Amy, how are you?

I am very good, thank you. Thank you for having me on.

No worries whatsoever. I should just say, we've just spent the last 45 minutes chatting and then realised we really need to get on with this podcast episode. So we've had a lovely catch up. Amy, in case my audience don't know who you are and haven't come across you and Content 10x before, please just give us a really brief overview of who you are and how you got to do what you're doing today.

Yeah. So, I run a business called, Content 10x, and we're a creative agency, basically, that specialises in repurposing content. So we work with small businesses predominantly who embrace content marketing, so they'll have podcasts, create video content, live streams, that kind of thing. And we repurpose content as a service, essentially. So we're an agency consisting of copywriters, graphic designers, video editors, podcast editors, and content publishers and NQA review, etc. And we offer that as a service to businesses so that they can focus on core quality and then focusing on running the business and lots of content gets repurposed. And then also have podcasts, like [Sophie 00:05:18] had been on it a few weeks ago just saying how brilliant that episode was and how it's been one of the most downloaded episodes of [crosstalk 00:05:24]-

Nice, so awesome.

Yes, it's awesome. And blog. And I had my blog come out recently. So anything in the world of content repurposing is what I'm all about, basically.

And that's awesome. Because, one thing I never did, and we just briefly talked about this previously, is I never niched down. Now I don't feel like I could or I want to, because I like doing bits of everything. But I love the fact of when you think about running a business and being niche, this is really niche, isn't it?


But, it's something that, A, people aren't doing enough. And B, it doesn't need the business owner to do this. Once you've created that core bit of content, you just need a process. So, a few weeks ago, just so my audience aren't listening to this and thinking, "Oh hang on, we've done this." A few weeks ago I had Natalie on and Natalie talked about creating content, but she talked about a process as you are creating it. So she talked about ... And I'll link up to this in the show notes, but she talked about obviously if you're doing a video, how'd you get it on YouTube, what are some things you should do. So that we're not talking about this, we're talking about once that video is out there, or that podcast is out there, or that blog is out there, how can you make the most of it?


How Often Should I Be Posting My Core Content?


Because actually, this is kind of the thing that we create, and you and I know this for sure as podcast hosts, so much content. Seriously, if let's say you did even half an hour an episode and we're ... By the time this comes out, we'll be over, I think, maybe just under or over 100 episodes. That is a hell of a lot of content. So how do we make the most of it all the time? So let's start right at the beginning. Let's say I've just done a podcast episode now and I've put it out, talk to me about how many times I should be posting it, or what I should be doing with it the minute I put that out before you then repurpose it for other things?

Well, I think ... Yeah. So, I think there's two sides to the repurposing, because there's the promotion of the core content. So you've got the podcast episode and you're wanting to create spin-off content and additional content to promote and market that piece of content. And then there's the other side, which is just seeing it as, content is a message being expressed in a particular format in a particular place, so let's see how we can take that message and turn it into lots of different types of ways of communicating it that isn't all about, "Listen to the podcast." It's actually, "No, I'm communicating this message in video, in written, etc." So there's the two aspects, the promotional and then just the different ways to share that message to each different people. So I think with the podcast content, so podcast and video are always the best starting point for repurposing.

We find video is always our favourite starting point because it's just [inaudible 00:08:23] talks with video. You have audio, but you have everything else as well. Well let's say for a podcast ... So I think you want to do the shouting out about it when it goes live. I actually think that if you can do a little bit of additional content before it goes live to tease people to when it's going live as well, that could be really good. So let's say you have a podcast episode coming out and you create some short little audiogram, so sharing a bite-size bit of audio with an image or an animated graphic that we've all, I'm sure, seen shared a lot of the time on Instagram. Or creating quote images, just title images, so graphics and things like that. And teasing up to the episode can be something good. Next week on the podcast it's like, "Here's a soundbite of what you've got [crosstalk 00:09:10] to look forward to." Yeah. So treating it a little bit like ... Treating content like a launch, like mini launches.

And then, shouting about it on the platforms that your audience hang out. I also want to say that it's not always about being absolutely everywhere. It's absolutely being where your audience are and thinking about how you can shout out about it in the most appropriate way for that platform and that audience. So on Twitter, it's usually more conversational, isn't it? It's conversation [crosstalk 00:09:46] started, it's trying to get everything going. So maybe not just sharing a graphic of the title image, the title of the podcast and saying, "This week we have a discussion about this." But more, maybe extracting a great question that came out of it. "So and so said this, what do we think?" Or-

Yeah, that's a good idea.

... teasing ... Actually here, it's conversational, so how could we get conversations going on? [crosstalk 00:10:11] the episode, but get questions, pull things out, like a bit of controversy if you want to. But Instagram is all about visuals and aesthetics, isn't it? So there, you'd have a different approach for shouting out about it. You would be ... Well actually, in the feed you're looking more at the aesthetics, and the visuals, and the graphics. Well, then video, video, video, isn't it?


On Instagram, say things like embracing Stories, so going to Insta Stories, letting people know that your episode is about to go up. Just no. It's more like, "If you listen to it, this is what you would gain from it. Do you have this problem? If you do, you're going to love the solutions that we talk about in this week's episode and what people gain." We're using all the features there, so things like sliding scales, votes, ask me anything, live features. So making the most of each platform and the features that it has. And Facebook, LinkedIn. So I think it's having that different approach for the different platforms, shouting out about it coming up to, and then day of, and the week after. And I think what tends to happen is, if you have weekly content, shout out about your podcast episode, or the video, whatever, the week that it comes out and plan, "Okay, so it goes out on Monday, so let's say this on Tuesday and Wednesday let's dah-dah-dah." And then you get to the next one and of course it's like rinse and repeat, isn't it?

Yeah, and you're doing it again.

Yeah, exactly. Which you should. You should definitely get to each week and then shout out about it, but if the content is evergreen, then we don't want people to ... We've still got so much more to be saying about that in weeks, and months, and maybe even years to come if it's evergreen and solving a particular problem. So I think it's just not losing sight of the fact that just because it was out there, not everybody caught it that point in time and people will still have that problem in the weeks and years to come. So having some longevity to your marketing and repurposing plans as well, turning your content into things that could be found by a search, as well as social, so writing blog posts and having an SEO focus, videos to have that YouTube SEO focus as well, and things that will help people to find that content in the weeks, months, and years to come as well. So it's the mix of the promotion at the time and then the repurposing of the message to be found further down the line as well, if that [crosstalk 00:12:38] makes sense.

Yeah. No, that makes perfect sense. And I love the fact that you talk about the different platforms, because I always say and will caveat that with, in an ideal world. Because in an ideal world, that is what you do. But we're not talking about you being on every platform. I am. Are you on everything?

I am on everything, but we don't put as much focus onto all of them. But yeah, I am. Yeah.

But I think that's a lot to do with the industry we're in and that's why I'm on everything. If I wasn't doing social media digital marketing stuff, then I wouldn't be on everything. I would focus on the ones. And for me, it would be Twitter and Instagram, because they're my favourites. But therefore, so firstly, you shouldn't have to be on everything. But when you are posting in an ideal world, like you said, I love the fact of asking a question on Twitter, getting them to say even things like, "These are our tips for this. What do you?" And starting that conversation, again, using some of those polls, talking about some of those things also on stories and things. So I love the fact you're talking about that. The other thing I just want to pick up on is the fact that you said, "Goes out on a Monday. You plan this on a Tuesday, this on a Wednesday, this on a Thursday."

They're lots of people out there who I think will listen to that and go, "What? You post every day, or you post more than once." Because I think what happens in our head, and you sort of let me know whether you agree, but I think what happens in our head when we create something, because we are doing it, so we focused on that thing while we're creating it and then you create the graphics, and then you're doing this, and then you're doing that, and then you're posting it on social media or you're putting it wherever and you think, "Oh great, done that, done. I don't need to do any more because I don't want to irritate anybody. I don't want to bother them. I don't want to ... " And actually, good luck. I mean, great if you're irritating people, because it means they're seeing your stuff. Let's be real. The chances are, they're not going to see it. So actually, this isn't just a, create one thing, post it once, is it?

No. I mean, the lifespan ... What did we say? The lifespan of a tweet is 18 minutes or something like that. Anyway-

Yeah, something crazy like that. Yeah.

I think I saw a Gary Vaynerchuk clip recently where someone said something similar to him and he made the good point that people are not going to see everything that you put out, and if that one super fan sees those 15 things that you put out that week, they're a super fan so they don't care, if they're following [crosstalk 00:15:02]-

They love you.


Having Time to Repurpose Content


Exactly. I think people ... So let's say for your email subscribers, okay? So sometimes I think people neglect email as well as social, and search, and things like that. So something like that. Maybe we just send one email a week. If you have a weekly newsletter, maybe there's a weekly roundup or something, then there's a section in there for things I've posted this week, or that kind of thing. You probably do that versus break down your content into it. You wouldn't send maybe an email or recommend an email on Monday about ... Or email on Tuesday about it and things like that. Because that's more of a captive...