Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Wendy Hill. Wendy is the owner of HillStart Nutrition Health and Wellness. As a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist and an expert in female hormone health, Wendy supports women through perimenopause, menopause and beyond through her Fabulous & Female membership, group programs and 1:1 work. We talk all about how as a business owner you need to look after yourself and your body, with simple and easy ways to do this.




You are your business – if you go down, your business goes down. So you need to make sure you look after yourself!Our default is to just work because we love what we do – but we have to find a balance.It’s about doing the best you can for yourself.You don’t have to cut out alcohol and sweet treats to be healthy – we have to live too.There is so much information out there – it can be confusing!We try to power through all the time and rely on caffeine and sugar to get us through – we don’t have time to stop.We still have to enjoy our food – it’s not about cutting everything out.Your lifestyle and food are the two things you should really be focusing on, then supplements if needed.Multi-vitamins are OK but may not do you much good if they are low level.Don’t buy your food from where you fill up your car with fuel and don’t buy your supplements from where you buy your food.Vitamin D is good to take in the Winter.3 easy and actionable changes you can make to look after yourself and body:Drink more waterEating three meals a dayMove more


You need to look after yourself and make sure you are fuelling your body so you can do the best work you can.




Wendy’s journey so far and she has got to where she is todayThe balance between working hard on our businesses but also looking after ourselvesVitamins and supplementsSimple and easy tips to look after yourself and your body







Fabulous & Female Membership

5 Day Female Health MOT – FREE to join




Hello and welcome to this episode of the podcast. How are things?


Things with me are somewhat busy at the moment. I was trying to explain to my husband the other day that some of the things we've got going on at the moment, some of the projects, are like the equivalent of getting married, getting divorced, starting a job, leaving a job, moving house. For some unknown reason, I chose the same time to re record or record a section of the pathway that isn't done, moved from one email system to another, launch my book, rebrands, create a new website, do a brand new quiz, which is coming out very soon, hopefully. What else is on my list? Do a launch strategy, review some processes. Seriously. I don't know what I was thinking. I do not know what I was thinking. So what's happening with the podcast at the moment is I'm pretty much doing it on the fly, which I hate doing.


And I hate doing it for a few reasons. One like. I don't like the fact that we're not more ahead and more organized, and two...

Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Wendy Hill. Wendy is the owner of HillStart Nutrition Health and Wellness. As a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist and an expert in female hormone health, Wendy supports women through perimenopause, menopause and beyond through her Fabulous & Female membership, group programs and 1:1 work. We talk all about how as a business owner you need to look after yourself and your body, with simple and easy ways to do this.




You are your business – if you go down, your business goes down. So you need to make sure you look after yourself!Our default is to just work because we love what we do – but we have to find a balance.It’s about doing the best you can for yourself.You don’t have to cut out alcohol and sweet treats to be healthy – we have to live too.There is so much information out there – it can be confusing!We try to power through all the time and rely on caffeine and sugar to get us through – we don’t have time to stop.We still have to enjoy our food – it’s not about cutting everything out.Your lifestyle and food are the two things you should really be focusing on, then supplements if needed.Multi-vitamins are OK but may not do you much good if they are low level.Don’t buy your food from where you fill up your car with fuel and don’t buy your supplements from where you buy your food.Vitamin D is good to take in the Winter.3 easy and actionable changes you can make to look after yourself and body:Drink more waterEating three meals a dayMove more


You need to look after yourself and make sure you are fuelling your body so you can do the best work you can.




Wendy’s journey so far and she has got to where she is todayThe balance between working hard on our businesses but also looking after ourselvesVitamins and supplementsSimple and easy tips to look after yourself and your body







Fabulous & Female Membership

5 Day Female Health MOT – FREE to join




Hello and welcome to this episode of the podcast. How are things?


Things with me are somewhat busy at the moment. I was trying to explain to my husband the other day that some of the things we've got going on at the moment, some of the projects, are like the equivalent of getting married, getting divorced, starting a job, leaving a job, moving house. For some unknown reason, I chose the same time to re record or record a section of the pathway that isn't done, moved from one email system to another, launch my book, rebrands, create a new website, do a brand new quiz, which is coming out very soon, hopefully. What else is on my list? Do a launch strategy, review some processes. Seriously. I don't know what I was thinking. I do not know what I was thinking. So what's happening with the podcast at the moment is I'm pretty much doing it on the fly, which I hate doing.


And I hate doing it for a few reasons. One like. I don't like the fact that we're not more ahead and more organized, and two for the team, because obviously they've got their stuff to do. And I, and I'm doing it kind of fairly last minute. But the reason I'm doing it very last minute is because, because I've got so many new things coming up and it's literally like, it could happen tomorrow.


It could happen next week. I'm not entirely sure that I don't want to record episodes of the podcast. They'll do my content so far ahead that I missed telling you these things. So. If they're a bit rough and ready for the next couple of weeks, please bear with me. Also. I want to ask a favor, a couple of favors actually, while I'm sat here.


First one, if you haven't yet, given me a review on iTunes or Spotify, I would absolutely love it. If you could. I'd be very, very grateful. If you know someone that might be interested, please go ahead and share it. And also I'm asking a lot this morning. Also, what do you want to hear me talk about? Like, is there anything particular? If there is come and DM me, come and drop me an email at [email protected].


However you want, just come and give me a shout and go, 'Do you know it'd be really helpful if you could do an episode on this.' Because while I'm kind of I'm doing it by the seat of my pants. I can then plan of going forward what we'll talk about. Okay. Today is a bit of a different one, actually, but I'm really excited about it.


It's an interview with the very lovely Wendy Hill. Now, Wendy is a nutritionist. She is my nutritionist. I've been working with Wendy for some time. I'm just going to find her actual bio. And basically we. We have a really honest conversation about how you've got to look after yourself, how very important it is that as a business owner and a small business owner, you are your business.


If you go down, your business goes down and I didn't realize this for a very, very long time, or maybe I did. And I just chose to ignore it. So I've been working with Wendy for quite some time, and she is just amazing at this stuff, very practical, but also very realistic. Like Wendy knows I love a gin or a fizz or a wine or all of the above.


And therefore. Isn't going to say to me, you can't drink Teresa. Like she's really realistic. So Wendy is the owner of HillStart Nutrition Health and Wellness. As a naturopathic nutritional therapist. And as a female hormone health, sorry, an expert in female hormone health, Wendy supports women through pre-menopause, menopause and beyond in her fabulous and female membership and works in group programs and 1:1.


So like I said, I do 1:1 work with her, but I'm also in her membership as well and it's awesome. So if you are a male listening to this and you heard the words, female hormone health or menopause, and you thought, oh, check out. No, thanks. Please don't because some of the stuff that Wendy talks about is generally about health and some of the things that we can do in order to perform better and not have all that brain fog and not wake up feeling like we had not slept.


So. Like I said, it's a really good, it's a fairly honest one. I obviously talk about me and my journey with her. Uh, but I really hope it helps. So I will go straight to the interview. I hope you enjoy it. And let me know what you think.

So I am very excited today to welcome to the podcast. The very lovely and very dear friend, Wendy Hill. Wendy, how are you doing?


I'm doing really well Teresa. I'm really excited about today. To be honest.

I'm excited about today. We've been threatening. That sounds like it's a bad thing, it's not. We've been threatening to have you on for some time.


Um, and for whatever reason, the universe, us terrible planning. It just hasn't come to fruition until now. But I am really excited that we've got you on and you can talk to my audience because boy, if you got a lot of good stuff to say. So this is a little bit different and obviously I've done the intro to this.


I might have, well, I should have already given you a bit of a heads up this side of the episode. So let's start, Wendy as always, start by telling my audience who you are and how you got to do what you're doing today?


Thank you. So I'm Wendy and my company is HillStart Nutrition Health and Wellness and I am a female hormone expert.


So naturopathic nutritionist and particularly, um, perimenopause is where I kind of sit in that kind of whole kind of hormone female hormone health. Um, uh, this is a fairly new career to me. So I started retraining. I'm just 50 now. And I started to retrain at 45. I bet I spent 27 years in the building trade. Just a little bit different to this.


Very similar. Very similar.


Yeah totally. And, um, when I, I was lucky enough, I suppose, lucky enough to, to have the opportunity to, to retrain, to, to leave that kind of industry. I didn't really know what I wanted to do. Um, but new food had to be something to do with that. And I always knew that food did more than, you know, I love food. I'm a huge foodie, but I always knew that there was something deeper.


Um, I did a nutrition and weight management course, which was quite interesting, but wasn't anywhere near what I wanted. And then I discovered the college of naturopathic medicine and enrolled on a three year diploma, which was so hard. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. I had to do a biomed foundation and I haven't even done, you know, I didn't even do biomed at school.


It was like, it was a whole new language and learning to learn again, I left school with a couple of a levels just about, so actually going back into that learning was really difficult, but I've loved it. Um, and then decided to really specialize, I suppose, niche is what we would call it in the marketing world, but, um, decided to really specialize.


Um, I could have just stayed at generalist, but female health called me and I'm at that age. So it's obviously very sort of personal to me, but I just love, um, I went to work with women. I've worked with quite a lot of women. And I just love it when you can really see tangible results from sometimes very small changes, but just, it's a real scary time perimenopause is and I think just having someone who listens to you and understands it can be half the battle.

So I hope that is, you know, where I sort of sit in that place has been really real, really honest and approachable.


Yes, absolutely. And like, so the reason I wanted Wendy on today was a couple of things. One I've worked with Wendy, so I am her client and, uh, we have many stories, you know, I'm an over-sharer. Two we often forget to look after ourselves and we are business owners and if we don't work, our businesses don't. So if something is not right with us, then you know something, then that's, it. Businesses is compromised. And then three Wendy has been in my world and being in the membership for some time and is, and is just ACE at what she does.


And I, I am super passionate about, you know, all my members as, as we talk about. But, you know, when you look at some and think geez, more people need to know about you, more people need to know you exist. I did joke with Wendy that everyone's getting vouchers for Wendy instead of birthdays and Christmas presents, uh, because they all need a Wendy in their life.


So. Let's talk just briefly then about the fact of how we even get to one thing I want to say as well quickly, if you are a male listening to this, or you will not peri-menopausal or don't think you are, then you are absolutely still going to get stuff from this. Obviously we are going to talk about things that, you know, we'll lean towards all of that, that you may or may not, you know, want to hear, but, uh, but I'm positive.


You're going to get good stuff from it. So let's talk about typically how you deal with people who run their own businesses. What you find about them. You can use me as an example in terms of like.


I would never do that.


How that is impacting on? I don't want to get really real, like how that physically impacts on their business and the success of their business.

Totally. I love this because this is that this is why I wanted to come on the podcast as well. And you know what? I love it when I can get into groups and do talks and things because when people come to see me and typically I think because I've been a business owner my whole life, so I get it, you know, I'm, I'm not going to ask you to do things that don't fit in with you, the life that you're going to lead.


It's just not practical. So typically when people come to see me that, you know, they are, they're really struggling, you know, they're finding life really difficult. and some are business owners. We love what we do, don't we, we don't, we don't, we don't do it because we have to, we do it because we want to. We've chosen this. And yes, it's hard, but we love it.


And so it's a very difficult balance because we want the business to succeed. You know, many people who have their own businesses have also have a full-time job as well, because they're either, you know, societals and all they hope it's a one day be their main business. So they're working in. Generally, when I see people who are business owners or successful business people, they're working harder than anybody else that you would see.


And I mean that with the greatest respect, but the are, and it, they want to do that. And the struggle that I have is when, when by the time they generally come to see me, they've got to that point of exhaustion, or they've got that point where they don't know where else to go. So to be able to be on a podcast like this insights say 'Is these, the signs of these, what you seeing and to be able to do something beforehand.' because you love your job, you love what you do.

So if I can help you do that better and for longer, that's what we're looking for. Isn't it, rather than you coming to me and being just totally washed out and me going 'Okay, right. Well, you know, we need to do wellness in.' And you're like, 'Well, I don't want to.' and this is the hard part, cause you'd love it.


So your default is going to be to work, the default, isn't going to be, to spend half an hour having lunch and then going for a nice walk afterwards and spending some extra time for breakfast and stuff. It's get up, get to work. Cause I love it and work for as long as I possibly can before I eat, because I, because that's what I want to do.


And I love my job. So I see that, you know, my husband comes home and goes, 'You're always working.' and he walks through the door and I'm like, 'oh, I've just got 10 more minutes.' Which he know it means an hour.


Yeah. And we don't realize the false economy we're doing, we think, and I did for sure that sitting at my desk and eating lunch, skipping breakfast.

Wendy knows I, and I've said it I'd go days and not even step out of the house. So not just not like, you know, go outside as in, go for a walk as in, I wouldn't even physically leave the front door or go into the garden, especially if it's winter. Um, because I'd think, well, that's a waste of my time. And I, you know, instead of doing that 30 minute walk or instead of sitting down and having my dinner downstairs, I could just be doing this.


That's far more efficient and far quicker. Seriously, the biggest false economy ever, isn't it?


Totally. And then the problem is, is, you know, you're not refreshed. So even the simple act of stopping for lunch and having a short walk, just re you know, reset your energy levels massively. But if you take that to the extreme and you take it after several years, then your body will tell you, your body will just say, forget it.


I'm not, I'm not doing it. And then you fix it. And I deal with clients who have chronic fatigue and they literally can not get out of bed in the morning. For me it's that balance, isn't it? You know, let's do some little things, something that's, you know, achievable. I'm not gonna ask you to make your own hummus every day, but something that's achievable that you can do rather than say the risk is that you aren't going to be able to do that thing that you love.


Yeah, absolutely. And so you just said something there that I want to pick up on, which is, again, another reason why I love Wendy so much, but why I personally chose to work with her is that Wendy is very realistic in the sense of. Your life. Okay. So I have a very petulant child inside of me that when someone says, don't do this, like, you must do this and you must not do this.


I choose to do the complete opposite. Because I'm sure there some deep seated something that my therapist can bull out. But like, I just do, I'm just not very good at someone telling me what to do. And I guess in the past, like, I dunno, boyfriends or whatever, it'd be like, oh, and I friends' moms like, 'Are you gonna eat that?'


So then I eat three. Cause it's like, 'How dare you.' where's, Wendy never did that. And also Wendy doesn't expect. For you not to live your life. Like Wendy knows. She looked through, I love a gin and a fizz and a wine all of the same night. Um, but like, Wendy's not saying to me, in order to improve your health, you must cut everything out.


And I think that's really important isn't it?


Yeah, because we have to live, don't we? You know, and it's just not, it's just not realistic. It's not doable. And I think, I think going back to what you said about kind of rebelling, I have some of that in me as well, and maybe that's why I have a different attitude.


So I'm always about what can we add? What extra can we do? Because naturally we'll crowd out, maybe the bad stuff and if the good stuff crowds out the bad, so that's always my, you know, what's the alternative, what can we, what can we do? And is it better? So, you know, is it a case of, I like to drink as well?


You know, I do, pizza is my favorite food. Just putting it out there. So for me, it's like, okay, well I'm not going to not have pizza, but can I have half a pizza with some salad? And I'm still having what I want and that's better than a pizza. And that's how I view it is this is what was the alternative.


And if what we're doing is better than that. Great. Well, it's a step in the right direction. And if that's the only step we can make, that's something, but it's still a step in the right direction. And it was, I think, has business owner, as well, as, you know, as grown up adults, you don't want someone telling you what to do that, that does get my back against the wall.


And I would be, I'm just like you, you know, can't have it. You know. Also it makes me think about it. If someone says I can't have it, I'm thinking about it all the time. So it's, I think it's more a case of like, yes, you can have it, you know, what are the potential consequences, you're a celiac. So, you know, we've talked about this before.


You can't have, you just can't have gluten. That's the way it is. But actually, you know, we all know alcohol's not great for us, but if you're going out with your friends, you know, it is, it's a difficult one because it's, it's quite socially acceptable. Isn't it. And I also think there is an enormous, almost an element of...