Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Nequosha Anderson. Nequosha is a business and intellectual property attorney who assists primarily women creatives who want to legally protect their income producing ideas. We talk all about where to start when it comes to the legalities of your business whether you are just getting started or want to grow your business.


95% of people do not think about the legal aspects of business
We have to think about when things go wrong and have a plan for this
You need to have a strategy/goal in place to run a business that includes the legal stuff
Having a business is more than just having a logo and photoshoot!
It is better to be proactive than reactive – being reactive will always cost more
You don’t need a lot of clients or customers to make lots of money – you need raving fans
Turn your clients/customers into raving fans by giving them the best customer experience
Having the right legal cover and protection in place makes you a better business owner, provide better service and it sets expectations for people who work with/buy from you
Make an environment where everything is a given – set expectations from the start
Authorise people – enable people to handle things whilst you’re not around
At the very least you should separate your personal assets to your business assets
You have to have contracts and policies in place so there is a mutual understanding in place from the very start.

Be proactive, not reactive!

How Nequosha became a business attorney
How to plan for when things go wrong
The cost of consulting an attorney
What legal cover do you need for your business?
Protect before you share!
What is the minimum you need to do?






My Dream Business Club doors are open! Join here


Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast.

The Club doors are open. Woo. I'm so excited. I am so excited. Um, it's been a long time coming. Uh, they've been shut for a long time while we've been behind the scenes, sorting everything out, changing everything. Making the whole new thing come to life and I am so, so glad that I can finally welcome you into the Club.

It has been so much fun. So let me explain the levels of the Club, because I know that, uh, now there's three levels. I just wanna make sure that you, you get what's at each level and, and also explain to you what you get at each level as well. So the three levels of the Club are the Club, the Club Plus and Executive Club.

The Club is $19 a month. The Club Plus is $97 a month and the Executive Club is $197 a month. So let me explain to you what you get in each. Okay. Let's start with the Club $19 a month. So you get access to level one of the Dream Business Growth Path, so that amazing growth path that I've put together all of level ones, lessons you get.

You also get all the training courses that...

Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Nequosha Anderson. Nequosha is a business and intellectual property attorney who assists primarily women creatives who want to legally protect their income producing ideas. We talk all about where to start when it comes to the legalities of your business whether you are just getting started or want to grow your business.


95% of people do not think about the legal aspects of business
We have to think about when things go wrong and have a plan for this
You need to have a strategy/goal in place to run a business that includes the legal stuff
Having a business is more than just having a logo and photoshoot!
It is better to be proactive than reactive – being reactive will always cost more
You don’t need a lot of clients or customers to make lots of money – you need raving fans
Turn your clients/customers into raving fans by giving them the best customer experience
Having the right legal cover and protection in place makes you a better business owner, provide better service and it sets expectations for people who work with/buy from you
Make an environment where everything is a given – set expectations from the start
Authorise people – enable people to handle things whilst you’re not around
At the very least you should separate your personal assets to your business assets
You have to have contracts and policies in place so there is a mutual understanding in place from the very start.

Be proactive, not reactive!

How Nequosha became a business attorney
How to plan for when things go wrong
The cost of consulting an attorney
What legal cover do you need for your business?
Protect before you share!
What is the minimum you need to do?






My Dream Business Club doors are open! Join here


Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast.

The Club doors are open. Woo. I'm so excited. I am so excited. Um, it's been a long time coming. Uh, they've been shut for a long time while we've been behind the scenes, sorting everything out, changing everything. Making the whole new thing come to life and I am so, so glad that I can finally welcome you into the Club.

It has been so much fun. So let me explain the levels of the Club, because I know that, uh, now there's three levels. I just wanna make sure that you, you get what's at each level and, and also explain to you what you get at each level as well. So the three levels of the Club are the Club, the Club Plus and Executive Club.

The Club is $19 a month. The Club Plus is $97 a month and the Executive Club is $197 a month. So let me explain to you what you get in each. Okay. Let's start with the Club $19 a month. So you get access to level one of the Dream Business Growth Path, so that amazing growth path that I've put together all of level ones, lessons you get.

You also get all the training courses that are attached to level one. So for instance, let's say in level one, I, I talk about social media and I tell you to focus on one or two platforms and you are brand new to it. And you think actually Instagram is my thing, but I dunno how to use it.

Then there's an Instagram course that then teaches you how to use it. So for a, each area of the growth path, there's normally some extra training that I've got. So you also get access to that. You have a monthly live Q and A. Now this Q and A is a Facebook live in the Facebook group. You can submit questions beforehand.

And I will answer them on the live and you get that for about an hour every month. And you also get a recording of that. So if you can't attend live, but you have a question then by all means, put the question in the group and I will then come back to you and say, I answered it and it'll be on the recording.

The other thing that you get as a Club member, which is so important, and I debated about whether this was in at this level, but it's so important. And actually one of the big reasons people join my world is you get the monthly mindset sessions. So the monthly mindset. Oh, gosh, careful. I would say that monthly mindset sessions.

You get these on, um, once a month. They're on zoom. So you are on camera. I'm on camera, obviously, as always, you don't have to be on camera, but most of my members do cause we're very friendly. Uh you're on camera. And then basically in those mindset sessions, I walk you through a mindset exercise, varying different ones through varying different levels of your business and different challenges that you might foresee.

So we've done things on limiting beliefs. We've done things on, on imposter syndrome. We've done things on time management and we've done stuff on meditation. We've done stuff on journaling. So lots of different things around mindset, just to help you really get confident with your mindset. Then you also get monthly content hours.

So this is not with me. This is with the amazing Becci McEvoy from BeHeard Social and she will take you through a content hour session where she will answer your questions. She'll give you tips and advice. She'll help you plan some of your content. So the thing that you've always gotta do every month, that social media content, you can come to a content session and you can help get help with that.

You also get bi-monthly challenges. So every other month we do a challenge in the group. So we've done things like Instagram challenges. We've done LinkedIn challenges, we've done content challenges. We did mindset challenge, but basically for that week, every single day, I give you a task. At the end of the week, I pick a winner and you get a prize.

Um, so they're really helpful and really good to keep us focused. You also get the Facebook groups. Obviously you have access to the Facebook group with everyone else in the Club and in Club Plus and in Executive Club. And you also within that group get weekly inspired actions. So every single week I put an inspired action in there of one small thing that you can do that week.

So for $19 a month, honestly, it's a steal it's so, so good value. And as with everything, you can either sign up for the year and get a discount or you can sign up for the month and see how you feel and, you know, see if it's for you. So that's what you get in the Club. So let me talk to you about the Club Plus.

So the Club Plus is $97 a month, and obviously you get access to everything I've just said, but on top of that, you get all levels of the dream business growth path. So you get level two and level three stuff and you get. All the trainings within the membership. So all the trainings that relate to level two and level three and above you get access to them. On top of the $19, the, the key thing here is that you get the monthly zoom coaching calls.

So these are calls where bit different to the Q and A that you come along, but you are on camera and you, I ask you to unmute yourself because often what I find is when someone is having a question, I normally have a few questions back. So it enables me to dig a bit deeper into your business. So basically those coaching calls are available on the Club Plus. And you get them every month for, I say an hour. It's not an hour. They're normally about two, to be honest, depending on how long, but I normally answer everyone's questions and people come on and just listen, cause they normally learn so much good stuff. You also get so I'm just scanning down the list.

You also get monthly team co-working. What I mean by team co-working is it's not with me. It's one of my team. However, what they do is they give you the space to co-work. So we open up my zoom room and you come in. And at the beginning of the zoom, it's a two hour session. We ask what you're gonna be working on, you all quietly work together, and then we keep your accountable at the end to see how you got on.

So that's part of plus. You also get free access to the online version of the SOAR event. We have an event called SOAR and, um, you get free access to that. The online version. You also get the members only podcast. So all the coaching calls are and all the Q and A's are put onto a members only podcast, and you get access to that.

So if you can't make a Q and A, or you can't make a coaching call, then you can listen to it afterwards on a podcast app, uh, as a private podcast in the car when you're doing things, whatever, whatever. Cause I know it's not always easy to have that on your computer watching it.

Uh, and then the other thing you get on top of the other stuff that I've already said in, in the Club is you get quarterly goal setting and bonus coaching call. So in the Club Plus I get you to set quarterly goals and then I give you a call halfway through the quarter to see how you're getting on with them and see how I can help you do any better. Uh, if you need help, but you may not, you may be amazing.

Okay. So that's the Club Plus $97. So what are you getting for the $197, which is quite a jump. I get it, but believe me, the support is a jump too. So. Everything I've already mentioned in both those two levels you get access to in the Executive Club, though, what you get in addition is you get two extra co-working sessions with me.

So you've got your one co-working session with lovely Becci and you get two extra co-working sessions with me, which I do with you. So I co-work alongside you. So I ask you again, what you're working on. Halfway through I normally do a check in and then at the end, I check how you got on. You get two extra coaching and accountability calls.

So the difference in these coaching calls to the ones you get in the Club Plus is that you on these calls, I tend to go make sure I speak to everybody. And I literally have your quarterly actions up in front of us. We do it on a spreadsheet. So I look at your actions and I go, how are you getting on with X, Y, Z?

And I ask you for dates and I keep you very accountable. So those coaching calls, like I said, two extra months. So you then get three in a month if needed, you get all that extra accountability. And I know exactly what you're working on. You also get a quarterly high half day goal setting. So once a quarter, at the beginning of the quarter, we get together for a whole half day online.

And we look at what you are planning for the next quarter, we put together the quarterly goals. We focus on where we are. We look at any problems we might got. We do a bit of mastermind various different things. We tweak and change them as we go. Um, but they're really useful. You get private challenges.

So one of the private challenges we've just done is a money making challenge. And the goals that people set for themselves are really impressive. And some of them exceeded them by five times. So we did a, you know, we did some activities. I got on a call every single morning with them saying, okay, what money making activities are you doing today?

What are you gonna sell to who? Try this, have you done this? Have you done that? So again, that accountability is so key. You also get VA access to the Club Plus, so you, one of your team members can have access to everything in Club Plus, so they can see all the trainings. They can do all the courses. They can go through the pathway.

They can watch the mindset stuff anything's in there, they've got it. As an Executive Club, you get an extra online day for SOAR so we get our own private day and you also get a private telegram group with me and the other members. So sometimes we chat about what we've done on the weekend and niceties.

Sometimes we cheerlead, sometimes we moan, uh, you know, it's there we are your family business network. So those are the three levels. That's the difference between them. My hope is that there is something there for everyone, and that basically you will fit somewhere within that. And then as you grow through my help, you'll then grow into the different levels.

If you start on some of the lower levels. So I'm really, really excited about the Club being open. Please do go take a look. If you haven't it's fab. I've had so much good feedback. I'm, I'm loving it as always. I have. Okay. Anyway, on with today's. Oh, I should probably tell you where to go. and it'll be in the show notes. On with today's episode, as I just spent 10 minutes telling you about the Club.

So today is an interview with the lovely Nequosha. Now let me get her bio in front of me. So. Nequosha is a business and intellectual property attorney for the last eight years who assist primarily women creatives who want to protect their income producing ideas. She safeguards business with brands, assets ensures their intellectual property is secure and not stolen.

Allowing the business owner to creatively operate in their genius and not be robbed of what's the rightfully theirs. She serves clients in the space throughout the United States. So. This was such a good conversation. Now, if you sat there thinking, oh, legal, like that's a bit how I think about this stuff.

And I had to, I've had to really kind of kick myself to, to look at it and to kind of focus on it and make sure we've got everything in place that we need, but she says some really good advice. If you're just starting off, where to start. If you are growing few other things you need, she's so good. I really enjoy chatting to her.

So I will just leave you to see what you think, enjoy this interview.

Okay. It gives me great pleasure today to welcome to the podcast Nequosha Anderson. Nequosha how are you doing?

Nequosha: I am well. How are you?

Teresa: I am good. I'm actually, I do have a slight croaky voice. I did my first in person talk, which I haven't, I wanna say my first, not my first, ever as in, since the lockdown.

And I think the excitement of being on stage and seeing people again.

Nequosha: People.

Teresa: Yeah. like, I've come home and I'm a bit like, oh, my voice. So if I do sound a bit funny to my audience, you hear me all the time. That'd be why. Anyway, I'm super excited to have you on because as I was saying to you before we jumped on, I've wanted to bring someone on to talk about this subject for a while.

And it never quite came to fruition for whatever reason. Obviously the universe had its plan made a decision and here you are, which is perfect. So before we go into all of that, I always start the same way. And I ask you to introduce yourself to my audience and tell 'em how you got to do, what it is that you do today?

Nequosha: Okay, well again, thank you for having me. Um, my name is Nequosha the sound Q sound as in quote, I'm a business and intellectual property lawyer. So I typically work with people who have goods or services that they wanna provide to the market. And oftentimes my niche is creatives and who utilize the internet to service to provide their goods or service to of their consumers.

So I became a business lawyer. Based upon my experience with business, uh, since I was about 13 or 12, both of my parents are entrepreneurs and they are, have professional businesses. My mom's an accountant, my dad's in, um, transit, uh, transportation, logistics. Mm-hmm so he's having a fun time right now with the supply chain.

Teresa: Oh my goodness. I could never imagine.

Nequosha: And, um, So I have been integrated in business since from a very early age, but then I also had a desire for technology. So in my undergrad, uh, in my undergrad time, I took a, uh, contracting for technology class and fell in love with the law. So I figured I can blend the two and here I am today.

Teresa: Amazing. So first off, when I think like when you say, so what's your, what would you say your official title is?

Nequosha: My official title is business and intellectual property attorney.

Teresa: Attorney. Like that just sounds really serious. Like how many, how many years did you have to study to get to this?

Nequosha: So in, uh, in the states, our typical plan is you have to have an undergraduate degree.

You don't have to have a master's degree. So you technically could go from undergrad to law school. Um, so that's four plus an additional three years of education in law school. Then you have to take what we call our bar. Our bars are divided by your region or your state. So you have state bars and you'll have to take your particular state bar in order to assume the title of an attorney or Esquire that will afford you, the ability to get the letters behind your name.

Now you can go to law school and you can say, Hey, um, I have a Juris doctorate degree, a Juris doctorate degree, and I am educated in the aspect of law, but you are not authorized to practice law. Until you have passed a bar.

Teresa: Okay. It just sounds crazy intelligent, like honestly.

Nequosha: Well, thank you.

Teresa: You sound so super smart with letting you do this and it's well, you it's big. It's a big thing. Isn't it?

Nequosha: It is a huge thing, especially for being a woman of color, um, in the United States, less than 5% of the, uh, practicing attorneys are people of color, black Americans.