Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Emily Hirsh. Emily is a leading Digital Marketing Strategist and CEO & founder of Hirsh Marketing, one of the largest and fastest growing digital marketing companies in the world. Emily and her team of experts work with top-level influencers and game-changing entrepreneurs and to grow their businesses and generate massive revenue using her revolutionary Hirsh Process. We talk all about the foundations of marketing, how to have a successful launch and that we actually can’t do it all so it’s ok to ask for help!




Always focus on the value you deliver – if you are delivering a really great service, people will talk about it and organically grow your business.Make it a priority to give attention to the service you are delivering.True marketing comes from refinement, optimising and learning.The foundations of marketing - messaging, strategy and overall offer.The core of your marketing is messaging – your understanding of your ideal customer in a deep and emotional way. This drives all your marketing.Then you need to look at how you communicate your offer and what you sell.You can’t build anything on a bad foundation!In order to have a successful launch, you need to have a warm audience BEFORE you go into launching.You need to grow your email list prior to launching who are interested and trust you.If you are just getting started – understand your ideal customer and create value adding content.The success of your launch is in what happens before and after your launch.People don’t buy on their first contact with you! You have to build their trust.It takes 7-10 touchpoints before someone may choose to buy with you so you have to create them.Try and do something every single month to grow your warm audience list.Be realistic with your goals – we are all at different stages in our businesses.You have to build it up slowly – it doesn’t happen overnight.Success is created from the foundations.We need to make sure our content is entertaining to our target audience.It’s not enough to just have an image with some copy for an ad anymore – there needs to be something more interactive, engaging and creative.Content is driving everything – it’s how we get attention on everything we do!You have to stand out with your content.Create a way for people to gain trust and connection from you and your brand.Offer a higher level of connection through dms, chat boxes, Q&As, lives.You can’t have a perfect balance all the time – but you can create your definition of this.You can only do as much as your season of life allows! It won’t be forever.People may not actually be “doing it all” – they probably have help!




Having a successful launch is down to what happens before and after the actual launch. You can’t just decide to launch in 3 weeks’ time and expect it to be an instant success.




Emily’s journey so far and how she got to where she is now!How to have a successful launchWhat if you don’t have a huge audience or team?What is working right now when it comes to contentWork/life balance









Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Emily Hirsh. Emily is a leading Digital Marketing Strategist and CEO & founder of Hirsh Marketing, one of the largest and fastest growing digital marketing companies in the world. Emily and her team of experts work with top-level influencers and game-changing entrepreneurs and to grow their businesses and generate massive revenue using her revolutionary Hirsh Process. We talk all about the foundations of marketing, how to have a successful launch and that we actually can’t do it all so it’s ok to ask for help!




Always focus on the value you deliver – if you are delivering a really great service, people will talk about it and organically grow your business.Make it a priority to give attention to the service you are delivering.True marketing comes from refinement, optimising and learning.The foundations of marketing - messaging, strategy and overall offer.The core of your marketing is messaging – your understanding of your ideal customer in a deep and emotional way. This drives all your marketing.Then you need to look at how you communicate your offer and what you sell.You can’t build anything on a bad foundation!In order to have a successful launch, you need to have a warm audience BEFORE you go into launching.You need to grow your email list prior to launching who are interested and trust you.If you are just getting started – understand your ideal customer and create value adding content.The success of your launch is in what happens before and after your launch.People don’t buy on their first contact with you! You have to build their trust.It takes 7-10 touchpoints before someone may choose to buy with you so you have to create them.Try and do something every single month to grow your warm audience list.Be realistic with your goals – we are all at different stages in our businesses.You have to build it up slowly – it doesn’t happen overnight.Success is created from the foundations.We need to make sure our content is entertaining to our target audience.It’s not enough to just have an image with some copy for an ad anymore – there needs to be something more interactive, engaging and creative.Content is driving everything – it’s how we get attention on everything we do!You have to stand out with your content.Create a way for people to gain trust and connection from you and your brand.Offer a higher level of connection through dms, chat boxes, Q&As, lives.You can’t have a perfect balance all the time – but you can create your definition of this.You can only do as much as your season of life allows! It won’t be forever.People may not actually be “doing it all” – they probably have help!




Having a successful launch is down to what happens before and after the actual launch. You can’t just decide to launch in 3 weeks’ time and expect it to be an instant success.




Emily’s journey so far and how she got to where she is now!How to have a successful launchWhat if you don’t have a huge audience or team?What is working right now when it comes to contentWork/life balance










90 Day Programme

Creating Success Book




Teresa: Hello, and welcome to today's episode of the podcast. Now, before we get going, I need to tell you that my dog is around and is being a royal pain in the backside.

Teresa: He's just not settling today. He's been from a walk. I don't know what's wrong with him. So if I shut my office door, he is going to bang on the door to let him in. So I'm just letting him roam. And I apologize if you hear little tappy dog feet as I am doing this, but this is the reality of working from home. Isn't it?

Teresa: So today we've got an interview. As I said, last week, it was meant to be last week. And then I changed things up because of the new podcast name. If you haven't listened to last week's episode, then please do go and take a listen. Because it's really, really, um, I think it's really important episode had lots of great feedback from it.

Teresa: So I'd really appreciate if you haven't listened to that, you go back and listen to episode 227. Couple of things to mention before I talk about today's interview. The first thing is that I mentioned a few weeks back that the 90 day program that I run the one-to-one program, the only way you can work one-to-one with me, the price is going up.

Teresa: And as you listen to this podcast, as it comes up on the Monday, the price literally goes up on Friday and it goes up by quite a considerable amount. So if you've ever thought about doing the 90 day program with me, Then now it's probably the time that you want to jump in. Also, I think I have one, maybe two places left.

Teresa: I could squeeze another one in, I don't take many people purely because obviously it's one-to-one and it takes a lot of work. So just that I'd mentioned that again, before the price goes up, I'd hate for you not to know that the price is going up. And then the other thing I need to mention, which is quite exciting.

Teresa: Because of everything else that's been going on the brand, the podcast changed, the club change, everything. I haven't mentioned it, which seems really stupid, but basically I've been asked to co-author a book. So I am an author of a book alongside, I think it's 12 other averse altogether. And we've all written a chapter each and it's called creating success.

Teresa: And it's basically how us as entrepreneurs have created our own success. And how that means, and what that looks like. It was, I really loved doing it actually. Really love telling my story. I really loved sort of sharing how I got to where I was and what I think success means and how I look at success. I know the other stories are absolutely brilliant in that as well.

Teresa: And it's currently very cheap because we it's a digital copy only. The pay or the hardback well, the actual physical book the paperback no idea. Is coming out in a few weeks after the book is released, but basically the book was released on Friday as you listened to this on Monday and it's 99 P or 99 cents. And all profits are going to save the children fund. So it's completely for charity. We're not taking any money out of the book at all. And yeah, it's ACE. I'm really proud and excited. There's the dog I told you, it'd be in my dream. I'm really proud and excited about it. And yeah, I would love you to go and take a look and give it a read.

Teresa: If you fancy it, I'd love to know what you think. You know, and I think this is maybe my first little toe in the water as to whether I actually think I could manage to write a whole book. And I writing a chapter is hard enough. I'm not going to lie. So writing an entire book it's a whole another matter, but, but yeah, I'm really excited.

Teresa: So I will make sure it's linked up into the show notes. Keep an eye on my social. We've been posting about it since Friday. So yeah. Go and check that out. Anyway, onto today's interview. I feel like this has been one I've been holding back from you because I've been threatening it for so long. So I apologize about that, but I have got the lovely Emily Hirsh on the podcast today.

Teresa: Now let me read you Emily's bio. So she's a leading Digital Marketing Strategist and the CEO and founder of Hirsh Marketing. One of the largest and fastest growing digital marketing companies in the world. Emily and her team worked with experts with top-level influencers and game changing entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and generate massive revenue in a revolutionary Hirsh process.

Teresa: Now you wait until you hear some of the people that they have, like helped and managed and all of that stuff like to say, it's a namedrop. It's unbelievable. Basically in 2012, Emily and her husband, a master kettlebell trainer, that's a new one to me, but as you know, I'm not a big gym fan. Uh, started an online fitness business together.

Teresa: By default he was the content creator and Emily was everything else. She managed social media, customer services, landing page, graphics, outreach, sales funnel, marketing, Emily soon discovered that digital marketing was her power zone and business group quickly grow into thousands and basically she fell in love with it and loved it.

Teresa: So since then Emily's built a team of 25 top level strategists and ads managers, copywriters, graphic designers, and marketers to generate hundreds of thousands of ROI for her clients every month, they've managed over $26 million ad spend and generated over $107 million in revenue for their clients. Unbelievable.

Teresa: She's also the mum to young children. You'll hear all about that. And it's kind of like, yeah, it's an amazing story. Like how she did it. It's phenomenal. So anyway, I will not carry on talking anymore. I will leave you to it. And here's the lovely Emily.

Teresa: I am really excited to welcome to the podcast today the lovely Emily Hirsh. Emily, how are you doing?

Emily: Yay. I'm doing well. Thanks for having me.

Teresa: My absolute pleasure. I am very excited about today's chat because I was doing my research she do. And some of the things I discovered, I was a bit like 'Say what?' about the fact that you've got three children.

Teresa: The fact that you're younger than me. The fact that you got very successful business like, it was a all a bit like, how, how does all this happen? So I'm really excited to share that with my audience. So we always start off at exactly the same way by you explain to them what you do and how you got to do what you do today?

Emily: Yeah. So I'm CEO of Hirsh marketing, which is a marketing company. We helped specifically digital brands with their messaging and their strategy, and then kind of executing that. We've specialized in Facebook and Instagram ads, but I've noticed over the last year, that's kind of expanded to like organic and your foundational marketing components because that's been so important.

Emily: And so I actually started out six years ago. I was 20. And I started as a virtual assistant. And that is what like opened me to this world of online business that I didn't even know it was a thing. I grew up, my dad's an entrepreneur. I've always been an entrepreneur, but he had, you know, local service businesses.

Emily: And that was a lot more like the world that I knew. And so I started as a virtual assistant and then was able to start doing Facebook ads for those clients. That is what kind of kicked it off. It was definitely, okay this is what I'm really good at. This makes a lot of sense to me, but everything that I've built and learned has come from experience.

Emily: I, I've taught, you know, self-taught through material, of course, in podcasts and courses, but also try things. And like, I wonder what happen if we do this and let's get creative with this. And over the last six years, I built the team of 25 people we're at right now. And I have three kids now and have generated $108 million in total revenue.

Emily: Been able to work with some incredible clients that, you know, were people that I used to follow. Like when I started, they were like my heroes and then became our clients. So it's been a journey it's been a fast journey, but I just absolutely love it.

Teresa: I mean, that is just like, I nearly did a sweat silently to myself.

Teresa: And you told us about the fact of like 25 people and three children and like the clients, the revenue that everything else. I mean, it's just. It's crazy impressive. And I know, I know there's some people listening to this that have agencies and are freelance social media people, and like they, they're going to be sitting there screaming at the facts they're going, how.

Teresa: How did she do this? How did she grow so quick? Was it intentional to be, again, what was the thing? What did you do?

Emily: Yeah, it's such a, you know, it's, it's such a good question that I get obviously asked a lot. It really wasn't intentional. Like a lot of what I've done has been, 'Okay. Let's go to the next thing.' and then like, okay, that experience led to this.

Emily: And so I'll move to that next thing. And I can look back when I started and remember thinking that a million dollar business seemed like the craziest thing ever. $1 million was insane. And I thought, you know, if I could just get there, like that would be the dream and that would be it. And I think I essentially was able to get myself to about 15 to $20,000 a month on my own, like with clients pretty much by myself at a little bit of contract help, but that was me hustling.

Emily: Like I had a little baby, we couldn't afford a nanny yet. I was working in the night and I was able to get there. And I remember looking at like that $20,000 a month going 'I can build a million dollar company, like I'm a quarter of the way there.' And I saw people who want to keep working with me. And so it was very like, okay, I did Facebook ads for them.

Emily: And so that led to this experience. And then, you know, the first big client that contacted us was Marie Forleo. And that was like, oh my God. And then, you know, that lit big client and, and, and so it was just building, you know, and kind of going in the direction of like what I'm really good at, what I love.

Emily: Um, always focused on the value that I deliver has been like a, a key to success is I think it's hard because a lot of people have to focus on their marketing, which is obviously very important. But also, especially in the beginning and you're going to grow your business so much through referral. And if you are delivering a really great service, people are going to talk about it and then that's naturally going to snowball and grow your business.

Emily: And that's what started happening for me in the beginning is I didn't really market, you know, I did a lot of networking. I did a lot of one-on-one conversations. You know, Facebook groups are really big. Six years ago a lot of people would engage even, even bigger names, but engage in them. So I did a lot of networking, but I was always instilled to this day.

Emily: I put a lot of effort into our delivery and making sure that it's 10 out of 10, because that leads to referrals, which leads to growth.

Teresa: Yeah, absolutely. Like, you know, if you've had a service from someone and it's good, you are going to tell other people, like no one wants to, I've done it in the past where you've recommended something that hasn't played out and it's like, oh God, why did I do that?

Teresa: Cause that's my name and my brand and my reputation on, on whole, like, you know, on the line for that. Whereas if you're doing a brilliant job and of course, so you name Marie Forleo, that is just insane, but I was, I'd looked on Emily's site and she's got like Mel Robbins. She's got Amy Porterfield's on there.

Teresa: Like these people. It's funny. We, I talk about the fact of how I got to know Amy and how I like got into that world. And, and a lot of it is through going to Amy's coach. I was coached by Amy's coach. Cause I was like, I want what she's got. And if she's got that and she's coached by this person, that's going to help me.

Teresa: So it's the same for, I guess you like, I would look at Marie, Mel, Amy and think, oh no, I want you to do this for me. Like, how did you do that? But then do this to me. So that referral marketing is, is just so strong and powerful. Isn't it?

Emily: Yeah, it really is. And, and like you said, I think the other thing is there's so many, unfortunately, people out there who don't deliver a good service.

Emily: And so when you do you stand out until like you have that going for you right away, if you make that such a big priority. And I think that people don't intentionally do that, but I think a lot of entrepreneurs don't put the attention into their delivery and their process and the backend, cause they're spending it all on, you know, their marketing and the front end and that shiny object of like grows really fast. And if you're willing to do that, you instantly have an edge on other companies in, in your niche.

Teresa: So like, how can you, well let's just take like launching, for example. So I know when some of your testimonials talk about the fact that you helped with launches. Like sometimes through the best will in the world, things just don't work or things just aren't as good as you hoped.

Teresa: So like, how did you make sure that you were delivering the results? Like is it just trial and error? Was it. Like, what was it?

Emily: Yeah. So I believe marketing comes down to a core process of foundational things and that whenever you follow that process, you will always be successful. And I think a lot of people see marketing as I just need to find that magic strategy or that targeting like secret hack or something that I don't know that somebody else does.

Emily: And once I find that, like, I'll be successful. But true marketing comes from the refinement, comes from the optimizing, comes from expecting that something isn't going to work. And then it's how you respond there. So absolutely, are there launches and things that we've been a part of where like out the gate, it was like, shoot, we're paying, you know, 30% more than we want cost per lead.

Emily: What do we do? Okay. We look at the messaging, we refresh the ad creative, we get some new videos. We, we drive that and you'll get the costs down. Because it's, you know, and in a nutshell, marketing is, is your messaging. Number one, nothing can happen without that. And so it's that, it's your strategy. And then it's the overall offer that you're driving to.

Emily: Like, those are the three pillars that you could simplify it down to. And you're going to find the answer to solving something that's not working in one of those, every single...