In this week’s episode, I am going to be talking about getting in front of other people’s audiences to help build you, your business, your profile, your personal brand, and your social media. This is a particularly good strategy for small business owners as you are the face of your brand. We will be covering how you can do this, why you should do it, examples of what you can do, and getting over the fear of approaching someone else.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTGrowing a business is a numbers game – you need to get more people to know who you are and look at what you do.The more people that know about you, the more potential customers.If you can get in front of someone else’s audience, you can promote who you are and what you do.You can help other people serve their audience through your expertise.This is a collaboration so you add value to them and their audience in return for exposure to their audience.Examples of ways you can get in front of people’s audiences: Podcasts, guest blogging, videos, vlogs, online events, networking groups, workshops, takeovers, and interviews.Don’t let the dear of someone say no put you off from approaching people – the worst thing that can happen is that they say no!If someone says no, ask for feedback.Set your goal as being a number of people you approach instead of the number of yes’s you get.Make a commitment every month to ask X amount of people.Try to pick people who serve the same audience you serve.Make sure you can add value to their audience – it has to be a good fit.Do your homework before approaching someone.Don’t let the size of someone’s audience put you off asking.Prepare a bio and headshot to send when they say yes.Have a good call to action such as social pages, lead magnets, podcast or website – think about where you are sending them.Promote all guest appearances on your own social media – this shows a lot to future people you work with.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…It will take time, you may get some rejections, but the more you do it, the more it will happen!HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN’T MISSWhy it is important to get in front of other people’s audiences – 04:51Ways to get in front of other people’s audiences – 07:40Getting over the fear – 09:57The process – 17:46

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