Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Rachel Miller who is a mum of 6 children, builds and grows online businesses and also teaches people how to grow their audience and how to convert them. We talk all about how to get really good Facebook engagement without paying, what type of content you should be posting and how to convert your audience to sales.




The fastest way to build a relationship with someone is to start a conversation!Treat your Facebook profile like a conversation you would have with a stranger.Each platform has its own preferred types of content – such as Reels on Instagram.AMC – The right audience, message, and content.When you post on Facebook, you get the most out of that post between the first and third day.Facebook and Instagram are the same algorithm.Business Suite allows you to schedule your content on both Facebook and Instagram.Post depending on the size of your business.It’s ok to post the same content again!Talk about your audience and ask them questions.If you post a picture of yourself – ask a question about them.If you’re going to talk about a win, talk about one of your students instead of yourself.Facebook likes engagement as this shows the platform that your audience is enjoying that content.Build your audience then create content around them.Your content doesn’t have to be the answer – it can ask the questions instead.




ALWAYS link your content back to your audience and who they are.




An introduction to Rachel 04:56Organic traffic 10:32Organic reach for Facebook business pages 12:54What if I post and it’s tumbleweed? 18:17How to boost your Facebook organic reach 19:05How often should I post on Facebook? 25:17What type of content does well? 28:37How to make money from a blog 43:50






Social System




Join Marketing That Converts The Academy



Hello and welcome to this week's episode at the podcast. How are you doing? Right? I just rewatched, uh, the beginning of the interview that we're doing today and it's so good. It's so good. But before we dive into that and I tell you who it is and what they're all about.


I want to give you a heads up that next week, the Academy doors are going to be open. So they open on Friday the 24th of September. And they're closing on Wednesday the 29th of September. The doors only open for about 10 days a year. And although it feels like I talk about it a lot. They only opened literally 10 days a year.


They've opened twice this year, I think. And next year they'll open twice. Now, the reason I'm giving you the heads up is because you don't have very long if you want to join. And secondly, the price is going up. So when I opened the doors, the price will be $59 as it is. Um, currently it has been last time I opened it, but when the doors close, the next time they open next year, it's going to be 97.


So if you are on the fence, if you are sat there thinking, "Yeah, I wanted to, I'm not sure, you know, see how it goes." You really want to think about joining...

Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Rachel Miller who is a mum of 6 children, builds and grows online businesses and also teaches people how to grow their audience and how to convert them. We talk all about how to get really good Facebook engagement without paying, what type of content you should be posting and how to convert your audience to sales.




The fastest way to build a relationship with someone is to start a conversation!Treat your Facebook profile like a conversation you would have with a stranger.Each platform has its own preferred types of content – such as Reels on Instagram.AMC – The right audience, message, and content.When you post on Facebook, you get the most out of that post between the first and third day.Facebook and Instagram are the same algorithm.Business Suite allows you to schedule your content on both Facebook and Instagram.Post depending on the size of your business.It’s ok to post the same content again!Talk about your audience and ask them questions.If you post a picture of yourself – ask a question about them.If you’re going to talk about a win, talk about one of your students instead of yourself.Facebook likes engagement as this shows the platform that your audience is enjoying that content.Build your audience then create content around them.Your content doesn’t have to be the answer – it can ask the questions instead.




ALWAYS link your content back to your audience and who they are.




An introduction to Rachel 04:56Organic traffic 10:32Organic reach for Facebook business pages 12:54What if I post and it’s tumbleweed? 18:17How to boost your Facebook organic reach 19:05How often should I post on Facebook? 25:17What type of content does well? 28:37How to make money from a blog 43:50






Social System




Join Marketing That Converts The Academy



Hello and welcome to this week's episode at the podcast. How are you doing? Right? I just rewatched, uh, the beginning of the interview that we're doing today and it's so good. It's so good. But before we dive into that and I tell you who it is and what they're all about.


I want to give you a heads up that next week, the Academy doors are going to be open. So they open on Friday the 24th of September. And they're closing on Wednesday the 29th of September. The doors only open for about 10 days a year. And although it feels like I talk about it a lot. They only opened literally 10 days a year.


They've opened twice this year, I think. And next year they'll open twice. Now, the reason I'm giving you the heads up is because you don't have very long if you want to join. And secondly, the price is going up. So when I opened the doors, the price will be $59 as it is. Um, currently it has been last time I opened it, but when the doors close, the next time they open next year, it's going to be 97.


So if you are on the fence, if you are sat there thinking, "Yeah, I wanted to, I'm not sure, you know, see how it goes." You really want to think about joining this time, because the next time it's going to be a lot more money. And the reason it's going to be a lot more money is because of, and this is so hard to say this stuff when it's talking about your own stuff, but like, The quality of the stuff in there is so good.


The time and effort and attention I give is immense. And the Academy is one of these things where if I won the lottery tomorrow, I would still do it. I love it. I absolutely adore it. They are my people, they come first, I do the best things for them. They have all the best opportunities and I do all what I do.


And, and I, I see some of the, you know, people out there sometimes who you can see it's for the money or you can see it's for the fame, or you can see it's for the, I don't know what it is for, but like genuinely, I just adore working with all these small businesses. And like, I constantly joke with my husband can we have a party at my house and invite everybody around.


I'm like, they're like my family. So I just wanted to let you know, before I jumped into this interview, which is amazing that that is happening and the doors are going to be closing on the 29th and they weren't opening until next year and they will be a lot more money. So like I said, don't delay come and join me.


What you got to lose? Nothing. Absolute nothing. It's going to be ACE. Okay. Let me tell you about today's interview. Today I am interviewing the very lovely Rachel Miller and oh my goodness it was so good. Like the phrase knowledge bombs is a bit irritating to me, but it was literally like everything she said. I was like, what?


Say what? How? This is amazing. She was amazing. She was so good. Also she's a mum of six. Children. Six. Like how on earth? Uh, so yeah, six children, she runs a huge, amazing business. She has devoted all of her time, teaching people how to grow audiences, teaching people, how to convert them, how to get really good Facebook engagement without paying.


Now, I don't think I've ever had anybody on talking about Facebook and engagement because it always felt like a bit of a lost course to me. But some of the stuff that Rachel said it was unbelievable. So, so good. She's built multiple websites, each earning six figures plus, and she loves seeing other people do the same.


I don't want to talk anymore cause she's too good. Enjoy this episode. Please let us know what you think. I know she'd be, she would love to hear it and I'll see you at the end.


Okay. I am really excited today to welcome to the podcast. The very lovely Rachel Miller. Rachel welcome.


Rachel: Thank you so much for having me today. I truly appreciate it.


Teresa: Honestly, the pleasure is all mine. I have heard the most amazing things about you and what you do. And funny enough, I was on a call just before our interview. And someone said, I said, "Oh I've got an interview next." they said, who that who is with? And she's like, "Oh my God, she's amazing."


So. But in case someone who's listening to this doesn't know who you are. Can we just give two minutes of like who you are and how you got to do what you're doing today?


Rachel: Oh, I always find, this is like an interesting like moment. Does that make sense? I am a mom of six kids. Right now I have bribed my children and told them they can watch TV early in the afternoon if they do their reading very quietly.


And they're, they they've got like a summer school. Computer thing they're supposed to do every day for an hour, like to make sure they don't have that summer slide. Like you will sit here and you, so when I close my eyes and I picture who is Rachel, I picture me, the mom with the kids juggling work and life.


And I also know that I love making an impact on people. And how can I be a mom of six kids at home juggling the pre-teen drive everywhere scenario. And still make an impact. And that's why I've run a businesses online is because I can manage all of those things. I can juggle all those things. I can seem like I've got it all together and I do have it together, but I don't because like, who does? But I can run a business.


If it's an online business, if it works with an audience where it's on, I basically can craft it around my life. And so that's what I do. I've built audiences. Um, I built blogs. I built websites. I've built e-commerce lines that then all serve my, my life, my lifestyle, and allow me to be at home with my kids.


And I also teach other people how to grow an audience, which is fun. But ultimately I am growing and running my own businesses as well.


Teresa: So like you should have seen my face when you said six children. Six children, like first off, Rachel does not look old enough to have even one or two let alone six. How old are they?


Rachel: A bottle? I'm great.


Teresa: How old are the children?


Rachel: My youngest is 10. And so we have three, 10 year olds, and then we have a 12 and a half, 14 and 15 year old.


Teresa: Wowses.


Rachel: I know.


Teresa: Like that is a busy house.


Rachel: And I thought I was busy when I had toddlers. But the reality is that preteen stage where they're having you drive everywhere.


Teresa: They take up so much more room.


Rachel: Take up more room and they need to talk to you a lot, like about all the things.


And they like, does that make it, like, I don't know how to explain it. It's very, it's a little time-consuming. I'm loving it, but I love the fact that I get to have a business that I can run and I can control. And I don't need to, like, it's not the 12 year olds dramas about who hers, where her shoes went, you know, all of those things that can't have.


I don't need to worry about that cause I can organize my business. So sometimes it lets me, I think be a better mom because I'm not, I'm not internalizing my kids' stuff as much, um, instead of like, "Hey, this is your choice, you lost your shoes. You're gonna wear the wrong shoes to wherever it is." And instead I can say, I can control my business.


I know where my business is shoes are. Not that a business part shoes, but you know what I mean? I know where that is. I can, I can control it. I can help that grow. And I think it almost makes me a better mom because I don't internalize as much of the kids' stuff, but this is that pre tween teen stages. It's just drama.


Teresa: An 11 year old girl uh, who's my daughter. And then I have a step son who's 18, and I have a stepdaughter who's 24 and I met them when the step daughter was 15. Oh man, that was one hell of a learning curve. Like you're right. When they get to this age, it's kind of funny because in one way, they're like so much easier because you almost don't see them because it's like my daughter, if I allowed her, we'll just come in and go on her iPad and go in her room.


But on the other hand where they want a talk to you, you really have to like, "Yeah, okay, I'm listening." And they're talking about stuff that you like either you don't know about or that's where it's at the home get. And I'm like, "Well, what are you saying? What's these words." Yeah.


Rachel: Yeah. And they want to drive to like all of the places.


So my oldest two have like little part-time jobs, which I'm really grateful for. But they don't have cars yet. So. And then they've got braces because they inherited my mouth. So they all have braces. Well, not all, cause we're an adoptive family, but even the ones that are adopted, they are going to get braces too, because they got someone's mouth.


But my point is, yeah, we have a lot of orthodontists appointments with the family of six. It's enough see number of orthodontist.


Teresa: Can we have space? Like a car parking space. Can you put our name on that?


Rachel: So here I can run my business from the orthodontist parking lot. They just want it. With COVID, COVID has been the biggest gift because before this, I had to go into the office. Now because of COVID they want me to stay outside the office. I'm still supposed to be on the property because like, I can't leave my minor unattended, supposedly, but they're in the building and I'm happy as a clam with my cup of coffee in the parking lot, working in my car.


Teresa: So good. So good. You know, what I'm really excited about.


And I'm just going to like jump straight in is one of the things you talk about is organic reach and in particular Facebook. Like, and I realized that when I looked at bringing you on, I didn't think I've ever had someone talk about that because I didn't think it ever existed. And you must hear this all the time.


Like Facebook, dead. Organic reach, dead. Don't bother. See you later and move on something better. Like, what are your thoughts on that?


Rachel: We just, just that my blogging partner, just this morning sent me a screenshot. We got over 161,000 clicks from Google to our website. Now people will think, "Okay, well that's SEO." But the reason why we got those clicks is because we got our URL to spike.


How did we get our URL to spike? We got our URL to spike because we drove organic traffic on Facebook and Pinterest and YouTube. So when we have all at the same time, traffic linking to these things at the same time, Google's like, whoa, this link is a verified link. We're going to put it higher up in the ranking.


And then once it's higher up in the ranking and more people find it where people click on it. Well, now all of a sudden those 10 posts that literally were not ranking at all, because at the same time we posted them on Facebook, Pinterest and Youtube and we had them linking in, we had them spike and now they're sending us consistent traffic and I don't even have to promote them on Facebook anymore.


Teresa: Like, so I know someone is sat there now with us and there earbuds going, "Say what? How can I do that?"


Rachel: My business make multiple six figures that. One does this, I have five different businesses, but that one business makes multiple six figures and I'm not working on it. Because once I did that promotion once, I now can sit back on my laurels and the other, the promotion like snowballs.


So now Google's going to pick it up. Now Pinterest is a long tail keywords. So the more I have the longer, it doesn't last for like the first three weeks that you get no traffic. The most traffic you get is about three months in. So I know like three months from now, I'm going to get, I don't have to work from now because for the next three months, it's going to work for me.


So all of that kind of snowballs when you have the right structure set in place. And known for all organic traffic and growing all or audiences. But I use Facebook as my catalyst.


Teresa: Like that to me being in this industry is like, If you had to put a profile or a platform to that sentence, Facebook would not be the one you chose.


Like it would be the last if I may choose. How on earth do you. And we're talking. So let's just kind of find people listening. We're talking about a page aren't we? We're not talking about your profile.


Rachel: So, yes, I use a business page and, um, we drive massive amounts of traffic with business pages. So we actually have clients right now that we've worked with, um, who are reaching 27 million with single posts on Facebook.


Like this happened two weeks ago. So we help people. And we had somebody last week tell me that she crossed over 70,000 fans. She started with me less than a year and a half ago. So she was like zero. Like she never had a business, never had any promotion whatsoever. Um, so like we have our fastest person in the year. One month, one week started from zero and got to a million Facebook fans without any ad spent.


She's spent under 183. She spent $183 to get back. It's totally possible. People who say something's dead. Well, if you think it's dead, you're gonna act like it's dead. Whereas if you say, wait a second, there's traffic in the world, what do, what other people are getting traffic? There's people searching stuff on Google.


There's people looking at content on Facebook. There are people browsing the internet, those people didn't go away. So if they're browsing, I can be in front of them. How do I do this? And gain the system? And it's a lot of fun to just turn the machine on.


Teresa: It just sounds like some wizardry, like this is the, this is the stuff that I tell people all the time doesn't exist.


Right. So everyone wants the magic ones. Everyone wants me to go to them and go, I'll do this one thing. We've been keeping it secret. Do this one thing and your business supply. And I say all the time, there is no magic wand it takes work. Which I'm guessing. And you just nodded it does take work. This isn't a, oh, you put a secret word in the algorithm goes, "Yes." And brings it in.


Rachel: There is work. But there's also some like shortcuts. Does that makes sense? Like there's ways to get there faster. So if you're talking about yourself with your content. Well, that's the long way. Because like, think of like when you go to a party and what's the fastest way to get a stranger like talk to you, I'm an extrovert. So I'm really good at going to places and getting a stranger to talk to me because I desperately need every single person to say hi to me and say, they love me and smile at me.


And I get to talk to them. Like I need to talk to. Like my husband's like, "Why are you talking to the cashier?" I'm like, "Because I want to know how her day's going." You know, like it's a thing. All the cashiers know who I am. So anyways, my point is I want, that that's something important to me. So I've watched, when you go to like a party or a social situation, what's the fastest way to build a relationship with that person?


It's not to go up to that person and talk about yourself. Let's say, "Oh, how, do you have a problem with XYZ? My business has a solution." You would never do that in real life. Like you wouldn't be like, heck no, under the carpet, I'm dead. Like the world swallow up. But we do that on Facebook. So if we literally just treat our Facebook pages, our Facebook profiles, if we treat them like a conversation we'd have at the grocery store with a stranger, we're going to see that our rate rates skyrocket quickly.


Teresa: Yeah.


Rachel: So if we start the conversation with, "Oh, you dropped something." "Oh, I see you're here." "I had a question. Um, are you a mom too? Because I'm looking at this and I'm wondering about it. That's a way. I'm looking at this thing on the grocery store...