Today’s episode of the podcast is all about visibility - a must listen for every business owner out there!

Being seen is one of the most important things that you can do for your business, because if someone doesn't know you exist, they're going to have a real job actually buying from you.


How to authentically use other people's audiences
Where to find other people's audiences
How to find where your audience is
How to add value to someones else's audience
How to ask to be a guest on someone's podcast

Alongside this episode is a five day email challenge, so if you like what I'm saying and want to put it into practice, then check it out via the links below.

I've already had so many people take part and have loved seeing how it's already getting them results - and I'd love nothing more than for you to have that too!

Join My 5 Day Visibility Challenge

Find out more about Emma, from Dietitian With a Difference

Connect with Teresa on Instagram

Connect with Teresa on LinkedIn

Connect with Teresa on Facebook

Connect with Teresa on Twitter

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of Your Dream Business podcast, and I am your host, as always, Teresa Heath-Wareing. How are things going this week? How are you doing? So, I want to say thank you to a few of my amazing listeners who a couple of weeks back, I said to them, let me know where you're listening to this.

Because I get really interested, like I have this debate with one of my team members, is to where people listen because I always listen when getting ready in the morning. That's when I listen to my podcast or my audiobooks or anything. So I just wanna give a shout out to a few of you who tagged me into your posts.

So there was the lovely Donna from Happy Healthy Outdoors on Instagram. Then there was Shannon from Actually Social who tagged me in on Instagram as well, who was listening in the car. And also, uh, Wendy from Camelot Crafts was folding fabrics while listening to me. So what are you doing while you are listening to this? Let me know. Tag me in over on Instagram. I would love to know.

So this week we're going to be talking about visibility because being seen is one of the most important things that you can do for your business because at the end of the day, if someone doesn't know you exist, they're going to have a real job actually buying from you.

And a couple of weeks back, I did an insider experience in my club. Where I opened the doors and invited anybody in to come and join us. And basically you get to experience all the stuff that the members experience. And one of...

Today’s episode of the podcast is all about visibility - a must listen for every business owner out there!

Being seen is one of the most important things that you can do for your business, because if someone doesn't know you exist, they're going to have a real job actually buying from you.


How to authentically use other people's audiences
Where to find other people's audiences
How to find where your audience is
How to add value to someones else's audience
How to ask to be a guest on someone's podcast

Alongside this episode is a five day email challenge, so if you like what I'm saying and want to put it into practice, then check it out via the links below.

I've already had so many people take part and have loved seeing how it's already getting them results - and I'd love nothing more than for you to have that too!

Join My 5 Day Visibility Challenge

Find out more about Emma, from Dietitian With a Difference

Connect with Teresa on Instagram

Connect with Teresa on LinkedIn

Connect with Teresa on Facebook

Connect with Teresa on Twitter

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of Your Dream Business podcast, and I am your host, as always, Teresa Heath-Wareing. How are things going this week? How are you doing? So, I want to say thank you to a few of my amazing listeners who a couple of weeks back, I said to them, let me know where you're listening to this.

Because I get really interested, like I have this debate with one of my team members, is to where people listen because I always listen when getting ready in the morning. That's when I listen to my podcast or my audiobooks or anything. So I just wanna give a shout out to a few of you who tagged me into your posts.

So there was the lovely Donna from Happy Healthy Outdoors on Instagram. Then there was Shannon from Actually Social who tagged me in on Instagram as well, who was listening in the car. And also, uh, Wendy from Camelot Crafts was folding fabrics while listening to me. So what are you doing while you are listening to this? Let me know. Tag me in over on Instagram. I would love to know.

So this week we're going to be talking about visibility because being seen is one of the most important things that you can do for your business because at the end of the day, if someone doesn't know you exist, they're going to have a real job actually buying from you.

And a couple of weeks back, I did an insider experience in my club. Where I opened the doors and invited anybody in to come and join us. And basically you get to experience all the stuff that the members experience. And one of the things that I did that week was the training. And the training was all around getting visible.

How do we get visible and how do we do it quickly? Because we all know what the. You know what it's like to actually try and get seen. Try and get yourself out there. Try and get that all important engagement. And sometimes we just need a bit of a boost, or sometimes we just need a slightly faster way and sometimes it's better, sometimes it's not.

You know, I think everything has its place, but sometimes we just need to try and mix things up. So the training I did was all about how to use other people's audiences, and it's something that I've been doing for a while, but I don't think when I first started doing it that I actually realized what it is and what the strategy was.

And I'm kind of glad because I saw someone doing a talk about this a little while back, and the way they pitched it was, Almost from a very like selfish point of view. Don't I wanna say, I don't, selfish is the right word, but basically it was like, use their people, use the fact that they've built up an audience and use their audience and it's like they've worked really hard to build their audience.

I've worked really hard to build my audience and if I thought someone was coming into me saying, I wanna do something with you, Teresa, just to get in front of you lot. I would have an issue with that. I don't mind introducing people to my lovely community. If I think they're a good fit, if I think that they can add something that I can't add, and if I think they're a nice person.

So if I thought for one second, they were just trying to pitch me to get in front of my people, it would be a hard no. So I want to do it from a point of view of this is how I like to do it. This is how I think that this is a nice way to do it, which also has the added benefit of you being put in front of people's audiences.

And because like I said, I've done this sort of presentation that I did for my group. I thought that it would be good to kind of take you through the presentation a little bit. Obviously you can't see it. I'm just using it as a guide and just to kind of cover off the main points we were talking about and hopefully help you think about this.

Now, what is also awesome is alongside this episode is a five day email challenge. So if you like what I'm saying and you think I fancy given that a go, then go along. And I've already had loads of people join it. And in fact, someone just got in touch with me the other day saying, Teresa, what you said is working.

Always reassuring to hear, of course. But basically she'd been reaching out to podcasts. She'd done it the way I'd suggested. And she had not had a no yet, which is brilliant. Now, I can't guarantee that for everybody, including myself, but wonderful for her. So lots of people have already opted into this download, but if you go to, then you are going to get the challenge that will fit really nicely with this episode.

So make sure you go and get that after you've listened to the episode. So how does this work? Why do we need to get in front front of people? Like how do we get visible. Now. You've all seen the funnel, okay? We've all seen the funnel, top of funnel. People coming in, they get free content. It might be short form or long form.

By short form, I mean social media. By long form I mean something like the podcast, because you're listening to this and it takes a little bit longer. It's not like a quick tap on Instagram. Then you have gated content, and your gated content are things like your email list or a Facebook group. Basically something where someone has got to actually show who they are, if you like.

So this is what I call hand raiser content. So basically they're saying, yeah, I like your stuff, I want to know more. And then from there, that tends to lead through to your sales and to your customers. But what happens is that bit at the top of the funnel is massive, and it comes really, really low down to the bottom of the funnel, which is your sales.

Again, super interesting. On a coaching call the other day, one of my amazing members, In fact, I'm gonna say who she is, Emma, and we're gonna tag her in. Um, she's Dietician with a Difference. She was talking to me about a webinar that she had done and she was saying that she wasn't very happy with the webinar and she didn't know if it was any good.

And we went, it actually started, sorry, with the conversation about email open rates and click rates and she wasn't sure whether she was getting good click rates. And one of the emails that she sent got a really good click rate and I said to her, that's an excellent click rate. What did you do in that email to get that click rate?

I'm really digressing here, but I promise you it's worth it. Um, and she said, oh, actually that was one from my webinar. And you know, that was kind of the sales email. I was like, well, that's reassuring. And then she went, yeah, I don't think my webinar went very well. And so she gave me her figures and her sales rate was 10%.

Now, normally your sales percentage of something, you know, pretty much the average across abroad is around 1% to 2%. So the fact that she got a 10% sales rate on her Masterclass was just brilliant. Um, so yeah, go and check her out. I'll make sure she's, uh, hooked up in the show notes. But that's the truth.

Like, so now what we talked about was, okay, if you got a 10% rate on that, that's a really good rate. But if you want x amount of sales in your, um, you know, to, to buy at the end of that process, you've gotta get more people in the top of that funnel. So if you know that how many people you get in about, 10% are gonna buy. No, they might not be 10% next time.

We'll have to wait and see. But even if you know 1% are going to buy, the more you put in the top, the more you're getting out the bottom. So that's why it's so important to get those people into the top of your funnel. Which basically just means get visible. You know, sometimes when I think we talk funnels and stuff, we, you know, we put people off or, or it sounds a bit like you may have to have some fancy funnel.

That's not the case. It's as simple as view you get your free content, get into your gated content and pay. So how do we get new people into the top of that funnel? Well, this is where our other people's audiences come in. So this is an audience that's already been established and they are not starting from scratch.

So it's not like they're building an email list. They already have an email list. They already have podcast listeners. So where do you find these other people, audiences? Well, they can be in loads of different places. So I, in the presentation, talked about lots of different places you can find them, but a couple examples could be on a podcast or speaking or writing, like for blogs.

But basically you are looking for places where there's already an audience. So when I go onto someone else's podcast and get interviewed, They've already got listeners. When I go and speak on a stage in front of people, they're the people responsible for bringing those people into the room. So that's what I mean by other people's audiences.

And one thing actually I wanna put in here is it doesn't have to be a ginormous audience. I think people are so obsessed with numbers. It really doesn't have to be a huge audience. I'm speaking in a few weeks. Um, I was just wondering whether I'd have already spoke by the time it's come out, but no, I won't have.

I'm speaking in a few weeks to a mastermind in the States, and it's a Seven Figure Female Mastermind. So all of these women are seven figure business owners, and there will be a small number of those, I think probably no more than 10. And you might think, well, why would you find all the way to the States to speak to 10 people?

But it's 10 people who could be my perfect audience, who could be my perfect customers, who I could work with one-to-one. And I love speaking and it's in Nashville, and I love Nashville. Um, so like I said, It doesn't have to be massive audiences. I think people get really like obsessed with, well, I only wanna do it if it's a huge audience.

And that's when it comes down to, well, you're not doing it. It's kind of your ego kicking in because it's like, okay, if you've only got, you know, 20 people, I don't wanna speak to you, but if you've got 200 people, I wanna speak to you. And it's like, well actually those 20 people could be the most engaged audience of the world.

And actually those 200 could not give a down about their, their person that they follow. So for me, I don't care about the size, which I've said to you before. And if you have got an event or a podcast or training or you wanna go live with me, don't ask me to write. I'm not writing. Um, but other anything, then just give me a shout.

If I'm free, I will do it. Like I said, I'm flying to Nashville to speak to potentially 10 people, so I will do it. Because I know how important this is, and I know those connections are so important. And actually the thing I'm doing in Nashville is a whole day and evening, a couple of overnights. So actually I'll be hanging out with these people for much longer than just speaking for 45 minutes to an hour or whatever it is.

Okay. So like I said, loads of different places that other people's audiences are. So how do you get in front of those audiences? So the first thing you need to decide is how do you wanna show up? So those various things I just talked about. Which of them do you like? Do you like speaking on stage? Now.

Like is a strong word? Like could you be comfortable with, could you get to, you get used to, cause I know there's some people who are like, couldn't do a podcast. Well, actually doing someone else's podcast is the easiest thing in the world. Like for me, granted. But generally of all the different things takes little to no prep, so.

Other than having the discussion about what I'm gonna speak about, they ask all the questions, it feels super easy for me. So once you've done it a few times, actually, it's really good and you are never as bad as you think you are. Fyi. But yeah. So number one, step one is how do you want to show up? Think about that.

What are you comfortable doing? Now, me, I have done that much other than writing, I am pretty happy doing anything, but you might decide that actually you're much better training online or you're much better speaking on a stage, or you're much better being interviewed on a podcast or going live with someone.

But basically, how can you get, and you might sit there and go, I'm, I love writing and therefore, Well the new, cuz that is not for me. So that's the first step. How do you want to show up? And in the challenge, uh, that I said earlier, we go through these and you have to make the decisions. So don't forget to go and get that.

It's Obviously it's all in the show notes, and if you want the show notes, go to the number of this episode, which is probably a good idea if I tell you what it is. Hang on. This is the problem now with me recording all of these clean, it's like I don't say the episode number, which I used to include to the intro thing and we don't anymore.

Um, so I had to just double check. So it's 293, so it literally will be 293. Okay, back on with the episode. So. Next step. Step number two is where do my customers hang out? So once you've decided the type of thing you like to do, then where are your, where are your customers hanging out? So there's a few different places that you can look.

So one of the places are where are your customers sharing? So if your following your customers on social media, on you know, you talk to them, they're in your groups, whatever it is, what do they share? Are there, and obviously I'm gonna talk about podcasts a lot because I have a podcast, I go on other people's podcasts.

But whenever I speak about a podcast, I'm talking about any of those different places. So for instance, what podcasts are my members sharing or my customer sharing, or my audience sharing? Um, it might be, where are my competitors showing up? So for instance, uh, you might have someone who's a competitor or in a similar field or a complimentary business.

Where are they showing up? Have they got, are they going on people's podcasts that you think, oh, that would be a good fit for me? One of the things that we used to do, which I have to say is like, Bit of a genius move, and I don't even think I realized at the time, I definitely didn't realize at the time is when someone came on my podcast or asked to come on my podcast, I would ask them, where else have they done podcast interviews?

Because the reason I did it is I wanted to hear them being interviewed and to hear whether I thought they'd be a good fit. But of course, in turn what happened was I got loads of other people's podcasts. So every time someone said, oh, I've spoke on this podcast, or in this podcast, I would get one on my team to go and drop that into my Asana.

And therefore, when I was looking for podcasts to go on, I could just go in there and go, does this podcast still exist? Cuz sometimes like depending on how long you've done your research, it might not still exist. Um, or the episode that someone might have listened to was a really long time ago and actually they're not recording anymore.

And it's important stuff like that that you need to know before you reach out to someone. Um, so yeah, so we have got this constant kind of feed of things coming in or we did when we had interviews. And then of course there's good old Google, like just go on and Google podcasts for small business owners, podcast for Mums, podcast for engineers.

I dunno, whatever it is that you are doing, just Google. Blogs for marketers, like whatever it is, just go and Google it and find it. And the idea is you are gonna start building that list. Now this is an activity that either you could give to one of your team if you have a team, or I would do in like, I'd give myself an afternoon and you do need a bit of time.

This is going to take time, but I promise it's worth it if you do this right. So that's step number two to basically find where your customers are hanging out. And that's the key bit. It really has to be your audience. And don't even think, like, so obviously my audience are business owners, but my business owner audiences might listen to a finance podcast or they might listen to a motivational type podcast.

So it's not just people who do what I do, cuz the chances are they're not gonna want me on if they're a competitor. Okay, how can I add value? That is step number three. So the key thing about doing this exercise, about going in front of other people's audiences is it has to be win win. So you have to provide a benefit.

No one is gonna put you in front of their audience just for the sake of it. You've got to provide some benefit to your, the person that you are approaching. So the benefit or the value is the thing that you do every day is the thing that you know about. And I had a really interesting conversation with, I did this, um, exercise with my mastermind, my exec club, and we did a challenge where I did the challenge, as in I set the challenge and I followed them through and I made them give me their answers and things.

And I had one of my members jump on a call with me because she was struggling to see, cuz one of the things I did in the challenge was like, okay, I'm in a room if you want to come and ask questions, I'm here if you're stuck on a challenge.

And she jumped in the room and she was like, I don't know what podcast I can go on or what places I can speak. I don't know what an expert I am at, what I don't know how I...

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