This episode of the podcast is an interview with the lovely Phylecia Jones who is a speaking expert. We talk all about speaking during the current climate and how the industry may look post-pandemic, finding your audience through speaking and the importance of being a speaker in your industry.

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTSpeaking is the best way to show authority inside your business – you are the instant expert.Speaking allows you to go from 1:1 conversations to 1 to many.Speaking gives you credibility and you can show off your speaking gigs on your website.You can learn to become a better speaker, but speaking on stage is not meant for everyone.Full-time speakers had to pivot when the pandemic hit when they could no longer speak on stage.Speaking online is not the same as speaking at real-life events – you have to adapt.If you pre-record a talk for an online event – repurpose that content and create a new online course.Now is still a good time to get into speaking – there are plenty of opportunities out there.Keep applying for events – they may switch in-person events to hybrid or online.Even in the current climate, there is a lot of opportunities for us as speakers to market our business.Switch your mindset – frame it as a webinar and present it differently.2021 is the year to get everything together – update your equipment, revamp your topics (make them relevant), update your website.Now is the time to refresh – next year there will be companies with budgets and a lot of people wanting the in-person experience.Right now, you have to be flexible as we don’t know if events will go ahead/be taken online.The turnaround for speakers is also a lot shorter in the current climate – be fast and be ready.You have to make pitching a priority this year.Add photos of you speaking online and your equipment to your speaking page.Showcase you are available for virtual speaking and training.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…Make sure you are showing that you can do virtual talks and training, as well as in-person training.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN’T MISSAn introduction to Phylecia – 06:15The importance of speaking for marketing your business – 08:15Is speaking open to everyone? – 09:47Being a speaker during the pandemic – 12:25Speaking online – 16:19Is now a terrible time to think about being a speaker? 26:01Applying for speaking in the current climate – 33:49Updating your speaking page for online – 37:02Clubhouse for speakers 45:25

Check out Phylecia

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