In today’s episode of the podcast I am giving you a sneak peek into some of the coaching calls I do every month in my Dream Business Club. This is my member’s chance to get tailored advice and support from me about their business and anything they are struggling with.


The to-do list of a business owner is never done! So we have to make sure we schedule in times for ourselves.

If you are service-based – make sure you pre-qualify your leads and let them know what your prices start from.

Once you have initially got in touch with a lead, follow up in around 4-5 days with your link to book a discovery call to try and get them to take the next step. If they don’t get back to you – follow up for a final time after a week.

Not every lead will be right for you – you don’t have to say yes to everything!

A tripwire needs to be a no-brainer price so they don’t have to think about it too much – around £19.

To increase sales – add value to orders such as a bonus gift or double up the order.

If you have a Facebook Group for your ideal customers/clients – you need to give them a reason to join! What value will they get? What will they learn?

Your social media posts should speak directly to your ideal customer and the benefits to them.


I talk to Becci Hollis about work/life balance and how to make sure you are having time for you whilst running a business.

I talk to Becci McEvoy about following up with sales.

I talk to Heather about tripwires and how it works.

I talk to Nic about sales and how to get more.

I talk to Wendy about social media content and how to structure having a Facebook Group.

RESOURCES MENTIONED (Becci – Blossom Academy) (Becci – Be Heard Socials) (Nic – In Craft Corner) (Heather – Body Image Consulting) (Wendy – Camelot Crafts) (Dream Business Club)




Hello and welcome to this episode of the podcast as always I am your host, Teresa Heath-Wareing. How are things going this week? So I've got a bit of a special episode for you this week, and I'm a little bit nervous if I'm honest. I have been talking a lot recently and you might've seen in my post, if you follow me or in my emails of showing up even more transparently and more authentically than I do already. Now those are real marketing buzzwords, which can be really annoying because people use them all the time.


But I think I am genuinely quite a authentic person. So for instance, you know, we don't do too much editing to this podcast. We just clean it up a little bit. If I forget what I'm saying or. You know, stutter, like I just did then it gets left in because it's important to know that, uh, I'm a human and I make mistakes and, and we're not all perfect.


And it's not scripted. In fact, this one in particular, I'm sat here. I know roughly what I'm going to say, but I've not even written it down this time. And I would just want to show up as real and as me as possible, and that's going to look like various different things. It might look like less curated images of me.


So when I say curated, I mean like the photo, not photo shop, the photo shoot images. I've been really lucky to have lots of photo shoots, which is ACE and they take really beautiful photos. But I can appreciate that that is like the Instagram version of me. It's me. Absolutely me and they don't do that much editing.

They do a little bit, obviously I got terrible bags into my eyes really bad. So, uh, you know, they might tidy that up a bit, but otherwise, you know, it is me.


However, I do get the fact...

In today’s episode of the podcast I am giving you a sneak peek into some of the coaching calls I do every month in my Dream Business Club. This is my member’s chance to get tailored advice and support from me about their business and anything they are struggling with.


The to-do list of a business owner is never done! So we have to make sure we schedule in times for ourselves.
If you are service-based – make sure you pre-qualify your leads and let them know what your prices start from.
Once you have initially got in touch with a lead, follow up in around 4-5 days with your link to book a discovery call to try and get them to take the next step. If they don’t get back to you – follow up for a final time after a week.
Not every lead will be right for you – you don’t have to say yes to everything!
A tripwire needs to be a no-brainer price so they don’t have to think about it too much – around £19.
To increase sales – add value to orders such as a bonus gift or double up the order.
If you have a Facebook Group for your ideal customers/clients – you need to give them a reason to join! What value will they get? What will they learn?
Your social media posts should speak directly to your ideal customer and the benefits to them.


I talk to Becci Hollis about work/life balance and how to make sure you are having time for you whilst running a business.
I talk to Becci McEvoy about following up with sales.
I talk to Heather about tripwires and how it works.
I talk to Nic about sales and how to get more.
I talk to Wendy about social media content and how to structure having a Facebook Group.


Becci – Blossom Academy

Becci – Be Heard Socials

Nic – In Craft Corner

Heather – Body Image Consulting

Wendy – Camelot Crafts

Dream Business Club




Hello and welcome to this episode of the podcast as always I am your host, Teresa Heath-Wareing. How are things going this week? So I've got a bit of a special episode for you this week, and I'm a little bit nervous if I'm honest. I have been talking a lot recently and you might've seen in my post, if you follow me or in my emails of showing up even more transparently and more authentically than I do already. Now those are real marketing buzzwords, which can be really annoying because people use them all the time.


But I think I am genuinely quite a authentic person. So for instance, you know, we don't do too much editing to this podcast. We just clean it up a little bit. If I forget what I'm saying or. You know, stutter, like I just did then it gets left in because it's important to know that, uh, I'm a human and I make mistakes and, and we're not all perfect.


And it's not scripted. In fact, this one in particular, I'm sat here. I know roughly what I'm going to say, but I've not even written it down this time. And I would just want to show up as real and as me as possible, and that's going to look like various different things. It might look like less curated images of me.


So when I say curated, I mean like the photo, not photo shop, the photo shoot images. I've been really lucky to have lots of photo shoots, which is ACE and they take really beautiful photos. But I can appreciate that that is like the Instagram version of me. It's me. Absolutely me and they don't do that much editing.

They do a little bit, obviously I got terrible bags into my eyes really bad. So, uh, you know, they might tidy that up a bit, but otherwise, you know, it is me.


However, I do get the fact of, you know, it's all really looking like photo shoot in sunny places and that sort of thing. So, so I'm trying to show up a bit more.

A bit more rough and ready, but in a professional way to show you that I do know what I'm talking about and that I'm good at this stuff. So today's episode. One, like I said, I'm a little bit nervous about, because what I've done is I have taken some clips from coaching calls that I have done within my membership.


And these coaching calls come from Executive Club and Club Plus. Club don't get the coaching calls because this is where they get the kind of me-time. So as you will hear from these clips, you talk to me, you know, we have a discussion about the problem that you've got and we hopefully aim to solve that problem or give you ideas or thoughts or whatever it is.


And we do it collaborative collaboratively is if me to say as a group as well. So it's not just me. I am open and hopeful that people will share their thoughts and ideas because everyone's got something to add. I am not the only expert in the room. So I have picked five different clips.

Let me just remind myself it is five. Like I said, either Executive Club or Club Plus coaching calls. Now I'm going to shout out each of the people that allowed me to play their clip because it's not just me being a. Sort of open and honest in terms of how I am inside the club. It's also them being very brave is not the wrong word, but you know, allowing me to share some of the problems that they've had and some of the things that we fixed and some of the conversations we've had, because it's very vulnerable.


You know, they're talking about their business, they're talking about how they are with their business. And obviously these calls are only ever meant for inside the club. And so I appreciate greatly that they are allowing me to put these publicly. I've obviously gone to all of them and asked their permission, given them the clips so they know what's going out.


So there's a couple of things to say before I tell you who's on this episode and give them a shout out for being so amazing. The first thing to say is the audio quality may not be absolutely on amazing. Because again, these were never intended to be podcasts. The second thing to say is I know my members very, very well.


Okay. And this is why I was a bit nervous to put it out cause I might say things that are funny or flippin or trying to be, you know, hilarious. I will say things to them because I know them and I know how they would react to it. So. I didn't want you to listen to this and think, "Oh my God, does she speak to everybody like that?"


Or "Is that what it's like in there?" It's, it's the fact that I've worked with these people. Some of them been in the membership for years. Some have only been in matter of months, but they attend the coaching calls. I know them, I know their businesses. This is my hopefully superpower is that I see everybody in the membership.


I hear everybody. And they matter to me, all of them, every single one. If they turn up and I see them in there, then I know them and they are super, super important to me. So, like I said, if it sounds familiar as in, I am being very familiar with them, that will be why. I've tried to pick a bit of a range of questions.


So I can give you the idea of the breadth of stuff that we talk about. I can show you how I coach, but just to kind of give you, like I said, an idea of, of the type of stuff we're dealing with in there, but also to hopefully you will listen to this and you'll go, "Oh yeah, that's me." Or, "Oh, yeah, thank God I'm not alone." Because like I said Thanks to the amazing vulnerability of my members. They are allowing me to share it and show you that, you know, you're not the only one who might be struggling with this particular thing. Okay. So, uh, we have got the amazing Becci Hollis. Now you will know that Becci Hollis is one of my team members, which is.


Well, she is, but at the point that this probably goes out, she has left me, which she's listening to this cause she's writing the show notes. And probably now is the time to tell her that I feel terribly let down and heartbroken. She's going to be listening to this like, "Oh, God T, please don't say that." No, I adore Becci.

One of the things that she has done with her business since working with me, which is just phenomenal, is not only did she have this online business manager side of a business, but she also has a business called Blossom Academy. And Blossom Academy is a academy for nail technicians and for want to be nail technicians.


And she has lots of online courses and she does do in-person courses. However, the reason Becci is finishing working for me is because she's kind of created the dream. Like yeah, just thinking about it. It makes me so proud of her. She's going to Australia for nine months, hopefully longer to travel and experience life over there.


And she now has an online business that is paying her money through course sales, which, you know, very realistic. You know, don't want to make out that that's easy peasy and it isn't, and she has worked really hard for this, but yeah, she she's doing that, which is crazy amazing. And the fact that I have been any part of that journey with her is just phenomenal.


So anyway. Lovely Becci Hollis. Uh, it comes on and we talk a bit about how difficult it is to switch off and have some time for you. Uh, then we've got the amazing Becci McEvoy. I have all the Becci's in my world. So Becci McEvoy is a social media manager and she does strategies, just content hours. She actually does the content hours in the academy. I recently bought her on to do that. And I very recently taken Becci on to help me with my strategy in social media and content. So that's really cool. I'm so excited about that. Becci's question is around how you follow up with sales and that sort of thing. Then we've got the amazing Heather who is a body image coach.


And Heather is asking questions around a trip wire and how big it should be and how much you should charge for it and how the whole trip wire thing works. Then we've got Nic who's from Incraft corner, who is a handmade business. So she makes baby products. I have had a few products from Nic and not that I have babies, but I have friends that have babies and she's actually very kindly, uh, oh, I did some memory bears for my daughter, which was the best thing ever.


So basically I'm going to go from a bit of a touch of it, so good. Go and check it. We'll check them all out. They're amazing. But check Nick out for this. So, uh, basically what you do is you send off the clothes of when they were babies. So, you know, how you keep the clothes, which I do because it's like, oh, that memory or that thing, or so-and-so bought them that.


But of course they were literally in a suitcase in the loft and some of them had gone a bit funny because they'd been there and I said, my daughter's 12 now. So basically I went through these two things at the suitcases, and I gave Nick a load of clothes and Nic turned them into a bear and a Fox using all of these clothes that my daughter was a baby.


So, so cute. So anyway, that's a bit of what Nic does. And Nick came on and talked about sales, and at the point she asked the question, she was struggling to get some more sales. And we talked about various different and unique ways in which you can get more sales on a particular product. And then we have the lovely Wendy who has a craft shop.


So an actual bricks and mortar shop, because we have a big, vast variety of people in the membership and she sells things like. Uh, fabrics, she sells things for sewing. She does quilting and she came on and had a question about, she was really funny actually. Cause she was like, "So you know, how I'm not very consistent on social media. And I struggled."


I was like, "Yes." She said, I think they should have another Facebook group. It's just like, and obviously this is cause I know her very well. I was like, "That's exactly what I was going to suggest Wendy you've literally read my mind." you'll hear this in the, in the recording. But so we talk about how you structure having a Facebook group.


So that you have a reason to, for people to get in the group. And I go through this kind of content plan with her in terms of how I would do that. So I'm really hoping you're going to enjoy this episode. Like I said, it's a bit of a vulnerable one for me and my members, because obviously you see me as I am, but they see of me that is a bit more relaxed maybe, or a little bit more. I don't know, just that I know them so I can have fun with them and everything.


So, yeah. Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed this episode. Please do let me know what you think of it. And I will be tagging them all in they're all in the show notes. Please go check out these amazing businesses and give them a bit of a, like a bit of love for being so generous in sharing their personal questions with you all. So enjoy.


What about yourself? What are you going to do to get some rest?

Uh, I don't know. I've got like most of the weekend off, so I'm going to try and not look at my emails and stuff and just try and take the weekend.

Why only most of the weekend?


Just because I've got like a, just a really short course on Saturday morning.

So I'll only be a couple of hours cause it's just a nail all on. So it will be most of the weekend. But yeah, I just struggled not to look at my emails, so I need to just be better at that because I go, I'll get ahead for the week.

And I was going to say, you say that. And so do I I'm like if I do this now, it's not going to have so much free time and never do ever, ever.


Yeah. There's never not a million things to do. None of us are ever sat here going done, like literally that never happens in your own business. So. Sometimes not looking at it is the way we manage. Like let's not tell ourselves are going to get ahead. All we're doing is into Sunday. We could just start it.


Yeah. And like Geraldine said, I think I'm a bit of a kind of active relaxer as well, because I find it really hard to just kind of sit and watch Netflix. I can always plan things in, like, I almost have like a schedule full Saturday and Sunday, any, you know what I mean as well, because that's just how I am and I just kind of have to have that.


I don't know why I can't just have nothing in my day. Cause it just makes me feel really like it's a No, unmotivated and just, yeah, it's, it's just not good. So yeah, definitely. Related to that.


Yeah. And I think it's hard. And even I said about everybody else, even if I'm watching Netflix, or watches that, and I still on the fricking phone I'm on, but I think Jesus, we can't like, why am I doing this?


Something is taking my attention. Why am I getting my attention somewhere else? Like, or I'll have my laptop canvas. The one that I do, I'll do Canva while watching something else. And it's like, no, just turn off. And I'll come back to that thing that Nick did when she sat outside for 4 hours with nothing, like how do you flippin not, I can barely do 30 seconds, let alone 4 hours and a half to say yesterday.


Cause I was in a really not great place yesterday afternoon and I put music on and I felt better. And I thought I should remember that. And I thought to myself, I've not listened to music while working for a long time. Because I just got out the habit of it and I was by myself, singing away while I was peeing around in Canva, always Canva.


But so, yeah. So, you know, that can really help as well, but, okay, cool. Becci, you are really good with your goals and stuff. Yours are actually great. Yours are more about just getting on with the work now, isn't it?

Yeah definitely.

I think it's quite a quick question. And it only really came up this morning in the last couple of days, which is really exciting.


I've had a lot of people message me on my socials about working with me. I don't know where they've come from. So that's exciting in itself. I might, I'm hoping it's my content, but I know I had a couple before Christmas as well. Basically, I send them all the details of me. I'm a bit of a chat and I don't really hear back.


And what I'm not very good at is what I, I kind of leave it before I sell it. Cause I don't want to come in like sleazy. And I think a bit of my imposter syndrome is going, "Oh, they've looked at my website. I'm too expensive. So I'm just going to go away." And yeah. So I was wondering I don't know whether you had any advice on sort of how long you'd leave it before you follow up.

And also because I know you don't do this, doing it in a way that's not sleazy, like.

Tell me your process now. So they DM you thru Insta.


Yeah, so they they've messaged me from Facebook or Instagram, and I've sent them a message back and explain a little bit about what I do sent them the link to the services that I offer or more detail about what it is they've asked for and said that if it's something that takes them interest and they want to chat a bit more about it, they can book a discovery call and send them a link to the discovery call and that's, and that's it.

So is your pricing on your site?

Yes. Well, it is. Yeah, it's from, cause I don't really have set prices, but I've got a, from price, a starting price, basically.


So as long as they've got an idea of price, so therefore they're not wasting your time. You're doing the right thing, obviously I'm sure you give them all the like, oh, this is so exciting, you know, can't wait to whatever, whatever.


Like it's done, done and the stuff that you sent them, that's actually fine. Make sure that you see where the pricing starts from. Then. You've obviously got the link in there to book in a call. I would literally give them four or five days and I'd email them again.


But just, what would you say though? Cause that's where I'm sort of like.

I just to follow up that just want to check you've got this, check you got the email. Here's the link. The next step is to book a discovery call. If you think that this you're interested. I would also try and say something about there is that social, you know, you could almost, at that point, you know I love what you posted about so and so for like a couple of posts just so they can see you're in the radar.


Then offer them to get them a discovery call again. If they fact you that wrong, then I would give it probably another week or so and go because these are people who outreached to you. So it's not called reach it. So there's nothing wrong with you wanting an answer. So you could reach them again and say uh, I just wanted to do one final follow up.


Is if you got this, if you're not interested, if I don't hear back, I'm assuming that you've managed to get sorted out to it. Which I'm really pleased about uh, you know, thanks very much. If I hear back great, if I don't well, I'm thinking you don't.


I'm sort...