KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTBefore you get started you need to work out who your ideal audience is.Consider everything they like, where they’re from, how old they are and what they’re doing for a living. The more detailed, the better.Your potential audience may have never heard of you before, so the first thing you need to send them a video ad. This could be as long as you like, as long as it’s over a minute. What you’re looking for is people that stay and watch the video. Once you have done this, you can start remarketing your lead magnet back to the people who have watched the video.Your landing page needs to be consistent with your advertising and not something that should be on your website. This is because they shouldn’t be able to click on any other link other than saying ‘yes I want the thing’.Once your potential clients have clicked through and filled out a form, you need your landing page to link to an email system that will automatically send them the thing that they have asked for. Whether it’s an eBook, a checklist or an easy to use a guide, you need to deliver on your promise.Using video when taking potential sign-ups through to your masterclass is a great way to connect with them before you begin. It gives them a reminder to carve out the time and place your webinar or masterclass in their diary, helping increase your overall live turnouts. This can also be encouraged using emails.Following on from your live training or masterclass - where you will have mentioned your product - you’re going to want to send emails out to your email list based on whether or not they attended live. Having a fast access bonus is a great way to encourage sales and a sense of urgency.Your sales page should follow a structure, including showing what you’re selling as a physical product, even if it’s digital.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…The important thing to remember is that this step by step process is similar to baking a cake. If you’re baking and you use salt instead of sugar your cake is basically ruined, so when applying that logic to this process it means if you get one step wrong, your whole strategy could fail.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSWarming Up Your Clients 07:30Creating Your Landing Page 11:00Connecting an Email System 14:00Taking Your Potential Customers Through to Your Masterclass orWebinar 16:00Following Up with Emails 22:03Going from Training to Buying 23:32Perfecting Your Sales Page 30:25
Transcript below


Hello and welcome to Episode 52 of the Social Media Marketing Made Simple Podcast. I am your host Teresa Heath-Wareing. And today I feel like I should have a fanfare because Episode 52 means that I have been going for an entire year, 52 episodes of the podcast.


Wow. I can’t believe a year has gone by already. I am so so pleased to have started the podcast and I am loving the fact that I am 12 months in and it’s been the success that it’s been, that I get all you lovely listeners listening to me. I get great feedback. I’ve had some amazing guests and I have loved every minute. Don’t get me wrong you know because I’m very honest, it’s hard work sometimes creating the content coming out with ideas...

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTBefore you get started you need to work out who your ideal audience is.Consider everything they like, where they’re from, how old they are and what they’re doing for a living. The more detailed, the better.Your potential audience may have never heard of you before, so the first thing you need to send them a video ad. This could be as long as you like, as long as it’s over a minute. What you’re looking for is people that stay and watch the video. Once you have done this, you can start remarketing your lead magnet back to the people who have watched the video.Your landing page needs to be consistent with your advertising and not something that should be on your website. This is because they shouldn’t be able to click on any other link other than saying ‘yes I want the thing’.Once your potential clients have clicked through and filled out a form, you need your landing page to link to an email system that will automatically send them the thing that they have asked for. Whether it’s an eBook, a checklist or an easy to use a guide, you need to deliver on your promise.Using video when taking potential sign-ups through to your masterclass is a great way to connect with them before you begin. It gives them a reminder to carve out the time and place your webinar or masterclass in their diary, helping increase your overall live turnouts. This can also be encouraged using emails.Following on from your live training or masterclass - where you will have mentioned your product - you’re going to want to send emails out to your email list based on whether or not they attended live. Having a fast access bonus is a great way to encourage sales and a sense of urgency.Your sales page should follow a structure, including showing what you’re selling as a physical product, even if it’s digital.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…The important thing to remember is that this step by step process is similar to baking a cake. If you’re baking and you use salt instead of sugar your cake is basically ruined, so when applying that logic to this process it means if you get one step wrong, your whole strategy could fail.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSWarming Up Your Clients 07:30Creating Your Landing Page 11:00Connecting an Email System 14:00Taking Your Potential Customers Through to Your Masterclass orWebinar 16:00Following Up with Emails 22:03Going from Training to Buying 23:32Perfecting Your Sales Page 30:25
Transcript below


Hello and welcome to Episode 52 of the Social Media Marketing Made Simple Podcast. I am your host Teresa Heath-Wareing. And today I feel like I should have a fanfare because Episode 52 means that I have been going for an entire year, 52 episodes of the podcast.


Wow. I can’t believe a year has gone by already. I am so so pleased to have started the podcast and I am loving the fact that I am 12 months in and it’s been the success that it’s been, that I get all you lovely listeners listening to me. I get great feedback. I’ve had some amazing guests and I have loved every minute. Don’t get me wrong you know because I’m very honest, it’s hard work sometimes creating the content coming out with ideas getting the actual thing out there you should see the spreadsheet. My team and I have to make sure that we’ve got ourselves organized. But I do love it. And compared to other bits of content I much prefer talking over writing. So for me this is just the best way in order to help you guys, to give you ideas and to share my information.

So today is going to be a fairly full on episode. I’m really excited about today’s episode and I’m gonna share a couple of reasons why that is. So today’s episode I’m gonna be taking you through a formula to launch something online or off the formula that I used to sell online and I’ve likened this formula to baking a cake. This might seem a little bit odd to you right now but I promise you as this episode goes on you’re going to see why I say that.


So the other reason I’m really excited about doing this episode and some I just want to pay there to you. And I would love a bit of feedback from you is that obviously I started the podcast and I started my business with social media in mind. Social media was always a thing. I was well known for. It’s the one thing that obviously I do an awful lot of. I talk. I train and I love social media. It’s brilliant. However one of the things that I really love and you know when ever you heard the term your zone of excellence I think that’s what the term is. Then one of the many books I’ve read that basically when you find that sweet spot of the thing that you are really good at and you just love it doesn’t seem difficult at all.


And for me I always thought that was social media because I do love it. And I do find it interesting and easy. However this thing that we’re going to talk about today the online selling element. Oh man, I just love it. I geek out over funnels and ads and the landing pages and sales pages and processes and emails and amazing technology that can do the most phenomenal stuff. So I’m a bit of a crossroads at the moment because I’m obviously really well known for the social media side and this podcast has seen a few tweaks and changes.


We’ve done episodes that aren’t necessarily social media related and I want to get your feedback. Do you want this podcast to be absolutely dedicated only to social media and not have any of the episodes around digital marketing, e-mails other aspects of marketing aspects of running a business which also I love doing too and the other area that I love is the whole mindset thing as well. So again I’ve had some great guests on about that such as James Wedmore and I’ll link up to that in the show notes but I’m just interested. Do you want all of that? Are you happy that I’m doing all of that? Because for me I love the variety. Like I said social media sits very firmly in what I do. Everything tends to span from it or to it. But I just also love filling in the other bits and sharing those those other parts of what it’s like to run a business what it’s like to run a business online and what it’s like to try and sell and get known using online tools so you know what come and find me.


I’m always in my DMs. Normally Instagram’s the one you’re gonna get me quickest in and come and tell me what you think has I’m really interested. I’ve built up a really lovely following on a podcast. I want to keep growing it further and I want to know what you want. So the other reason today’s episode is a really cool one and I’m excited to do it right now is because I am currently right in the middle of this process I’m about to talk you through. I am currently when I’m recording this and as you know a batch. So I am a little bit early recording this I’m probably about four weeks. Yeah four weeks from when this is actually going live.


And so by now the thing I’m halfway through will all be out there and you’ll see it and it’ll be tentative to say isn’t that silly because I’m thinking, oh no what if something goes wrong and it’s not gone like by them they’re going to think positive and I’m going to tell you that by the time you listen to this I will be selling a course online. So go and have a look for that. I’ll hook up to that in the show notes as well. Anyway so as I’ve said I’m right in the middle of this process. And the funny thing is I’m actually a bit tired and I’m a little bit worn out because it’s a full on process but I wanted to do this episode now so I’m going to try and be super positive about it even though I might be feeling a little bit tired right now so I’m going to talk you through. Straight from the beginning all the way through to selling how you take someone from having no idea who you are.


Right the way through to getting them on your list to warming them up using something like a webinar master class which is what I’ve just done and then taking them to the sales page that basically I’m going to talk you through what I am doing currently in my business because I want you to understand a couple of things actually.



So first off, I want you to hear the process because boy it’s a fair sized process. And then I want you to understand the analogy of. It’s like baking a cake because I want you to understand that there are so many steps to each of these things and each of these things I’m going to mention. There are so many other aspects of each individual part that if you get them wrong it can affect your entire funnel so it can literally... If you put salt in instead of sugar your cake is absolutely ruined. It’s funny that I should choose cake because if you know me you know I don’t have a sweet tooth and cake isn’t something I eat, in fact I can’t remember the last time I ate cake. I’m trying to think no, can’t remember anyway but it just is such a good analogy because it’s like a science baking a cake, isn’t it? You’ve got to get it right. So for me, a funnel or a sales funnel is exactly the same. If you don’t get all those aspects right you’re ruining your cake you’re ruining your outcome at the end. So let me start by walking you through how we take someone from not knowing who I am up into getting them onto my email list.


So I’ve talked about this lots of times before. This is the use of lead magnets but I’m gonna take a step before if I’m known to want to introduce myself to a cold audience. So obviously this might be an audience on Facebook. I’m going to want to warm them up a little bit first so I wouldn’t suggest that you go straight into a cold audience and go hey I’ve got this amazing download or I’ve put together this check sheet for you or I’ve put together this PDF for you, download it if they’ve never even seen you before. If they don’t even know who you are.


So one of the first things I do is I create a video advert and I might advertise this obviously I’ve already profiled my client or my ideal client. I find them on Facebook. I’ve picked out the audience I need in particular. See this is what I mean right. The very first step if you haven’t sat down and worked out in detail who that person is you’re trying to speak to you might fall of the very first hurdle. So okay I’ve worked out who I’m going to speak to and I’m going to send them a video ad and all I’m going to ask them to do is watch the video. Now time wise it might be over a minute. It might be up to two or three minutes. It might be 10 minutes. All of these things are variable things and can have an effect on your overwrite come. But you do definitely want to over a minute because what I’m trying to look for here are people who stay and watch the video now they don’t have to watch all of it. They can watch a certain percentage of it again that can vary. But what I want to see is people that have actually come in and clicked and watched that video or have seen a certain length that video because you know what if I’m advertising a video to you about let’s say how to create content or how to use Instagram for business then you’re not going to hang around and watch that for any length of time. If that is not something that is of interest to you the same as in your niche or your business you’ve got to thing.


Let’s say you are someone who offers something to people who are pregnant women that are pregnant. So you might put a video on how to deal with a certain element of being pregnant. Now if I’m not pregnant or that is not obviously appropriate to me I wouldn’t watch it.

So we’re trying to think of give them something that only your target audience will want to see. And like I said send the video out now you can put a call to action in there of find out more or go look at my website. But the idea is when not trying to get them to convert or give them that email address at this point now you can always ask them but don’t expect that to be necessarily the thing that they’re going to do. And the reason I do this and likes it this is my formula these are my steps you know they work for me and my clients. You might find that something else different works. The reason I put the video out is because then I remarket to video views.

Now you’ve got to have a fair bit of budget to do this just because you need to get that audience fairly big. And the more niche you are that might be difficult. But once I’ve got some people who have watched the video then I can start remarketing back to those people. And obviously it’s a warm audience, so people who already know me or people who are have already interacted my page. And then I send out a different advert and that advert is the one with the lead magnet.


So you literally go from having an ad which obviously you have an image and some text a headline A Call to Action button. They’re all separate ingredients. If some of those are wrong you’re not going to get them past that advert. I’ve done split testing, I pretty much split test every everyone we do. So we’ll have different images and different tacks and different call to action buttons if you can get them to click past the ad or on the ad the next place you’re going to want to send them is your landing page. And again the science that goes into a landing page where you put your call to action buttons what color they are. In fact one of the very early episodes which I almost don’t want to send you back to cause I don’t know how sound. I talk about the sort of make up of a landing page. So I will up to that and the show notes if you go to, you’ll find the show notes there and you’ll be able to go these links but obviously your landing page is where you’re going to be offering the thing that they’ve clicked to get. So you should make sure it’s consistent. You should make sure the images you used on your ads are similar to the images on your landing page. Then from your landing page, you’re going to ask them to give you their details and I do this in a lead box. So once they click the button say yes I really want this. The lead box pops up on the landing page and I should just mention the landing page isn’t on your website or I don’t have mine on my website because landing pages are very specific. They shouldn’t be able to click on any other link bar the button that basically gets them to say yes I want the thing. Now what’s going to happen is if they don’t want it for whatever reason if they get to that page and go Oh no I made a mistake then they just closed the browser window day and they just shut down which is fine in this instance because the thing you’re really trying to get them to do is give you their details if you have it on your website. The risk scares they might see Europe by a section and want to read that or look at something else and then forget completely how they got there and not fill in those details so landing page really specific they click on that button the button then opens a lead box that’s where they’re putting in their name and their email address. I asked for the most minimum amount of information because for me if you’re ask them to fill in too much stuff they’re not going to do it. And also things like I often have a progress bar at the top of that lead box and it says like 50 percent done already. So they can see that they’re not going to go from that lead box to them 20 more questions and then from the leave box once they click the button to say yes. Great. They then go to a thank you page and obviously the thank you page isn’t as crucial if you like as the landing page because you’re trying to get them to convert on the landing page. But you really want to try and make the most that thank you page you then might want to get them to connect with you on social media. You might want a video. I know on my lead magnet, one of the ones I’ve done I have a video that introduces me to them because at this point they may not have seen me, they might have just seen the thing that they’ve asked for and the thank you page can then send them off to your Web site or like you said get them to link up with you on social media.


Also you can do things like share buttons so you can encourage them to share the fact that they’ve just downloaded their whatever airs and share it with their friends on social media and then what’s going to happen is you’re going to have this connected up with a email system. So the systems I use are lead pages and that’s to help me build my landing page and my lead box, my thank you page and then, I use Infusionsoft but I’m also going to put in the show notes I linked to those but I’m also going to link to drip which I did used to use which is excellent. I just moved to Infusionsoft because I wanted a few more of their functionality but Infusionsoft is more expensive so you might want to have a look at Drip as well and are linked to all of them in the show notes but that email system that you connect up you, need it to be able to do some automation because what’s going to happen is the minute they submit their name and email then it’s going to connect up to your email provider who’s then going to start your campaign normally call campaigns within the system that sends them the thing they’ve asked for.


Now normally at this stage I would do two or three emails to do with the thing they’ve asked for. Also you want to be thinking about GDPR and how you’re getting them to agree to basically stay on your list as well. Obviously GDPR applies to businesses in the EU and anybody marketing to the EU anyway. So then you’re following up where the number of e-mails and in these emails you’re going to deliver the thing they’ve asked for in e-mail number one and then in e-mail number one you might have another call to action but a soft one so you don’t put your next big thing in e-mail number one because the likelihood is they’ll miss it. So you might per click here to come and find me on social media or come and have a look at the websites email to you might be more deliberate with a call to action. So e-mail two might be how are you getting on? Here’s another bit of information. How can I help you? That’s when I would tend to get them to come and listen to the podcast or I would encourage them to consume some more of my free content. And then an e-mail number three that could be where you try and lead them into the next part of your funnel. If it’s all set up like this now as we speak mine isn’t. It depends how quick you want to take him through the process. For me that might seem a little bit too fast but for some people they absolute do take through the process that quick. Oh I should have mentioned your e-mails your 1, 2 and 3 emails. You would have a delay between them and all of this goes automatically. So literally you press the button on the advert to go live. Once you’ve set up that lead magnet it will all do itself. You didn’t have to do anything in the email provider you also wanted to things like tag...