KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTOnce a year, you should requalify the subscribers on your list. You can do this through offering a lead magnet such as an eBook, checklist, guide, etc. This will help you sift through your email list to find your true audience—those who want to be there.Ask your email list members questions about what they are struggling with and how you can help! The key is learning to understand your audience. You can then address these concerns—using their ownwords—directly in your marketing efforts, including your webinar!Remember to market to your email list everywhere they can find you.You want those who sign up for the webinar to sign up to attend live, instead of just the playback. Try using a bonus if they show up or the opportunity to ask questions. Those who are there for your live webinar are more likely to buy.Ready to take it to the next level? It’s time to use Messenger. Messages have an 80% open rate compared to traditional email at 30%. For example, you can use Messenger to send an ad to all those audience members who have viewed your sales page.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…Although you are using your email to drive sign-ups, it is important to market to your audience on all your other platforms. Use your social media to let followers know about your upcoming webinar. Write a blog post that includes information about your webinar. You can repurpose your email content quickly into other content to use where the rest of your audience hangs out, including on social media posts and ads.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSPhase 1: Warm up your email list – 02:24Phase 2: Pre-Webinar Phase – 08:12How to create your email marketing series – 08:54How to use advertising and social media – 10:44Phase 3: Webinar Go Live – 13:25Phase 4: Post Webinar Phase – 14:29How to pull in those who didn’t buy or those who didn’t attend – 15:09Now, take it to the next level with Messenger – 21:46
Transcript below


Hello, and a really warm welcome to this week's episode of The Social Media Made Simple Podcast, and I'm your host Teresa Heath-Wareing. I'm back in the UK, and back in my office, which means, hopefully, we won't get lots of background noise like we did last week, after my fantastic trip to the States.

The trip was a bit of a work trip, and a bit of a pleasure thing, which was nice, and I got to meet up, like I said last week, with some amazing people, both Pat Flynn and Amy Porterfield, who in my industry, are complete rocks stars, so to spend some time with them was fantastic. If you don't know who these people are, then please got and check them out, because they really are phenomenal.

This week, I'm going to talk about something that I did a talk on, in October of last year, when I spoke at Converted, which was in Minneapolis. And I've decided that I'm gonna do it for this week's podcast because I'm super passionate about it, and it's a process that I'm actually gonna be using soon myself, so it's really good to refresh myself on the process and what it's like.

So, this week, I'm gonna be talk about how you can use a four stage process and webinar, in order to take someone from an email address, right the way through, to a paying customer. Like, I said, it's something that I'm super passionate about, not only have I used it for clients, but I'm also using it for myself. Not quite where I need to be yet, but I promise you, it's coming soon.

So, let me explain the four stages of how we take someone from just being someone in our email list, right the way through, to actually purchasing from us.

So, the first thing we do, is start by warming up the list. I never ask people how big your list is, I ask them how warm it is. The next...

KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTOnce a year, you should requalify the subscribers on your list. You can do this through offering a lead magnet such as an eBook, checklist, guide, etc. This will help you sift through your email list to find your true audience—those who want to be there.Ask your email list members questions about what they are struggling with and how you can help! The key is learning to understand your audience. You can then address these concerns—using their ownwords—directly in your marketing efforts, including your webinar!Remember to market to your email list everywhere they can find you.You want those who sign up for the webinar to sign up to attend live, instead of just the playback. Try using a bonus if they show up or the opportunity to ask questions. Those who are there for your live webinar are more likely to buy.Ready to take it to the next level? It’s time to use Messenger. Messages have an 80% open rate compared to traditional email at 30%. For example, you can use Messenger to send an ad to all those audience members who have viewed your sales page.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…Although you are using your email to drive sign-ups, it is important to market to your audience on all your other platforms. Use your social media to let followers know about your upcoming webinar. Write a blog post that includes information about your webinar. You can repurpose your email content quickly into other content to use where the rest of your audience hangs out, including on social media posts and ads.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSPhase 1: Warm up your email list – 02:24Phase 2: Pre-Webinar Phase – 08:12How to create your email marketing series – 08:54How to use advertising and social media – 10:44Phase 3: Webinar Go Live – 13:25Phase 4: Post Webinar Phase – 14:29How to pull in those who didn’t buy or those who didn’t attend – 15:09Now, take it to the next level with Messenger – 21:46
Transcript below


Hello, and a really warm welcome to this week's episode of The Social Media Made Simple Podcast, and I'm your host Teresa Heath-Wareing. I'm back in the UK, and back in my office, which means, hopefully, we won't get lots of background noise like we did last week, after my fantastic trip to the States.

The trip was a bit of a work trip, and a bit of a pleasure thing, which was nice, and I got to meet up, like I said last week, with some amazing people, both Pat Flynn and Amy Porterfield, who in my industry, are complete rocks stars, so to spend some time with them was fantastic. If you don't know who these people are, then please got and check them out, because they really are phenomenal.

This week, I'm going to talk about something that I did a talk on, in October of last year, when I spoke at Converted, which was in Minneapolis. And I've decided that I'm gonna do it for this week's podcast because I'm super passionate about it, and it's a process that I'm actually gonna be using soon myself, so it's really good to refresh myself on the process and what it's like.

So, this week, I'm gonna be talk about how you can use a four stage process and webinar, in order to take someone from an email address, right the way through, to a paying customer. Like, I said, it's something that I'm super passionate about, not only have I used it for clients, but I'm also using it for myself. Not quite where I need to be yet, but I promise you, it's coming soon.

So, let me explain the four stages of how we take someone from just being someone in our email list, right the way through, to actually purchasing from us.

So, the first thing we do, is start by warming up the list. I never ask people how big your list is, I ask them how warm it is. The next thing we do, is we'll look at a pre-webinar phase. Then the third step is the webinar go live. And then step four, is how you make the most of the post-webinar phase. So, let's get started.


Phase 1: Warm up your email list


The list warm up phase, like I said, when did you last think, how warm is your list? It may sound like a very stupid question, but actually in recent light of the GDPR, I would say, now is probably where people have the warmest list, because the people who wanted to say on, hopefully, are the people who love you, like you, want to buy from you.

But what I would do is, the first thing I would look at doing is, re qualifying their emails. So, if you do have a big list, and you're perhaps over in the States, and you didn't do the GDPR, then it's always great, and is standard, probably, once a year, at least, going back through your emails, and re qualifying them, is a great way to keep your data nice and warm. And ensure, that people that are takin up space on your list, are people that want to be there.

And the way that you could re qualify them, is by doing something like sending them another lead magnet. Now, in episode two of the podcast, you will find, an episode all about lead magnets, so if you're not sure what a lead magnet is, or your not sure how to come up with one, then please go and check out that episode, and I will link in the show notes.

But basically, we will create a lead magnet, something that you're giving away for free, that the customer or prospect would want. So, it could be things like, cheat sheets, checklists, video training, how-to guides, swipe files, tool kits, eBooks, reports; loads of different things. But basically, you're gonna offer them something, in order to check their interest. So you can obviously use lead magnets to build your email list, but in this particular use, we're gonna do it, just to make sure that they're interested.

Also, if you offer different types of service, then it's possible that you could ask them whether they want this type of lead magnet or this type of lead magnet, so you can try to understand a bit more about what's important to them.

Then, once we re qualify, we're gonna start to ask them questions. We're going to want to try and get to know them. So, in your emails, on your re qualifying emails, and general emails, ask them: what are they struggling with, what do they need help with, how can you help me. And really try to get to know them, get to understand them, and as I've mentioned before, lots of times, I'm sure, then you want to know who it is you're talking to. Because, if you know who you're talking to and what they need, then you know what you're going to be able to offer them, that they will then, hopefully, purchase from you.

And, like I said, listen to what they have to say, use their own words, sort of back to them. So, if they say, I'm really struggling, I feel overwhelmed, I feel like this that and the other, then when you're talking to them in your emails, say those words. Say, "If you're anything like me, you might feel overwhelmed."

The other thing that you can do in this re qualifying bit or warming up bit is, give them amazing, consistent content. So it could be a blog, it could be a podcast, it could be Facebook live, whatever it is, make sure it's consistent, and make sure that you are doing it every single week, or every months or every other day, whichever level you sort of want to pitch, and make sure that you're putting it out there; and tell them about it. Making sure it adds value and make sure you email them every time you do something.

Of course, the other thing you want to do is make sure that you're including it on your social media, because who here, gets a 100% open rate on their emails? No one. So you wanna be using other platforms, don't just rely on the fact that they're gonna open an email. I think, sometimes, our goal in marketing, is to get people on an email list, that once they're on, we forget to market to them anywhere else.

So one of the things that I would be doing, to make sure they see the content I'm putting out there, is I would be sharing it on social media, I might be advertising it on social media. And the other thing I might do, is, I might upload my email list direct to Facebook and create a custom audience. Now, you might not know what this is, but basically, you can upload your data, create an audience, and Facebook will look and see, off your list, how they know, and they'll say, we know, 70% of those people, let's say, and you will be able to send adverts direct to people that are currently on your list. And like I said, it's just another way to make sure that they're seeing the content that you're putting out there.

Also, one sort of side note to mention here, Facebook do like, really, really big lists. So if you have a smaller email list, this might now work as well for you, just so you're aware.

Okay, so you're gonna connect through other platforms, you're gonna look at things like uploading the data, do some advertising, even using things like, Insta stories to say, hey I'm got a new blog post, or hey, if you follow me on Instagram, you'll see that I often do it for the podcast.

So, once you've warmed that list up nicely, and this phase needs to take as long as possible, and I know that can be frustrating, because if we're wanting to launch something, we want to do it tomorrow, but for me and my experience, I've found that the longer you can warm up that list, the longer that they know you're credible and you know what you're talking about, the more success you're have when you do ultimately launch.


Phase 2: Pre-Webinar Phase


So, let's move on to phase two: pre-webinar phase. This is where we give them what they want, bit of a stupid statement, Teresa, but what we're basically doing is, in the first phase, we're asking them what they want. So, when it comes to creating the webinar for them, give them what they want. Give them the answers to the problems that they had in phase one. So, whatever their biggest concern was, that's the thing you want to address in your webinar.

So during the webinar phase, the launch phase of your webinar, we're gonna do several things. We're gonna look at email series we can offer to those people to get them to sign up, we're gonna be looking at advertising, and again, social media.


How to create your email marketing series


So let's start with the emails. First off, you're going to have a series of emails that you send out to your list, telling them that you're going to do a webinar. You're going to do it, obviously, more than once. You're probably gonna give yourself a window of two or three weeks. I probably wouldn't go any more than three weeks out.

So, once you've done your promotional emails that you're sending out to people, saying, please sign up for my webinar, and again, like I said, you're space at least two, three, four emails over the time that you're doing.

Once someone's actually singed up, the next trick is to make sure that they attend live, because the stats that are involved for people attending live and then buying something from you, while you're live on the webinar are really high. So you really wanna get those people onto the webinar and watching alive. And also, if you're running a webinar, it's so much nicer when there's interaction.

So your next set of emails are going to be encouraging them to come and join the webinar live. There are a few things that you could you. You could tell people that they'll get a bonus of they turn up live, that won't be available on the replay, you can just remind them of the fact that you're going to be on live and therefore, you will be available to answer questions, so they really do want to make sure that they turn up.

And the other things you're going to do within these emails is just remind them. I don't know about you, but you sign up for a webinar here, you sign up for a webinar there, and then you forget where they were, and you might miss them. So, I would normally do several emails, again, depending on how far out you're going to start promoting this. But I would definitely do one two days before, and then an hour before, to remind them to come on and watch the webinar live.


How to use advertising and social media


Okay, as before, within the warm up phase, we're also going to be using advertising and social media. Again, just because they have the emails, doesn't mean they're gonna open it and see that webinar. Again, custom audiences are great if you can use them, but if not, you might just have to do some general advertising. And of course, there's no reason why someone isn't on your list, might want to attend the webinar as well.

Using video is a great way to advertise a webinar. So, doing a very short, 30 second clip, around, this is what the webinar is going to be about, this is why you wanna come on it and sign up here, and then, you can use that video to advertise.

Another reason you want to use video to advertise, is because of the opportunity to re-market to those people. So, one of the great things about Facebook advertising is, if you're advertising a video, you're able to create, again, a custom audience based on the people that have already watched the video. So, obviously, if they've watched 50% of a video, they're going to be fairly interested in the subject that you're talking about. No one is going to sit and watch a video for any length of time, if it doesn't apply to them, or interest them.

And then what you can do, is you can re-advertise the webinar in a different way, where you can basically then send it back to those people and say, make sure you sign up, don't forget to sign up or something like that. So, like I said, advertising and videos on social media work perfectly together.

Also, if you can do a live video, then even better. I know that when I talk about live videos, people literally look terrified and run the other way, but I promise you, lives are fantastic, in fact, they are watching three times longer, than a standard video. So, if you can bring yourself to do a live, then place try that as well.

And then of course, the next thing that we can do, is advertise it anywhere else that you can think about. Think about pushing the webinar on your email signature, why not change up your cover photos on Twitter and Linkedin and Facebook, do Ista stories about it, why not tease the content on Insta stories, that it's coming up. If you have a website pop up, why not change the pop up, so it's a sign up to your webinar.

And, obviously, if you are doing the sing ups and you are getting people to sign up and they go to a thank you page, why not, on that thank you page, have a social share button, so that they can share it with their friends as well.


Phase 3: Webinar Go Live


Okay, so, the third phase, we're really cracking through them now. So, webinar go live, this office is a fairly short one, because it's while you're on the webinar, but try and encourage hashtags, conversations and questions. Why not create a particular hashtag for the webinar that people can use when they're tweeting out about it, or putting it on Instagram. Encourage them to do this, and encourage them to join in the conversation.

Encourage them to ask questions, because again, even though at this point, you're in, almost sales mode, it doesn't mean that you don't wanna still learn. And, obviously, you're going to have a recording of this webinar, where you can go back and view what people where saying, and obviously, can go back on social media and see what they were saying. Also, it's going to really interest other people looking in. So if they did miss the webinar, but they suddenly see loads of hashtags or some comments or whatever, then they might be more, inspired, if you like, to go back and watch the replay.


Phase 4: Post Webinar Phase


Okay, on to the final phase, phase four, post webinar phase. Now, it doesn't stop there. Once you've done the webinar, and at the end of the webinar you've sold your thing, your product, your service; you can't then put your feet up as the sales roll in, wouldn't it be lovely. In fact, this phase is almost as important, if not more important, than the previous phases. And in this phase, we're gonna look at three areas: we're gonna look at email series again, re-marketing the replays, and then some really cool next level stuff.


How to pull in those who didn’t buy or those who didn’t attend


Now, when it comes to post webinar, you're going to have two audiences that you're focusing on. You're going to have those that attended the webinar, that signed up and attended, and then you're going to have those that signed up, but didn't attend. And obvious, like I said, at the end of the webinar is where you're going to sell the thing.

So, for the people that attended, they obviously saw the webinar and if they then didn't buy, the emails that you're going to be sending them is obviously, sending them the replay, but you're then going to be focusing on the sale, because they were on the webinar, they saw it, but they didn't buy. When you're focusing on a sale in these emails, I would do it more about addressing concerns, asking questions, reassuring them why they might do it. Because if they've gone though the effort to watch your webinar, then there's obviously something that's stopping them from buying. Even encourage them to reply to email, answer questions, tell you why they didn't buy.

Then the people who signed up to the webinar, but didn't attend live, they obviously don't know that, at the end of the webinar, you launched a product or a service or a sale. And therefore, when you email those people, you should really focus on the webinar first and probably a good half of your email, why they should watch the replay, what was so brilliant about the webinar, and then you want to mentioned the sale. Because, like I said, they don't know that the sale existed, so you need to be a little bit softer in terms of telling them about the product or service that you've just launched. And like I said, you're going to send out a series of emails aimed at these people.

So, once you've understood the two audiences, you're going to send out emails to those two different types of audiences. Also don't forget your full email list as well, just because they didn't sign up for the webinar, doesn't mean they won't be interested in the thing that you're selling, the service or product. So obviously you've got a third email in this, where it's just a general sales email to the rest of your list.

Okay, so let's focus on what we want to include in those emails. One of the great sales tactics is the fear of missing out. So, in the emails you could talk about the number of people that already signed up, and maybe how excited they are, that sort of thing.

The next thing that I've mentioned already, is that you should address their concerns. Because addressing their concerns is a really big one. Most people try and shy away from this, because they almost don't want to make people realise some of the reasons why you wouldn't want to sign it, i.e. do I have the time, is it too expensive, but by addressing them, you can squash some of those fears. Because you might have someone thinking it's too expensive, but yet you know that your service could save them loads of money in the long run. So, by addressing them, you are able to hopefully convert a few more sales.

Another things that really good to include is social...