KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCASTStarting your own business is both down to tactics and your mindset.Make sure you understand what you’re doing when it comes to taxes, or if you’re hiring someone make sure you hire the right person for the job.You don’t to have an MBA or come from a family of business owners to be able to go it alone. You do, however, must have confidence and be able to network.You will experience naysayers along your route into working for yourself. They may not understand, but they will soon become your biggest supporters.It’s important to remember not to listen to everyone else. Do things for you.Find yourself a cheerleader that will help support your decision, offer you advice and that will cheer you on when you doubt yourself.If you’re going to be using a coach, find one that is the right fit for you.The first thing you need to do when you start your own business is think about what it is that you’re selling. Articulate what it is you want to do, so other people can easily understand.Next you need to define who it is your want to be your ideal customer, making it as specific as you can.Finally, you need to define what your why is. This will be the one thing that you keep going back to when you lose your way.
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE…If you take anything else from this podcast, it should be that it’s important to listen to your gut. If you know something isn’t going to be right, don’t do it – especially when it comes to working with clients. You have the freedom to choose who you work with, so use it.HIGHLIGHTS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISSIntroducing Holly Knoll – 03:40What are The Most Common Mistakes People Make When Setting Up Their Business? – 13:34Who Can Run Their Own Business and Why are People Doing It? 17:24Finding Yourself A Cheerleader – 25:403 Things You Should Work Through When Starting Your Own Business – 30:20Loving Being Your Own Boss 42:25
LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY'S EPISODEEpisode 34Hollyknoll.comHolly Knoll InstagramStart with Why by Simon Sinek
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