Jared Spool is a guru on usability, and is the founder of User Interface Engineering (UIE). He’s the co-founder of Center Centre and author of the book, Web Site Usability: Designer’s Guide. He’s also co-authored Web Anatomy: Interaction Design Frameworks that Work. He is the conference chair and keynote speaker of the UI conference in the UX Immersion Conference. He’s been doing usability since 1978, and is considered the “godfather” in the field. He helps clients understand how to solve their design problems, explains to reporters and industry analysts what the current state of design is all about, and is a top-rated speaker at more than 20 conferences every year.



Analyzing your website’s metrics may give you some insight, but it's probably not giving you the whole picture, such as why customers are leaving your site, or why they are not checking out. Jared Spool dives into the world of personal interaction with customers, and tells us why we should be focusing more on the experience of visiting a website. If you go beyond numbers and into the minds of your clients, you will see your sales rise.


We discuss:

Why customers get frustrated with their online shopping experience, and how to fix it. What metrics you should be focusing on. How to learn from the client experience, instead of relying on numbers.  Measuring your progress in a personal way.


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to www.marketingspeak.com/jaredspool


User Interface Engineering (UIE)
Center Centre

Web Site Usability: Designers Guide

Web Anatomy: Interaction Design Frameworks that Work.

UX Immersion Conference

Gallup CE11

Gallup StrengthsFinder

StrengthsFinder 2.0

Google Analytics



Jared Live

Jared on LinkedIn



1) Gather a group of qualified customers and use the coin trick to rate their satisfaction while they are using your website or service.

2) Consider marketing a lifetime activity and work on progressing the client experience throughout their whole journey, not just for the sale.

3) Use the survey from Gallup CE11 for more personal metrics.


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

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