On today’s Marketing Speak, we are going to workshop PR strategies and processes with world recognized publicity expert Heidi Krupp-Lisiten. She is the Founder of Krupp Kommunications or K2 located in Manhattan. We’d all like to have more publicity and a bigger audience. Reaching this goal may seem difficult, but a huge part of it boils down to workshopping the answers to three relatively simple questions: who cares, so what, and finally, why me? If you aren’t clear on how to answer these questions, or know why they’re so significant, tune into this episode.

Find Out More About Heidi Here:

Krupp Communications
Heidi Krupp on LinkedIn
Krupp Communications on Instagram
@KruppKomm on Twitter
@Heidi_Krupp on Twitter

In This Episode: [01:40] - Heidi talks about how to get coverage and appear in the media. She suggests starting by clarifying your story and message. [03:49] - We learn that Heidi considers herself a strategist, not a publicist. [05:56] - Heidi clarifies the three questions she has just mentioned: Who cares? So what? And why you? She then workshops this process with Stephan, offering an example of listeners for how they should go about addressing the questions. [11:09] - Heidi’s advice to Stephan is to be more forthcoming about the great work that he has done, for example by providing data on his books and by being clear about the clients he has helped. [14:22] - Stephan recaps the lessons that Heidi has just covered to make them clear for listeners. [15:36] - We learn about Heidi’s “know me, like me, trust me, buy me” philosophy, and how they tie into what she has been talking about. [17:57] - If your domain is available as a .com, that’s the one you should get, Stephan points out. He explains why this is important. [19:55] - Heidi talks more about taglines, specifically using the example of David Bach, the author of Smart Women Finish Rich. [23:09] - Stephan recommends an earlier episode with Ephraim Olschewski about building relatedness and closing seven-figure deals. [24:42] - Did Heidi come up with the “debt diet” concept and pitch it? How did all that work? [29:05] - Stephan takes a moment to rave about Heidi’s talent and skill in being a strategist based on the story she has just shared. [30:53] - Heidi has known Tony Robbins for over two decades, she reveals. She then talks about her experiences with him. [34:57] - Stephan talks about his personal transformation and the fact that he met his wife thanks to Tony Robbins. He also recommends his other podcast, The Optimized Geek. [35:33] - We hear about Heidi’s determination to connect Oprah with Tony Robbins, and how fulfilled she felt when the two connected. She then talks about being conscious about choosing clients who are the right fit for her. [40:03] - Heidi discusses her role in the Chicken Soup for the Soul 20th Anniversary Edition, and the feeling of seeing her name on the cover of a book. [42:50] - What has that book done to change Heidi’s business and career? [44:40] - Stephan draws out a lesson for listeners, which is that anything is possible. [46:07] - Heidi and Stephan go through another brainstorming exercise, which is figuring out what angle Heidi would pitch to get on Good Morning America for her role with the recent Chicken Soup book. [50:00] - Stephan brings us back to the angle of pitching Good Morning America. [52:00] - How can people get in touch with Heidi if they want to hire her? Links and Resources:

Krupp Communications
Heidi Krupp on LinkedIn
Krupp Communications on Instagram
@KruppKomm on Twitter
@Heidi_Krupp on Twitter
Weight Watchers
Tony Robbins
Brendon Burchard
The Art of SEO by Stephan Spencer
David Bach
Smart Women Finish Rich
Neil Strauss
Ephraim Olschewski on the Optimized Geek
Pay It Down! by Jean Chatzky
The South Beach Diet by Arthur Agatston
Unlimited Power: A Black Choice by Tony Robbins and Joseph McClendon
The Optimized Geek
About Optimized Geek
Chicken Soup for the Soul 20th Anniversary Edition
Loren Slocum on Marketing Speak


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