Bart Baggett is a marketing expert, bestselling author, speaker, and leader of a marketing mastermind. He is also an expert in NLP and handwriting analysis. He understands marketing and the human behaviour behind the marketing concepts. Today, we discuss the creation of lead machines where trust is built through sharing information that answer real problems, and how understanding your business model and what you are selling is the basis for creating a marketing plan. We talk about membership sites, online courses, and how much time you need to invest when selling high-end and lower-end products.

Find Out More About Bart Here:

Bart Baggett Website
International School of Forensic Document Examination
Handwriting University
Bart Baggett on LinkedIn
Bart Baggett on Facebook
Bart Baggett on Twitter @BartBaggett
Books by Bart Baggett

In This Episode: [02:18] - How Bart was one of the "older" marketing guys back in 2000. [02:42] - Getting in touch with the "inner circle". If it is in books it's probably is not the latest coolest stuff. [03:58] - There's a new breed of Internet Marketers doing funnel marketing. [05:09] - Using Facebook ads to drive people to chat conversations using MiniChat. Then you can email people directly. From random distraction to speaking with a real human being. [08:07] - How using chat through Facebook is a great advantage because it gets opened if people initiate the conversation. [09:09] - How people are moving back to face-to-face marketing and getting people on the phone. [13:43] - The phone model is not a new model, but people are just so addicted to email. [15:59] - Get a person on the phone and they will, trust, and hire you. [17:18] - Understanding the business model that you are in. Have a clear core offer to understand how to increase sales. [20:45] - Using the call me model without being the one who is answering the phone. [21:50] - Lead machine for a product model. If someone consumes 4 or 5 hours of me teaching marketing, they are going to want more. If you don't have a product to sell, you won't make any money. [24:16] - If you are going to charge $20,000 for consulting, people need to know you by consuming 5 hours of your content. Be the authority in their minds. If they consume your content, they will hire you. [27:07] - If people buy something from you, they will open your emails. Ascending into small purchases makes people more likely to move up. [31:06] - The Magic Question is an NLP book about how to pick the most empowering questions. Hypnotize yourself with the questions you ask and ask empowering questions. [34:10] - Come up with a problem to solve and put it in a small book and by solving the problem they will come back for more. Learn to ask better questions. [37:39] - If I position myself with status, authority, knowledge, and give value people will be excited about speaking to me and my team. [44:15] - Demonstrations of value and pre-framing potential customers before talking with them. [49:36] - If people aren't investing money, you are not offering something that they feel is an incredible value. People need to know how to frame their offer to solve a big problem. [52:52] - An authority funnel is a list building funnel that is designed for events. [54:25] - A course is an online course that teaches one thing. A membership site dispenses information on a monthly basis. [59:46] - Use a mailing list to get people to download or buy your book in a small timeframe. Offer incentive like a contest to give people a push to help you. Links and Resources:

Bart Baggett Website
International School of Forensic Document Examination
Handwriting University
Bart Baggett on LinkedIn
Bart Baggett on Facebook
Bart Baggett on Twitter @BartBaggett
Books by Bart Baggett
Traffic and Conversion Summit
Ryan Deiss
Perry Belcher
The Optimized Geek Episode 30 with Bart Baggett
Frank Kern
Andy Jenkins
Russell Brunson
The Magic Question: How to Get What You Want in Half the Time
Marketing Speak Episode 61 with Dan Kennedy
Marketing Speak Episode 87 with Nick Cownie
Bart Baggett Perpetual Lead Machine Gift

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