Nick Kusmich is an absolute genius at Facebook advertising. He knows the ins and outs of Facebook ads and campaigns, and puts this knowledge to work to get his clients the best possible results. In this conversation, Nick talks about his new book, Give. He shares several formulas and frameworks that he uses successfully, including the four Ms (message, market, magnet, and mechanism) and SAGE (short, actionable, goal-oriented, and easy). In short, he shares a splash of that secret sauce that he uses to achieve success for himself and his clients.

Find Out More About Nick Here:
@nicholaskusmich on Facebook
Nicholas Kusmich on LinkedIn
@nicholaskusmich on Twitter
@nicholaskusmich on Instagram

In This Episode:

[02:04] - Nick has been doing Facebook advertising for as long as he can remember. He explains that he was in the right place at the right time, and talks about what was going on in his life at the time. [05:14] - We learn whether Nick gives his clients inside views of what he’s doing, or whether it’s more behind the curtain. The answer has shifted over time, he reveals. [07:10] - Nick talks about a video that he helped make viral. He then discusses making things go viral in general, and explains what he thinks the components of successfully viral marketing are. [10:45] - What’s the difference between a Facebook ad and a campaign? [13:36] - Nick discusses whether he thinks what he’s doing is enough to go viral, or whether he would need llamas in a pool. He explains the things that people can get from the offers he’s providing with his book Give. [17:15] - We learn what 90 percent below the surface in Facebook campaigns consists of, and what Nick’s four-M formula is. The four Ms are message, market, magnet, and mechanism. [18:46] - The first of the four Ms is “message.” What you say is not as important as how you say it, Nick says, and explains what he means. [20:12] - We move onto the second of the four Ms: market. Nick emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between mass marketing and micro-marketing. [21:14] - The third of the four Ms is magnet, which Nick discusses here. This is what you can give that provides value to your marketplace. [21:48] - The mechanism, which is the last of the Ms, is the process you put in place to turn a lead into a prospect and a prospect into a client or customer. [23:10] - Does Nick have other frameworks or models that may be valuable to listeners? In response, Nick talks about his SAGE framework, which stands for short, actionable, goal-oriented, and easy. [28:25] - Stephan expands on what Nick has been saying by talking about an article of his discussing how to get verified on social media. [30:13] - What are Nick’s favorite ad types? And are there any types of formats we should know about? [34:06] - Nick addresses the topic of whether we need to worry about any rules. He mentions the 20% text rule, which is that any image cannot have more than 20% of its body filled with text. [35:50]- We learn some of the must-do strategies and tactics surrounding retargeting. Nick offers several methods for using retargeting successfully. [38:48] - Stephan brings up the topic of Facebook Messenger ads, which have been a hot topic lately. Nick then shares his thoughts on this method. [42:15] - Is Nick testing messenger bots? [43:26] - Nick discusses the quality of lookalike audiences, which he says depends on two primary factors. [46:02] - Nick shares how his agency’s pricing strategy works, which he reveals depends on the scenario. [47:01] - We hear Nick’s thoughts on Facebook’s Power Editor versus its Ads Manager. [48:05] - Nick offers a few other questions to ask a Facebook advertising agency to decide whether to work with them. [50:32] - Has Nick ever worked with clients who were banned from Facebook, and been able to get their accounts reinstated? [51:58] - Does Nick have any tips or tricks around Facebook exclusion lists? [53:38] - Nick talks about using the percentage of video watched as a targeting mechanism. [54:30] - You can go to to buy your copy of the book Give for just $4 and to get a bonus and a chance to enter a competition. [55:30] - Where can people go to find and engage with Nick?

Links and Resources:
@nicholaskusmich on Facebook
Nicholas Kusmich on LinkedIn
@nicholaskusmich on Twitter
@nicholaskusmich on Instagram
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