Khalid Saleh is the CEO and co-founder of Invesp, a leading provider of conversion optimization software and services. He's the co-author of O’Reilly’s Conversion Optimization: The Art and Science of Converting Prospects to Customers. He is launching his technology startup, FigPii, the one-stop platform for everything related to conversion rate optimization. You can find Khalid on Twitter @khalidh.



When a visitor comes to your website, is your content compelling enough for them to buy? Are errors on your website turning potential clients away? Are you A/B testing correctly? There are many factors that play into boosting your conversion rates, and Khalid is an expert on turning people from interested to a life-long customer. Learn how to create an online presence that people trust, and how to use the data that can change your business forever.


We Discuss:

The common conversion mistakes to avoid. The difference between A/B and multivariate testing. What “website-centric” factors are, and how to use them. Building a mobile website that users want to buy from.


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to



Invesp Marketing

Conversion Optimization:  The Art and Science of Converting Prospects to Customers


Google Analytics


Visual Website Optimizer


Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug

Khalid on Twitter

Khalid on Snapchat



To find out if there are issues with your website, go through and mimic the exact steps a visitor would take in the purchasing process. Would you purchase from your website again? Page load time and speed can impact conversion. Reduce your page load time to around three to five seconds to see anywhere between an 8-15% increase in conversions. While there can be many issues on a website that need to be addressed, functionality is at the top of the list. If a landing page, a product page, or a dropdown isn't working, fix it immediately.



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!


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