Mitch Carson is the bestselling author of The Silent Salesmen and an experienced speaker and seminar promoter. He has produced and starred in infomercials that have grossed over 8 figures in sales.



Mitch Carson knows how to make you into a ‘star’ – not a Hollywood star, but a celebrity in your own field. Whether that’s Digital marketing or dentistry, becoming a celebrity, or thought leader, in your niche can give you a competitive advantage that leads to more business for your brand.


We Discuss:

The ‘Trifecta” of platforms you need to elevate your brand Why you need to be guarded with your social presence How to get your foot in the door towards the next step – your first podcast interview, first time on stage, etc. How celebrity status opens doors and gives you a credibility advantage over competitors


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to



The Silent Salesmen

Google Trends


Stephan on Good Day Sacramento

Home Shopping Network

The Elements of Style

Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Mitch Carson

The Ultimate Sales Machine

Interview Connections

Born to Influence

Stephan Spencer on The Year of Purpose Podcast

Radio Publicity

Speak in Dubai

Email Mitch

Stephan Spencer

Marketing Speak

The Optimized Geek

The Art of SEO

Social eCommerce

Google Power Search

Think and Grow Rich

Platinum Partnership

Dan Kennedy's mastermind



You likely won't be great the first time you try something new. To become an expert in your field, you have to prepare, train, and be okay with making mistakes. Once you interview or connect with one big name in your field, other celebrities will want to connect with you, fueled by your boost in credibility and their competitiveness with each other! If you want to be a thought leader, don’t risk your reputation by putting questionable photos on your social profiles.



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!



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