Steve Spangler is a science educator and toy inventor who rose to fame after a video of him performing the “Diet Coke and Mentos” experiment went viral. Since then, he has appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show 19 times. Steve has also published two best-selling books and has hosted two television programs. He is a member of the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame and has even won an Emmy.  You can find him on Twitter @SteveSpangler.



You can’t predict when your content will go viral, but you can maximize the odds of it happening by following internet trends and engaging with your audience.  Steve Spangler took my advice and started blogging back when no one realized how important it was for businesses to create quality web content, and it paid off.  He’s also made himself hugely popular on YouTube with his engaging and entertaining science videos, and he has a lot of insight on how to grow your YouTube audience and what to do when you experience a sudden popularity spike.

We Discuss:

Why it pays to be prepared for success. How following internet trends can help your business. Shock and Awe boxes-go above and beyond for your clients. Encouraging engagement by giving your audience a chance to show what they know.

For complete shownotes and more, please head over to



SICK Science

Steve on Ellen

The Diet Coke and Mentos experiment


Steve Spangler Science

Steve Spangler

Steve on Twitter

Steve on Facebook

Steve on Instagram



1) If you haven’t already started a YouTube channel, now’s the time.

2) Make sure your videos are focused and relate to your chosen field. Then, overwhelm your audience with content.

3) Start paying attention to online trends, even if you don’t think they’re relevant to you.  Is your business already on Snapchat?



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!



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