Darren Kavinoky is the co-creator and host of Deadly Sins, co-host of Did He Do It?, and criminal interventionist on Breaking Point. He is a certified interventionist, attorney and legal analyst who has appeared on countless other TV and radio shows. He is also the founder of 1.800.NoCuffs and is known as an award-winning criminal defense attorney. You can find Darren on Twitter at @DarrenKavinoky.




Building celebrity status through T.V. Shows allowed Darren Kavinoky to turn his one-man law practice into a multi-million dollar empire. When you become a well-known expert in your field, high profile clients come to you, allowing you to use your celebrity status as a marketing tool to expand your business. Darren gives us the tips on how to turn your business into a household name.

We Discuss:

Using your expertise to become a T.V. Celebrity. How to find and pitch to booking producers. The process of the perfect pitch. Leveraging your celebrity to find high paying clients.


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to www.marketingspeak.com/aleyda




Deadly Sins

Did He Do It?

Breaking Point

No Cuffs

Get Yourself Booked

Darren on Twitter



Create a speaker reel of yourself to send to booking producers. If you’ve never been on T.V., local television is a good starting point and is usually easier to get on. Decide what shows would be best for you to be on as a subject matter expert. Come up with three to five shows that make sense for your expertise. Go to GetYourselfBooked.com and get a free gift from Darren, plus information on how to get yourself booked.



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!



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